Inmates and cops ban together to save baby locked in car
It's not every day that you see an inmate saving the day.
Aubrey Murray

A person’s reputation doesn’t always define who they truly are. No matter what someone’s past may look like, they can still have plenty of goodness in their hearts.

People can surprise you when you give them a chance to prove their good nature and these Florida inmates did just that.

Facebook/Shadow Lantry
Facebook/Shadow Lantry

I mean, it’s not every day that you would ask an inmate to help save your child. But thankfully these parents put their trust in a team of unlikely heroes. A Florida mom named Shadow Lantry, and her husband were outside the West Pasco Judicial Center when they were buckling their 1-year-old daughter into the car seat.

That’s when the worst of the worst happened…

Facebook/Shadow Lantry
Facebook/Shadow Lantry

Her husband accidentally left the car keys in the front seat and when the door closed it locked their daughter in the car. Talk about a parent’s worst nightmare! They couldn’t afford a locksmith so the husband was planning on breaking a window.

That’s when Pasco County police officers and a crew of on-duty inmates came to offer their special skills to help them out.

Facebook/Shadow Lantry
Facebook/Shadow Lantry

The Lantry’s were overjoyed to have some professional help, so the inmates started working their magic to save the 1-year-old.

They pried open the door just enough for one inmate to do the classic coat hanger trick.

Facebook/Shadow Lantry
Facebook/Shadow Lantry

He finagled the coat hanger into the window until finally, Ta-Da! The door opened right up! Who would have thought a criminal background could help you save someone one day?

Shadow and her husband were beyond grateful for the help of these Pasco County police officers and the inmates.

Facebook/Shadow Lantry
Facebook/Shadow Lantry

Thankfully, the temperature was 56 degrees Fahrenheit and the 1-year-old wasn’t stuck in the car with usual Florida heat. Shadow said her daughter was “just sitting there happy” while everyone was trying to rescue her. I can only imagine how confused she might have been seeing all of these random people breaking into the car, with mom and dad looking at her through the window.

But this 1-year-old stayed cool, calm, and collected during the entire 5-minute ordeal.

Facebook/Shadow Lantry
Facebook/Shadow Lantry

Shadow recorded the heroic act showing the inmate and police officer, working together to save the day! You know what they say, ‘it takes a village’ and thankfully this unusual team, put their differences aside, to rescue the 1-year-old safely. Sheriff Chris Nocco of the Pasco County Sheriffs Office spoke about the team of work-release inmates saying,

“They want to do the right thing in life.”

Everyone makes mistakes, some people make bigger ones than others but that doesn’t mean they aren’t capable of change.

Facebook/Shadow Lantry
Facebook/Shadow Lantry

People have a chance to reinvent their lives and walk down a new path of goodness. Thankfully these inmates look like they are on the right track, helping instead of hurting. Shadow even said in her video,

“Thank God for the criminals in the world!”

These unlikely heroes proved to us that some people just need a second chance to do right.

Watch the full rescue missions below

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