It is pretty rare these days to see our parents in dance competitions. Unfortunately, once a mother gives birth, her hobbies usually take a seat on the backburner so that she can put all of her efforts into raising her children. However, that needs to change!
We may not realize it, but our parents used to really get down before we were born. Believe it or not, they had their own lives. They were most definitely ripping it on the dance floor at the clubs, just like us!
Luckily, these moms are making that change, and it is truly an amazing sight to be seen.
In 2016, one young girl, in particular, was surprised by the fact that her mom is actually the coolest when she brought her to a dance competition. Yes, a dance competition that her mom was in.
The daughter, named Noelle Miner, clearly just thought her mom was a regular mom up until then. Of course, she was always the light of her life, but in the video below, you really hear her major reaction.
As the group made their way onto the dance floor, the eclectic variety of members was visible. Teens, kids, middle-aged men, but most importantly, Noelle’s mom!
As Noelle began to record on her phone, we hear her say, “Let’s see if my mom’s any good.”
Little did she know, her mom has got mad rhythm! For about a minute, we can tell Noelle is still slightly skeptical, but soon she is completely swayed and continuously cheers her mom on from the sidelines.
Her cheerful comments are pretty funny too, “Okay mom, we see you!” and “SHE IS MY INSPIRATION,” she quite literally screams at the top of her lungs in disbelief.
The dance started out with gentle swaying as everyone warmed up and found the beat. As time went on, they jumped into much more deliberate choreography, impressing the whole crowd.
As time went on, Noelle’s mom continued to kick it up a notch, completely nailing every move. As for Noelle? Stunned.
Not only is her mom’s performance a total hit, but Noelle’s voiceover just makes it that much more entertaining.
The clip went totally viral with nearly 2.6 million views. Thousands of comments continue to pour in, and they are pretty hilarious.
“I’m laughing my head off,” “LMAOOO,” “The best part of this video is how proud this Mother’s children are of her you guys rock as a family,” “If only kids could’ve really seen how we used to get down before they came around lol,” “Just because we get older don’t mean we can’t do it…” and the list of hilarious-yet-true comments go on.
It is no doubt that Noelle will forever see her mom in a different light after this little hip hop number. Let’s hope she continues!
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