We may think of children as being simple, sugar-driven, noisy creatures, but they can surprise us in a number of ways. Sometimes they can even impress us by being geniuses in their own right.
Here’s a list of times when kids have proven that they too can think outside the box.
1) Thinking Outside the Box
Or maybe the key is not in thinking outside the box, but in making the situation sweeter INSIDE the box. This is one mother’s image of her son’s “Home theatre”. Now that’s one way to approach private entertainment, and very private indeed.
2) No Need To Reinvent The Wheel…
…When you can reinvent the engine. This kid is living in the year 2200, not 2020 with forward thinking ideas like that. Using a leaf-blower as a jet engine on a skateboard is some future level thinking.
3) How Do You Prevent Your Spoon From Taking A Dip?
With a clip! And of course the single most important tool for the modern inventor: sellotape. Simply clip your spoon to the bowl, and forget that you ever worried about the dryness of your spoon in the first place!
4) This Drop-Proof Book Holder.
How many books in human history have been ruined by dropping them in the bath during bath time? Well there’s probably no record, but I’m going to go out on a limb and suggest the number is high. But not for this inventive 8 year old who changed the bathtime reading game!
5) One Whoopie Of An Idea
Not all heroes wear capes. Some improve our lives by bringing joy into our lives every day. That may mean inventing whoopie cushion shoes that make a fart sound with every step. To the kid who invented these, I solute you.
6) The Pwning Pouch
Imgur poster imawesome667 describes how his girlfriend’s 9 year old daughter explains her invention: “I invented this so I don’t have to stop playing videogames to drink my water”. He has hence dubbed it the “Pwning Pouch”. I haven’t heard the term “pwn” in several years!
7) Now That’s Entrepreneurship!
This kid saw a gap in the market, and filled it with purchasable products! That’s double points for making money, and making the neighbourhood safer!
8) Another Smart, Smart-Phone, Phone User!
Does that makes sense? What does make sense is how this genius kid made this incredible makeshift speaker from a toilet roll and few plastic cups.
9) Now That’s A Real Time Position Tracker!
This smart young fella sets the toy cars out in their positions in order to keep track of who’s where. It’s a bit more hard work, but it’s a great way to stay involved in the race.
10) I Guess For An IPad Holder It Does What It Says On The Tin
According to the poster of this homemade iPad holder, it even says “Mom” on the bottom in legos. I guess if you asked Andy Warhol he may be able to see it, but it takes a bit of a stretch of the imagination!
11) How Do You Mix Fun And Chores?
Apparently with a spanner! Now this is some mad scientist inventiveness if I’ve ever seen it. Talk about Frankenbike!
12) What Better Way To Pick Up Your Clothes Without Getting Out Of Bed?
While I’m not sure the “Grab it all” has quite the dexterity to grab more than clothes, but points for trying! I guess if you have to scratch a giant’s back, this will help.
13) Get Elon On The Phone!
Because this may just replace the electric car. The next Tesla may just be balloon powered, who knows? Hopefully it’s not made from a toilet roll though…
14) Another Screen-Smart Kid
Well if the children are the future, then the future will be bright for the personal entertainment industry. With all these kids working on patents for a private “movie theatre”, we’d better have a bunch of great technology in a few years’ time.
15) A Variation On The Same Theme
Sometimes you don’t have to come up with a completely new invention, but rather combining a variety of household objects. Not only does this bright young kid have a new type of screen holder, but he gets away with lying down to watch it!
16) Just Cool Off!
Sometimes it’s just about turning a simple object into a multi-purpose item. This kid asked for a freeze-pop when he was too hot. That’s a cooling system AND a tasty treat. Two for the price of one!
17) I Mean Sure, Why Not?
“My daughter’s invention for her school’s Mini Maker Fair was a “hoodie pillow” Explains father Chris. Whatever is in her hoodie seems to be giving her quite a buzz.
18) Now This Is How To Upgrade A Swing
Who likes sitting on a hard plank of wood anyway? Nothing that a quick thinking kid couldn’t fix! This kid has what it takes to turn a dull swing into a comfy thing.
19) This Kid Saw Mary Poppins…
…and wanted to fly a kite. He’s also apparently not one to be stopped by a little bit of rain. Good job bud, that’s a smart way to fly your kite no matter what.
20) A Solution For That Allergy Season
I mean who has time to block their nose every time they sneeze? This is a hygienic, hands off way to regulate that snot-cannon!
21) Another Good Case Of McIvering!
When you run out of bandages, why just bleed everywhere when you can employ a panty-liner? Job done!
22) Now This… This Deserves An Award
“My 9-year-old daughter has taken an old lip balm tube and filled it with cheese so she can eat it in class.” I can only hope that one day I might have a child with this level of genius.
23) Another Kid Who Loves Their Screen
While not strictly an “invention” per se, this is a great example of a kid using their head! Or…rather their feet…but in a smart way!
24) Who Needs Tongs Anyway?
When this kid didn’t have any tongs, he didn’t let life get him down. He just whipped himself up a pair out of an old paper clip and a couple of forks. I know who we should cast in the McIver remake!
25) Now That’s Supply And Demand
The supply is Pokemon cards, and the demand is a big top hat. Am I using that right? My point is, waste not want not and all that jazz.
