The Jimmy Kimmel Show recently took to the streets of Hollywood, CA, to ask passer-bys the question “Are Homo sapiens worth saving?” You might be perplexed if you know that the term Homo sapiens actually refers to humans. Many of the answers people gave are hilarious, while at the same time scary, and it is assumed they have no idea what a Homo sapiens actually is, at least that is what many hope.
Here are the hilarious results as the Jimmy Kimmel Show took to the streets to ask, “Are Homo sapiens worth saving?”
Don’t Let Homo Sapiens Become Like the Dinosaurs
When initially asked the question of whether Homo sapiens were worth saving, this man answered yes. When asked why, he responded because there are a lot of animals extinct now that were amazing back in the day. When asked if he was saying not to let Homo sapiens become like the dinosaurs, he answered kind of, which just goes to show he has no idea what he is talking about.
Separation Policy
This gentleman said we need to find a way to coexist with Homo sapiens, maybe by separating them away from the rest of us. I have news for him, that has been tried and doesn’t work out for anyone involved. Maybe the best way to deal with Homo sapiens is to accept them for who they are regardless of who they are.
This Woman Doesn’t Really Care
When asked whether Homo sapiens were worth saving, her response was that if Homo sapiens are going extinct, while sad, doesn’t really matter to her. If she only knew what she was talking about, she might care a little more.
Only Worth $50
This man was willing to try and save Homo sapiens, though he didn’t want to be put out too much. He was asked what he would be willing to give up. Would he give $100 a month? And while he was willing to give something, it was actually only $50. Not much to save the human race with.
Picking Its What-A-Dilly
This woman, when asked if she had ever seen a Homo sapiens responded with yes, she had seen one at the zoo once. When asked what it looked like, she said furry, big, gorilla-looking. She also claimed that it was picking its what-a-dilly, whatever that is. I’m pretty sure humans have one of those too.
Tax Dollars at Work
When pressed on whether Homo sapiens were worth saving with tax dollars, this woman said no. Chances are that tax dollars are spent to help Homo sapiens that are down-and-out on their luck every day in this country. Plus, you can’t really place value on money when lives are involved.
Let Them Die
And of course this woman was all about letting the Homo sapiens die. She was more concerned with saving humans, not realizing that they are one and the same thing. I do wonder if she is onto something there. The planet might be a far better place without Homo sapiens.
Here Is the Hilarious Video
The people the Jimmy Kimmel Show talked to on the street didn’t seem to really know what a Homo sapiens is. Fortunately, the question was asked tongue-in-cheek and really had no bearing on the fate of Homo sapiens. Check out the hilarious video below.
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