Look on the internet for “funny signs” and you’ll find dozens of them on various websites. There’s nothing like passing a sign in the street that makes you crack up. Some of them might be clever advertisements, while others are thoughts from people who were passing through, just like you.
A good sign can be the difference between a great marketing campaign and a less effective one. Some of the principles of marketing are all about getting people to look. You’ve got to catch their attention and hold it.
Just take the restaurant that figured out a clever way to get people to look at their sign — twice. Above one of the main highways in Austin, Texas, they placed an enormous billboard. Thousands of people every day drove by that billboard, emblazoned with the words “LEGALIZE MARINARA.”
It was a brilliant way to catch people’s attention and then make them look a second time, then give them a chuckle. In short, it was a marketing campaign they remembered!
Okay, not all of these are ads. Some are warning signs, some are graffiti, and some are just incomprehensible. But no matter what they are, these all made us laugh — and they’ll make you laugh, too.
Here are 75 hilarious signs to grab your attention.
1. How to deal with a bad review
Every business gets bad reviews, even if they don’t deserve it. This is undoubtedly the best way to address them while also poking fun at themselves.
2. Beans are illegal
This sign comes with someone’s guess as to what it means. This is helpful since the rest of us have no freaking clue. Is this just one of those weird laws that some states have?
3. Well, shoot
I thought this was America! I should be able to bring my bear in anywhere I want, regardless of who it might maul! These corporate policies are just unreasonable.
4. We’ll just be in here, laughing
Human beings are terrible at reading signs even when they’re right in front of their face. How many times a day do you think this happens and gives the employees a laugh?
5. Burglars meet up at 6:15
The best way to protect your neighborhood is to put up signs like these. Everyone knows that criminals always check to make sure crime is okay in the area before breaking any laws.
6. Do I want to know what’s on the other side of the fence?
This sign is colorful to say the least. I don’t know what’s down that road, but suffice it to say, I don’t want to find out. That doesn’t appear to be a wild animal enclosure. What the heck is on the other side?
7. Slim audience for this bathroom
On the bright side, this must be the cleanest bathroom of all time, considering the only people who are allowed to use it don’t exist. And hey, there’s never a line!
8. This is his street
Sure, maybe this guy just happened to be walking down this street and saw this sign. But more than likely, one of his friends saw it and thought, “Tom can stand on his head like that. We need to get him to take a picture.”
9. What a deal!
Not every deal is a good one. For example, this sign, which proudly proclaims you can save a whole 12 cents on a chicken. Is it really worth it? Probably not.
10. Oh, good to know
There’s nothing like labeling things unnecessarily! However, would we know this large concrete structure is a large concrete structure without a helpful sign?
11. Seriously, think of the animals
Have you ever tried to give Pepto-Bismol to a lion? Seriously, it’s terrible. Don’t subject a zookeeper to helping a lion getting over its stomachache. You know, from eating you.
12. Something we can all agree on
A bad idea? Definitely. But if you have a sick, twisted sense of humor, you might also think it’s just a little bit funny. But no, don’t do it. Bad idea.
13. I don’t want to live on this planet anymore
Why yes, I’ve seen it and I can’t understand for a second why anyone would do this. Where was this such a frequent problem that they had to put up a sign to get people to stop?
14. They had me there for a second
Part of the challenge of marketing is getting people to look at your ad in the first place. This car dealership had a unique way of doing just that – one that’s just a little bit unfair. Not cool, guys!
15. The literary sign we all needed
This is a much-needed PSA at a local bookstore. If you hold up Romeo and Juliet as the ultimate in couple goals, you probably haven’t actually read the script or seen the play. Spoiler alert: it doesn’t end well.
16. I’m interested
It’s hard to keep going outside to change the church sign in the middle of a heatwave. Someone had this ingenious idea for supplying a TLDR version. I really hope it was an old church lady.
17. No yoga, just passive aggression
People love yoga, right? Why not get them to look by asking them if they want to learn? Then when you’ve got their attention, pull the yoga mat out from under their feet because SERIOUSLY, pick up after your dog!
18. I see what you did there
Everyone driving by this sign stopped, looked, and had a chuckle over the joke. Except for one guy, who saw it right when he needed it. Of course, he drove right into the side of the building.
19. Lead by example?
There’s nothing like a sign to display some pithy wisdom! Of course, leading by example is the best way to impart a lesson. Whoever made this sign either thought of the perfect way or made the most hilarious mistake.
20. Makes sense
Yup, it all checks out — that patio is closed. Why? Well, because it’s not open. Look, we don’t want to think of a real reason. The bottom line is that you can’t go out on the patio, okay?
21. A more helpful pain chart
We’ve all been to an emergency room or urgent care that has the pain chart with the smiley faces on the wall to help articulate our pain level. This one is much more helpful. Don’t even think about saying you’re a Courbet when you’re only a Van Gogh.
22. Challenge accepted
In areas where moose are common, people know to do everything to avoid hitting them. They can easily crush your car! But it might be a little much to call them invincible.
23. Thanks, I’m going to…not go that way
Well, I have no idea what a murder hole is, but the good news is that I know where it is. I’m going to turn left and stay alive, but thanks for the offer!
