Having a clear plan in case of emergencies is a smart strategy that could be life-saving. This family learned the value of an emergency escape plan when a fire broke out in their home. They could never have imagined how their children would react in the case of a crisis.
Harrison Holt is an 8-year-old boy who lives with his family in New Hampshire. One day Harrison waited inside the house as his father, John, mowed the lawn. Harrison was home with his 5-year-old brother, Patrick, and his 11-month-old sister, Marie. Suddenly, something terrible happened.
After John had finished mowing the lawn, he had parked the mower in a barn that was attached to the Holts’ home. About 20 minutes after John parked the mower, he noticed something horribly wrong: the barn was filling up with smoke! Black smoke rushed into the room that connected the house to the barn. Luckily, the family had practiced an emergency escape plan. With the barn on fire, the plan went into action.
John instinctively headed for the barn. His plan was to put out the fire as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, the smoke – and flames – had already spread to the main part of the house. The children were in danger.
That’s when Harrison’s mind kicked into gear. As Patrick ran out of the house he called 911. Meanwhile the 8-year-old looked for his infant sister. When he finally found her, he carried her out of the house and found a safe spot to rest. John looked up to find Patrick informing the authorities of the incident and Harrison holding his baby sister. The boys really pulled themselves together when the situation demanded it. This father could not have felt more proud.
The fire continued to consume the house, but the people were okay. “I just knew I couldn’t let my baby sister be in the fire,” Harrison shared with ABC News. “I just picked her up and brought her out.”
Harrison proved himself a hero. He became an honorary member of the local fire department, and he even earned his own badge. The Holts might not have their house anymore, but they can rest easy knowing that their family will always have their backs.
It is inspiring to see someone so young act with so much bravery. Be sure to establish an emergency escape plan with your family, so your children can be safe in an emergency, too.
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