26) How Do You Stop A Pencil Rolling Off The Table?
If you thought the answer is- make sure your table is level- you’d better get in contact with this kid immediately because she is living in the future for inventing this recyclable pencil holder (a piece of paper).
27) These Young Lads Are Water Wise
Why drink from one glass at a time like a chump when you can create this hydro-intelligent water distribution system? These boys have got it all figured out.
28) You Can Call This A Brush With Genius!
“When your mom serves up a stash of +2’s giving you a hand larger than your little hands can handle, you get resourceful.”- This young thinker’s mum says. Well, if she’s smart-thinking like this it’ll be a matter of time before she beats you in every game!
29) Sellotape To The Rescue Again!
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again; sellotape is the jumping board off which all young inventors leap into the pool of success. When this young chap’s ear clip broke off of his video game headset, he let the lightning of inspiration strike.
30) When Life Gives You Dog’s Ears You Make Bookmarks.
Is that the right phrase? Even if it’s not, you have to hand it to this kid who improvised wonderfully. Just don’t know what they’ll do when the dogs wants to get up.
31) When Life Gives You Melons…
You make melon-cake! When this parent’s birthday rolled around, they got a “cake” which was very refreshing indeed. Looks delicious anyway, I wouldn’t mind one myself!
32) “But I’m Not In The Rain Mom!”
Yeah but still…is this a great idea? I think there’s a bright (if not dry future for this young inventor). Judging by how high his knees are held though, he may be getting a little old for this particular vehicle.
33) Another Smart Screen Solution
While this may be a slightly more rudimentary solution, you have to hand it to this kid for using his surroundings to aid in his screen-time consumption. Can you tell what he’s watching?
34) A Teddy’s Own Personal Zipline
Every toy deserves to fall with style. That’s why whoever owns this wee toy deserves all the points, and surely puts Andy to shame.
35) When A Selfie Stick Is Out Of Your Price Range
Then you might as well improvise. If you only have thin plastic straws at hand then so be it. What are you going to do, NOT take a selfie?
36) Yet another Hands-Free Screen Machine
Well if anybody tries to tell me that kids don’t spend too much time looking at screens I will direct them to this list, because easier screen-time seems to be a priority for all of these inventive kiddies.
37) A Fresh Take At Fresh Air
Save the money you spend on air-fresheners every week, and just turn your old scented markers into an electric scent diffuser that cools the room at the same time.
38) Sometimes Being Inventive Is About Using What’s around You
If you want to have the computer all to yourself you can just employ the greatest deterrent known to man, the threat of stepping on a Lego. This kid was using her head when she used loose Lego pieces to form a barrier.
39) Kids Just Want Their Sugar At all Costs
This kid is so inventive that he’s created his own smuggling operation, using a conspicuous hollowed out bread-roll is pretty genius to be fair!
40) This Industrious Candy-Cooling System
One kid just had enough of his melted peanut butter cups, and decided to do something about it. You’ve gotta give this kid a genius budge for turning some regular old AC vents into a snack cooling stand.
41) Another Clever Speaker
Somebody better put a patent on this whole “roll and cup” speaker design because sooner or later somebody is going to rip these smart kids off. A great design needs to be secured, or it will be procured!
42) Broken Nerf Dart? I Think You Mean, Brand New Pencil Grip!
While a pencil grip isn’t a NEW invention per se, this does take a special level of inventive genius to turn a lowly broken Nerf dart into a comfy pencil grip.
43) Inventing Grass-Fed Lemonade, Now That’s Something
That’s some inventive marketing right there! To take something that already exists, and rebrand it as a new invention, now that’s the real genius.
44) All Aboard!
Necessity is the mother of invention, and in this case it was a necessity for chips that created this invention of the worlds very first single-serving “chip boat”.
45) “My sister is pissed off and “doesn’t want to see any of us” so this is her solution.”
I mean, she may be onto something! Apart from maybe not being able to see where you’re putting your food, this is actually quite a smart little loophole.
46) The World’s First Food Concealing Device
When this kid was told they had to eat all their food they had to think way outside the box and convert this Playskool toy into the world’s very first food-hider and told his mom he ate his whole dinner.
47) Self Pasting-Brush
Why use two hands to put the toothpaste onto your tooth brush when you can cut out the middle-hand? This kid is 100% living in the future and is using the Jetson’s tooth brush.
48) This Makeshift Ramp-Raft
A few kids set out to make this sort of “cart” for travelling down their ramp made out of indoor wrestling mats. I’m not sure it went too well, but double points for using so much tape.
49) A Wheelchair With Style!
While not strictly a NEW invention, this certainly is a new take on the design. Not to mention a very new take on the construction materials.
50) Speaking Of New Use Of Materials…
This kid went ahead and completely re-envisioned the hammock. Comfortable hammocks made from soft fabric are overrated, I’ll take a tight uncomfortable rope hammock any day!
So there you have it, conclusive proof that kids are way smarter than we give them credit for. Whether its finding a smart-ass solution, or allowing them to watch their screens with greater ease or immersion, they have ways of thinking outside the box that we may just have lost as adults.
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Source: Bored Panda, Buzzfeed