24. Manners: worth $3.25
They say being kind costs nothing, but this business disagrees. Being kind will actually save you a couple of bucks. If I add a smile, do I get it free?
25. Are you happy already?
Geez, Dave, you have so many demands. “Change the sign,” “have a good day.” Thankfully, your demands leave enough room for me to interpret them however I want. I technically did what you asked.
26. This is straightforward
Most of us would love to call off of work in this way. For context, this was posted the day after St. Patrick’s Day in Ireland. So, to be fair, “in bits” might have been underselling it.
27. The world’s most perfect doormat
Remember when you were a kid and you couldn’t understand why your parents got so mad when people came over unexpectedly? Now we all understand. Good news, you can buy this doormat on Amazon for about $10.
28. But maybe if they can do this, they should be allowed
I’m not sure if anyone can do this or if they’ve ever tried. But considering this guy is perfectly hitting his target, maybe we can make an exception.
29. Is that bad or good?
When you’re in the vacuum industry, you probably hear this pun constantly. On the bright side, it’s likely the only industry where you can get away with it. No matter how often you hear it, it still makes you chuckle.
30. They make a good point
I get the feeling the owner needed to change the sign but couldn’t think of anything catchy. The bottom line – why should you eat here? Well, because you’re hungry and I have food that you can pay me money for.
31. Let’s turn around
This sign was found in Canada where the mosquitos can occasionally get pretty big. Not so big they can actually carry a person away, but big enough they needed to put up a sign to warn everyone!
32. Thanks, I love it!
Oh no, someone lost their dog! Oh, wait, no they didn’t. This person gave us all a chuckle and, even better, a picture of some cute dogs to look at. This is the best kind of pet owner.
33. They make a compelling argument
Some people are really into working out and have the body to prove it, and I say good for them. That means more food for me, and besides, the grease would make their fingers sticky.
34. Self-reflection is important
Has any person who littered ever reflected on themselves this much? If you are litter-ally throwing garbage on the ground, you probably don’t think about your life very often. Maybe this sign will encourage you.
35. Lifehack: you can make a sign for anything!
Fun fact, you can get a sign for your yard at many online stores or a local print shop! My biggest question is, if you can make your own sign, why did you choose to say, “I’m an a**hole”?
36. Please don’t do the second one
Since we’re all adult human beings, not animals or toddlers, there should be no earthly reason to post this sign. And yet there is – some people have worse manners than toddlers and animals.
37. W… what? Oh.
Okay, we get it, not everyone is a good speller. Or maybe this sign was made by a child. But if you’re a grown-up, you should know how to spell the word garage or at least Google how to spell it.
38. Think about this long and hard
Did anyone ask for this? No, they didn’t. But can you really be mad at such a first-class pun? Plus, if you own chickens, you have a new way to describe your job!
39. Wholesome graffiti
These hooligans in our streets, marking everything up with graffiti! When will our neighborhoods be free of them and their slogans about being kind to others?
40. Best hotel ever
Unfortunately, we don’t know where this hotel is or we’d all be booking it for our next vacation. Because who wouldn’t love to have their dog snuggle up in a hotel room with them? Dogs are the best.
41. Everyone needs this sign
No one wants to have their door knocked by someone trying to sell something. People who have kids want it even less. Seriously, if you wake the baby up, they’ll kill you.
42. Please push first
We never said anything about what we want you to do. To be honest, if you push, we’re all going to laugh at you. It’s just going to happen.
43. Were you paying attention in class?
This sign was spotted in a school parking lot. Consider it a pop quiz from all your teachers who want to know if you were paying attention. Can you do some quick mental math while driving?
44. Thanks a lot, Joe
Come on, don’t leave us hanging. We want to hear all about this accident-prone former employee. You must be saving a bundle on insurance since he left!
45. What about Thomas?
Here’s one clever way to tell people to use common sense! Are you a train? No, you’re a person, and unfortunately, humans can get seriously hurt on train tracks.
46. Never mind, I’m not hungry
We get what they’re trying to say, but couldn’t they have found a better way to phrase it? The image it conjures up is not good, to say the least. We all know that image is everything in marketing.
47. I guess you already know that no one was interested, though
This is a classic time travelers’ paradox. Since no one met up last Thursday, you know that nobody one was interested. So why did you go ahead and post the sign anyway?
48. One star
Okay, we’ll give it to you. This sign leaves some room for interpretation. How much does a hand-washer get paid by the hour, anyway? If it’s above minimum wage, I might consider it.
49. That’s just not cool, man
The real reason not to tap on the glass, obviously, is that it’s annoying and a little bit rude. You know, because it scares the ice cream, of course.
50. I’m on board
Well, it’s an odd but not unreasonable request. Of course, if you’re going to bring one of these two things in, we’d prefer the outside food.
51. Augh, what do I do??
Can you just imagine a vacuum salesman standing at the door, wondering what to do? No one likes to be bothered by strangers. This is a brilliant Catch-22.
52. I see what you did there
Was this a joke or just someone’s excuse for not putting up a book display? You decide which one is funnier. I’m voting for the second one.
