In certain communities, homeowners’ associations exhibit a relaxed and efficient approach in serving their residents. Regrettably, in other cases, HOAs can devolve into situations where their members excessively wield authority, issuing fines, subjecting homeowners to harassment, and even resorting to legal action for minor rule violations.

When u/glam_spacetime sought out Reddit for anecdotes about troubling HOA experiences, a deluge of comments poured in. Here are some of the most highly upvoted accounts showcasing HOAs that have lost control:

Nothing is really secret anymore

“The HOA attempted to hold a ‘secret’ community meeting, where they’d vote on turning the large field and walking path everyone used for recreation into an RV park. It was ‘secret’ because they basically told no one and put up the required notice in a place where no one would see. As you can probably guess, most of the board owned RVs. Thankfully, a few neighbors took notice and started knocking on doors. A crowd showed up and the proposal was starkly shot down.” – reddit