Jessie J Invites Shy Girl Onstage To Sing A Duet
No one expected the girl to be this good
D.G. Sciortino

English singer and songwriter Jessica Ellen Cornish, more commonly known as Jessie, is a careered musician. She started singing at age 11 in the musical “Whistle Down the Wind” and studied at the BRIT School before signing with Gut Records then moving on to a deal with Sony/ATV Music Publishing.

She’s written songs for stars like Chris Brown and Miley Cyrus but gained popularity with the release of her debut single “Do It Like a Dude.”

She’s even performed at the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Concert outside Buckingham Palace and at the 2012 Olympic Games. So, you’d think that she would only want to share the stage with other professional artists.


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However, Jessie J has no qualms about grabbing up a fan from her audience and letting them sing with her. That’s what happened to one of Jessie J’s shy fans, named Vonny Bennett, who was brought on stage and given an earpiece.

Jessie J could tell that Vonny was visibly nervous.

“So what do you want to sing?” she asked Vonny. “Do you want a drink? Take your time. You’re good… just relax.”


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Jessie J goes to fetch Vonny a bottle of water and even opens it for her.

“Jessie J is getting me water right now, this is crazy,” Vonny says to the crowd.

Jessie J offered her nervous fan some more soothing words.

“It’s really not as hard as it seems,” she tells her fan. “The one thing I realized over the years is the more nervous your are the kind of the better. You just have to get to know your nerves.”

She walks over to Vonny and comforts her with a half hug and rubs her shoulder.


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“Don’t be scared,” she says. “Do you know anything they could play? Put them on the spot, challenge them.”

Vonny said the only thing she could think of was Jessie J’s big hit “Price Tag.”

“Ok, let’s do ‘Price Tag,'” she agrees telling her band that they’ll do an acoustic version.

“Price Tag” topped the charts in 19 countries and was followed by her debut album “Who You Are” in 2011.


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Vonny started out a bit shaky at first but soon wowed the crowd with her amazing vocals. You’d think she had been singing professionally for as long as Jessie J has.

The audience was pretty much floored and you will be too after you watch the video below.

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