Horse Kicks Away A Toy Horse After She Realizes It's Not Real
An owner gave her horse a toy horse to play with. Her horse was curious at first but then she realized the toy horse wasn't real...
Rachel Shapiro

The owners of a pregnant mare decided to give their horse a toy pony as a gift. That way, the mare would able to practice caring for a fake pony before she had her own baby. The owners put the toy pony in the mare’s field, turned on their camera, and waited to see what would happen.

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At first, the mare just sniffed the pony, looking a bit unsure about what to do with the toy. Her owners watched her and made comments about her funny actions.

“She’s like, ‘is that my child, did it slip out?” one of the owners joked as the horse continued to look confused.

Finally, the mare stopped sniffing the toy, and she stood completely still for a moment. Then, she kicked the toy over! The owners both burst into laughter as the horse walked away.

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Facebook Video Screenshot

It’s hard to know what was going through the horse’s head as she kicked the pony, but one’s thing is for sure: she is not a fan of that toy. Watch the video below to see the whole funny scene.

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