As we all know, it takes hard work to keep a relationship afloat.
And not only does it require hard work, but it also requires recognition of that work from one another.
It’s the small acts of kindness and appreciation that fuel a healthy marriage.
For one wife, a simple question from her husband was enough to make her realize just how committed he is to making their relationship work.
After working a 13 hour day in the 90-degree heat, Jessica’s husband came home and asked her this, “I’m home. What can I do to help?”
Most of us can agree that after a 13 hour day in the hot sun, the last thing we’d want to do is clean up around the house.
But this husband knows that it’s the little gestures of selflessness that make the greatest impact on a relationship.
Jessica was so moved by her husband’s selfless question that she decided to write about it her blog, Love Play and Wine.
In her blog post, Jessica tries to expel the myth that there aren’t any good men left out there.
She writes, “He is not a ‘unicorn’, men like these exist. The kind that wash the dishes after you cook, who do the yard work because he knows you hate it, who work 60+ hour work weeks and still comes home and plays with his kids and gives his wife a kiss and asks what can I do to help.”
But that’s not all that Jessica’s husband does for the family–and Jessica has taken notice.
She continues to list the ways in which her husband acts so selflessly in her post:
“Who gets up some nights to change the babies diaper while I get ready for a night feeding, who gives the kids baths and puts them down for bed, who spends his weekends with his family, who cracks a cold one once the kids are down and plays farkle and rummy with his wife.”
By recognizing these traits in her husband she is also able to recognize why she loves him so much.
And from what she writes, it sounds like her husband is able to recognize all the positive things that she brings into the relationship as well.
She continues her post by saying, “I’m so glad I married this man and that he also acknowledges my hard work at home with two kids, nursing, cooking and cleaning. We take care of each other its 50/50 and we are raising our boys to be men, just like their father.”
Jessica’s gratitude is clear in her post.
And it’s also clear that she wants other women to know that they shouldn’t have to settle for a man who doesn’t do enough.
She writes, “I see so many women cry and complain that their partner doesn’t help with the kids, bills, housework, give them any attention etc and my heart breaks when I hear ‘oh thats men or I just deal with it and suffer.’ Ladies that isnt a man, make him do better or find better! If you got a good one that treats you like a Queen then treat him like the King he is.”
So if you’re in a relationship or still looking for that perfect one, take this story as inspiration.
Always do your part, love without restraint, and after a long day, don’t be afraid to ask your partner, “What can I do to help?”
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