Keith Urban Sings “The Gambler” From Home Studio
What a tribute to Kenny Rogers. <3
Eduardo Gaskell

Artists paying tribute to a late legend they look up to can be a hit or miss both to their own fans and the one being honored. After all, the internet can be a brutal place where people can just type in their opinions and cause a domino effect which can either make or break someone.

The late great Kenny Rogers (August 21, 1938 – March 20, 2020) left a great legacy and following. He is a hall of famer in his own right being an actor, singer, songwriter, producer, and entrepreneur.


Known for his country background and style, the man has hits across many different genres selling over 100 million records making him one of the best-selling music artists of all time.

Kenny Rogers/Facebook
Kenny Rogers/Facebook

He has hits with pop, jazz, rock, country, and folk making him a very successful crossover artist in his lifetime.

Enter Keith Urban. This New Zealand-Australian singer, songwriter, and producer is well known and beloved in country music. In this video, Urban pays tribute to Kenny Rogers with his version of “The Gambler“. He’s no slouch either and being married to Nicole Kidman she says he’s quite the gentleman.

Keith Urban/Facebook
Keith Urban/Facebook

Keith’s YouTube channel and home played host to his acoustic rendition. Performing in his home studio, Urban personifies cool husband here. The song was written by Don Schlitz back in August 1976 when he was 23. The song has many versions but it is Kenny Rogers’ that was a success.

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YouTube Screenshot

Urban sits coolly in a blue shirt, jeans, and sneakers, his long dark blonde hair and tattoos adding to his super cool image as he holds his guitar. He begins strumming and gets in to it.

“On a warm summer’s eve
On a train bound for nowhere
I met up with the gambler
We were both too tired to sleep”

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YouTube Screenshot

That unmistakable twang of a country singer being accompanied by a guitar is a delight to the ears. And who else joins him around the 24 second mark but his lovely wife!

Nicole is every bit as beautiful as she was many years ago. She is Keith’s Queen and she supports him even with seemingly simple moments.

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YouTube Screenshot

She bops her head and claps along with a smile as Keith carries on with his playing. Kenny must be smiling in heaven with this! Keith pours his heart in to his playing and as he taps his foot along, it becomes obvious why this man is quite the star.

“Every gambler knows
That the secret to survivin’
Is knowin’ what to throw away
And knowin’ what to keep”

Keith Urban/Facebook
Keith Urban/Facebook

Nicole can’t help but smile herself while watching and listening to her husband play. Lucky woman! And Keith is a lucky man too!

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YouTube Screenshot

The two exchange a few smiles and knowing glances every now and then without Urban pausing or making a mistake.

Keith is one of the rare artists who, when doing a rendition of someone else’s song, seems to make it even better. That country touch of his never fails.

“You never count your money
When you’re sittin’ at the table
There’ll be time enough for countin’
When the dealin’s done”

Sounds like Kenny giving us advice through Keith’s voice. Awesome.

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YouTube Screenshot

Watch and listen to Keith’s very cool tribute to Kenny in the video below

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Source: YouTube, Keith Urban
