How To Peel An Orange
I'm never going to peel an orange the same way again
D.G. Sciortino

Oranges are one of the tastiest fruits, but they are also one of the most annoying to open. The process isn’t a pretty or easy one.

You start by digging into it with your nails. Getting all that thick peel stuck under your fingernails. You painstakingly pick at it piece by piece until your sticky citrus scented fingers finally get through to the fruit.

And the difficult part isn’t even over!

You still have to dig into the fruit squishing it’s juice all over you while you hope it doesn’t squirt into your eye or all over your shirt. Then you finally get to feast.



But what if the process didn’t have to be so tedious… and sticky? It actually doesn’t have to be.

There are several less torturous ways to cleanly peel an orange.

You’ve actually been peeling oranges wrong your entire life. Here are four ways to properly peel an orange:

The End Slice Method

Take your orange and slice off the top and bottom and of your orange with a knife. Then, slice your orange halfway down the middle and just peel it apart by pulling it each side away from each other. This will give you a clean break and you’ll be able to pull the orange slices right out.

It will look like this:



The Clean Break Method

Cut your orange horizontally around its entire circumference. Use a finger or the end of a spoon to pry underneath the skin. Slide your finger or the end of a spoon around the circumference of the orange.

The peel should easily separate itself leaving your beautiful yummy orange ready to eat.


YouTube Screenshot
YouTube Screenshot

Microwave Method

This may seem weird but will work well to easily remove the peel. And your orange will taste just fine. Let your orange heat up in the microwave for 20 to 30 seconds. Don’t leave it any longer because the peel is flammable and you could start a fire.

Take your orange out of the microwave and let it cool off. You peel the orange as you normally would, but instead of struggling to get it off piece by piece it will slide right off.


Score Your Orange


Mental Floss
Mental Floss

Score the top of your orange with your finger nail. Then apply pressure to the top of your orange with your thumbs and rip it apart. The orange should come apart in three sections with orange slices that you can effortlessly pull off.

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featured image credit: Tablespoon
