Homeless triplets defy all odds – graduate with honors
Their whole community rallied around them. 💗
Dani Halteman

As human beings, we all face obstacles in our lifetimes that challenge every fiber of our being. It can be easy to forget when times are easy and our days are simple. The fact that every day we wake up and we survive the day to the best of our ability. As the days turn to weeks, turn to years- we get opportunities to look back at all we’ve overcome and how we’ve grown.

FOX5 Las Vegas via Youtube
FOX5 Las Vegas via Youtube

Triplets born into adversity decided they were never going to give up no matter what odds were put in their way.

For three triplets, Haley, Kassidy, and Sierra growing up in Las Vegas, their lives haven’t been easy- starting when they were only a few months old.

At only three months of age, they lost their mother and were left to be raised by their newly widowed father. Unfortunately, their father was involved in the local crime scene and was eventually arrested. The girls recall in an interview with Fox5,

“After we were born our mother died and then our dad went to prison and we lived with our grandmother for awhile…She didn’t believe in schooling so we weren’t put into school until we were eight.”

After their father was arrested they were sent to live with their grandparents which they quickly learned would be ill-fated for them.

FOX5 Las Vegas via Youtube
FOX5 Las Vegas via Youtube

Time and time again the girls were left alone, neglected of food and basic necessities, but together they found their strength to survive.

Not only did their grandparents not put them in school until eight years of age but they often neglected them, leaving them with little to no food.

Once their father finally got out of jail he moved the girls from Pioche, Nevada to Las Vegas, and once again the girls were left alone for weeks to months at a time. Soon, things went from bad to worse for the girls as they continue explaining in their interview with FOX5,

“Our house got shot up…three bullets…and our dad wasn’t there at the time.”

FOX5 Las Vegas via Youtube
FOX5 Las Vegas via Youtube

Together the triplets let nothing and no one stand in their way.

They eventually saved enough money to move out, fully support themselves, and attend high school at the same time.

Soon after that, the girls were sadly sent back to their grandparents. The girls were once more left with little to no food or clothing so, in order to buy necessities, the girls got jobs at a local supermarket called Albertsons.

This second time around, the three suffered more negligence than before but this time the triplets decided to take control of their lives and move out. This time living on their own fully supporting themselves.

“These three girls together are the definition of adversity and rising above any challenge, any obstacle thats been thrown your way and still wanting to look at successs.” Quote from Leon Wright a Valley High School Social Worker in an interview with News 3 Las Vegas.

At first, the school had no idea what these girls were going through until the triplets were enrolled in a special program called GEAR UP, which was made to help give extra care to the students who were in need.

Slowly, the girls began to open up and reveal what they had been through and were still going through.

News 3 Las Vegas
News 3 Las Vegas

As help from their school and community began to relieve some pressure, the girls’ grades soared.

Over time and with support from their community the girls’ grades began to soar. Overcoming every obstacle side by side until graduation day, and all the girls graduated with honors achieving almost a 4.0 GPA.

In an interview with News3 Las Vegas, a Valley High Social Worker named Sarah Garcia described the girls as “little miracles” stating,

“I think that they’re little miracles. I mean they’ve had a million reasons not to succeed and a million and ten that they have been succeeding.”

News 3 Las Vegas
News 3 Las Vegas

So many doors have been opened and are opening for these girls that, when they were younger, they thought was never possible.

At one point in these girls’ lives college was not a thought that crossed their mind…until now.

All three girls’ have been accepted to the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, however, that too would bring new obstacles for the girls. But doors were opening and opportunities were being presented to these well-deserving triplets.

FOX5 Las Vegas via Youtube
FOX5 Las Vegas via Youtube

Capturing the hearts of anyone who hears their story.

The story of these triplets had caught the eyes and hearts of their community and local TV stations as well. TV reporter, Cassandra Jones, was filming an episode for a special Fox documentary show and was at the triplets graduation ceremony to surprise them with some much-deserved gifts for their next steps in life.

FOX5 Las Vegas via Youtube
FOX5 Las Vegas via Youtube

The girls were each given $5,000 dollars as a donation from Albertson’s, and each received a brand new Nissan SUV donated by Don Forman who is the owner of Nissan United.

Kassidy is going to UNLV to study being a nurse, Sierra is studying to be a teacher, and Haley is studying to be a social worker to help teens like her and her sisters.

The best part is all three are studying at UNLV with a full academic scholarship.

FOX5 Las Vegas via Youtube
FOX5 Las Vegas via Youtube

Despite every odd stacked against these girls, together they’ve made it through all before the age of 18.

An amazing story of perseverance through adversity time and time again, without ever giving up the hope of what tomorrow may bring.

Haley passed along some wise words for us all to remember as we continue to go through obstacles of our own lives to News 3 stating,

“Just remember – there is more to life than the problems you face today or the problems you face tomorrow. There is always something you can achieve…

To learn more about these girls’ incredible journey, watch the video below.

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