After Popular Internet Challenge Nearly Kills Teen, Parents Urge Others To Shut The 'Game' Down
This teen fell asleep and woke up with 2nd-degree burns. This senseless challenge needs to stop!
Emerald Clifford

Teens and young children across the nation are participating in an extremely dangerous “Hot Water Challenge,” that has led to tragic and severe consequences.

The Hot Water Challenge has become popular prank, inspired by a number of viral videos shared on the internet. The “challenge” includes pouring boiling hot water on an unexpected friend while recording their reaction.

Over the past few months, there have been a number of cases in which children and young teens have been hospitalized for severe burns as an outcome of the Hot Water Challenge. High school student, Nickolas Conrad, seen below, shares his experience of this hazardous challenge.

YouTube Screenshot
YouTube Screenshot

After falling asleep during a sleepover with friends, Nickolas was suddenly awoken by a burning sensation on his neck and chest. He soon realized that his peers had poured boiling hot water on him, as a “joke,” encouraged by the popular internet challenge.

Nickolas received both first and second degree burns and now must wear a bandage to protect the burns from potential infections. In the visual video below, Nickolas shares his devastating experience and exposes his raw wounds. Please be advised that the footage is authentic and graphic.

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As a result of his experience, Nickolas advises other teens against the trend, warning, “It’s not a game at all and whoever’s doing it should stop because it can cost your life.“

It is of great importance that parents communicate with their children about the dangers of participating in the Hot Water Challenge. We should encourage teens to think independently, and not feel pressured by their peers to participate in these types of senseless challenges, as they could result in very unfortunate outcomes.

Please SHARE the serious consequences of this dangerous challenge with your friends and family.
