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Look on the internet for “funny signs” and you’ll find dozens of them on various websites. There’s nothing like passing a sign in the street that makes you crack up. Some of them might be clever advertisements, while others are thoughts from people who were passing through, just like you.

A good sign can be the difference between a great marketing campaign and a less effective one. Some of the principles of marketing are all about getting people to look. You’ve got to catch their attention and hold it.

Just take the restaurant that figured out a clever way to get people to look at their sign — twice. Above one of the main highways in Austin, Texas, they placed an enormous billboard. Thousands of people every day drove by that billboard, emblazoned with the words “LEGALIZE MARINARA.”

It was a brilliant way to catch people’s attention and then make them look a second time, then give them a chuckle. In short, it was a marketing campaign they remembered!

Okay, not all of these are ads. Some are warning signs, some are graffiti, and some are just incomprehensible. But no matter what they are, these all made us laugh — and they’ll make you laugh, too.

Here are 75 hilarious signs to grab your attention.