53. I’ve got it, thanks
Chalk this one up to unfortunate word placement. Next time, Home Depot might want to use a blank piece of paper instead of one with their slogan on it.
54. This feels like a trap
This reads like a sign that was set up by aliens to lure humans into their trap. Nice try, aliens. You’ll never get me into your ship that way. Then again…there’s food.
55. Spending his retirement wisely
This is either a testament to his tenacity or his boredom. He doesn’t actually get to see the result of his prank. He just has to imagine it every time a plane flies over his house.
56. A helpful sign
It’s always good to share helpful information that most people might not know! But you should add in a goofy pun whenever there’s a good opportunity.
57. Well, sign me up
This is an interesting marketing strategy, to say the least. It seems like someone was trying to come up with a reason people would want to visit “very dark caves.” This…isn’t exactly it.
58. Just in case you thought everyone professional was professional
Being a Fortune 500 company means your corporation is in the top 500 companies in terms of revenue. You stand beside organizations like Walmart, Amazon, Apple, and Exxon. Please use Times New Roman.
59. Way to go, Grant
Hm, what should we call this sale? Let’s just call it like it is. Throw Grant under the bus. None of the customers knew who he was until today, but now they do!
60. Well — okay, yeah, sure
This is an interesting way of phrasing this. What they’re trying to say is that no non-waste items go in the toilet. However, they managed to say that in the weirdest way possible.
61. Oh dear
You just know that some sweet old church lady put this sign up, never noticing the double entendre. Let’s hope she survived the embarrassment after realizing her mistake.
62. An effective strategy
Whoever’s in charge of this sign hit on the best way to make every speed demon slam on their brakes. Just imagine your mom gasping every time you accelerate and you will, too.
63. They have a whole floor for that?
LOL, someone changed the sign for “Balcony Seating.” But if there was actually a place reserved exclusively for eating bacon, wouldn’t you want to check it out?
64. This restaurant has priorities
If you want anyone to assist you around here, you’d better pay your check and tip well, too. Why didn’t the waitress help you out of the burning building, you ask? Should have tipped more than 10 percent.
65. The lollipop is good, too
We tell kids if they’re brave for their shots, they’ll get a treat afterward! But the real treat is not getting polio, Timmy. Isn’t it great to have a lollipop AND working legs?
66. This game is pointless
So, if the hoop is there…and the ball has to be kept below the line…no one can shoot any baskets. That kind of makes this game of basketball pointless in both senses of the word.
67. You tell ‘em
In recent years, American white supremacists have used tiki torches to light their events. This store minced no words in telling them what they thought about that. If you’re a Nazi, we’ll set creepy Steve on you.
68. Thank you for clarifying
This business offers two services but they saw the potential for confusion when it came to their advertising. Laugh if you want, but everyone who reads that bottom line breathes a sigh of relief.
69. Wait, what?
I don’t know what this sign is trying to tell me, but I know that anyone who uses a wheelchair should get the heck out of dodge. There are some ableist crocodiles around.
70. You definitely won’t get murdered here
No one could understand why the neighborhood was losing value. Houses weren’t coming off the market. For some reason, people weren’t interested in moivng to Bucket of Blood Street.
71. Here’s one way to get Abby’s attention
Some bosses give you a written warning. Some dock your pay. Some call you in for a private meeting. And some plaster your name on the front of the store so everyone knows who you are.
72. Look, just try the door
Who wouldn’t love working for their own business and getting to choose hours like this? They’re there when they want to be and not when they don’t. If they’re there, then yes, they’re open!
73. Wholesome graffiti 2.0
Sometimes you run across a joke that’s Wholesome 101. Moseley’s Diamond Showcase is here to show diamonds and tells great jokes, and they’re all out — no, wait, they still have diamonds.
74. What a nice way to say “Don’t be a jerk”
Yes, in an ideal world, workers would be robots who would run flawlessly and we could all be as rude as we wanted. Unfortunately, that’s not today, so mind your manners.
75. It IS a pickle emergency!
Every business owner hears customer complaints. Customers, check yourselves — if you’re complaining about a pickle business, maybe you should reevaluate your priorities.
Look on the internet for “funny signs” and you’ll find dozens of them on various websites. There’s nothing like passing a sign in the street that makes you crack up. Some of them might be clever advertisements, while others are thoughts from people who were passing through, just like you.
A good sign can be the difference between a great marketing campaign and a less effective one. Some of the principles of marketing are all about getting people to look. You’ve got to catch their attention and hold it.
Just take the restaurant that figured out a clever way to get people to look at their sign — twice. Above one of the main highways in Austin, Texas, they placed an enormous billboard. Thousands of people every day drove by that billboard, emblazoned with the words “LEGALIZE MARINARA.”
It was a brilliant way to catch people’s attention and then make them look a second time, then give them a chuckle. In short, it was a marketing campaign they remembered!
Okay, not all of these are ads. Some are warning signs, some are graffiti, and some are just incomprehensible. But no matter what they are, these all made us laugh — and they’ll make you laugh, too.
Here are 75 hilarious signs to grab your attention.