As the weather gets colder, have you found yourself clutching your scarf and complaining about the freezing temperatures?
If you’re anything like me, you’ll complain about the cold, but luckily, you aren’t actually outside longer than the time it takes to walk to your car.
But for the homeless, they are in the cold for hours every day. Even if they get to spend a night in the shelter, that doesn’t mean they’re in there all day, and that means they are subjected to the blistering cold.
In the United States, there are over 500,000 homeless people, according to Reuters.
To shed light on this, and at the perfect time of year, the musical trio GENTRI created an incredible Christmas music video, to the tune of “O Holy Night.”
Speaking on why they choose to make this video, GENTRI wrote this in the YouTube description:
We live in a world where we are sometimes prone to judgement. Perception becomes our reality. In our haste, we can jump to false conclusions and opportunities to lift and lighten the loads of others are lost. As we allow the light of Christ to work miracles within our own heart, we then are empowered to work wonders in the lives of others. May His perfect example of love and compassion for all guide us in our own charity towards those around us this Christmas season and always. Please help us #LIGHTtheWORLD by tagging and sharing this video with those you love.
As the band sings the Christmas classic, a story begins to play out.
A family is Christmas tree shopping and having a very festive time. As they carry their new tree to the car, a homeless man offers to help them secure it to the roof of their car.
But the family ignores his kind offer and goes about their day as if they hadn’t met the homeless man.
After the interaction, the father can’t stop thinking about the homeless man.
The father can’t let go of the thought of this man sitting in the cold, while his family enjoys their own luxuries. So, the father tracks the man down at a nearby shelter and invites him back to his house for a night.
The music video ends with a passage from Matthew 25:40:
“Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.”
Please SHARE this incredible music video and its heartwarming message with your friends and family on Facebook today.