Now we’ve all had our bad fashion days, of course. You might look down at a picnic to find you’ve been flashing your undies to the entire park, or realise that there’s been a stain on your pants that looks… awful. But there are some fashion hiccups so bad that it’s like a car crash and you just can’t tear your eyes away. Lucky for you, we’ve gathered 40 of the most absolutely hilarious fashion fails on the internet here for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy!
1) Maximum support
We all need a little extra support sometimes! These heels have you covered, it’s essentially four shoes in one! Even if your heels’ heels’ heel breaks, it won’t matter that much since you’ll still have your heels’ heels’ toe! Can your heels’ heels really be called heels if they don’t have a heel anymore? Is heel sounding weird to anyone else?
2) Survivorman
There’s no way that these are comfortable or easy to walk in… But if you ever find yourself fleeing some pursuers with some murderous intent then these boots would be the perfect way to confuse them! Especially if you spun in circles as you ran, you’d be dizzy but they’d have no idea where to go. I wonder what went on in the studio to create something like this?
3) Beach boy
Don’t you hate it when you wear your cowboy boots to the beach and your feet get all sweaty? Absolutely no sand finds its way between your toes? Well here’s the solution! Now, your ankles and shins can still get hot and sweaty while your toes breathe and get a sand blasting treatment! Seriously, HOW.
4) Very 2020
Okay, yes these are a fashion fail, and an extremely easily fixed one at that. Seriously, like what happened in the design process here? No one saw an issue with this? Why not just put the other two on top of its zero and remove the final zero so you don’t have 20200? That being said, these are also the PERFECT glasses for 2020 considering what a mess they are. She had no idea that she was inadvertently wearing the best glasses possible.
5) Nude pants
I get that nude tones are trendy, but MAN you gotta know when it is and isn’t applicable! For yoga pants, it should be a universal law that nude is not a colour available for them. Because this is what you get, and it’s nigh indistinguishable from the real thing.

6) Someone got fired
Maybe a lot of people got fired for this one? How many hands did the design have to pass through before it was approved? Respect to the athletes for being on international television anyway despite the glaring issues with their suits! Hopefully they didn’t notice themselves… but their reactions make me think otherwise.
7) Childhood ruined
This… Just… What happened here? Someone thought this was a good idea to design (HOW?) and then someone thought it looked good on a mannequin! I can’t begin to understand, I just don’t get it. Who would want to buy a sexualised simba bathing suit!? Walt Disney is turning in his grave.
8) Sample text here
“Some text here, some text here, come text here.” Maximum effort fashion. It’s so meta. You wouldn’t get it, you need to major in art and fashion studies. NO. This was definitely just a muck up on an early batch of purses and they sold them at a discount or something. Maybe she even got the bag for free, because you could not get me to buy that at any discount.
9) “Fur shawl” right…
I mean, it definitely didn’t look great to begin with, but the upside down photo just really sends it to the next level. Maybe it doesn’t look quite so anatomical when it’s on an actual human person? Or maybe it only gets worse and it kind of always looks like you’re in the middle of being birthed.

10) Breathe
This is just an accident waiting to happen, right? I could actually see these being done well but… This ain’t it. Everyone wants more breatheable jeans! But they also don’t want to potentially flash the entire world every time they trip over something or sit funny.
11) Say it out loud first
Before you finalize a slogan for your charity it’s important that you say the name out loud to your peers a couple of times just to make sure there’s nothing… like this. Seriously, I’m sure it’s a good cause but pretty much no one in their right mind can purchase any of their merchandise now! You’d get beaten up just walking down the street with a hat like this!
12) Mickey no!
I can totally see how this happened, I wish someone would have just told this poor lady! All she needs to do is flip it so that… Oh, I can see that there isn’t really a whole lot of saving this after all… No matter how you wear it, Mickey is going to either be going into or coming out of one unfortunate spot or another…
13) Close but no cigar
So close to trendy and cool! I really love the idea of this shirt but… yeah, that shouldn’t have been something that made it passed QA. That’s a mistake big enough that you toss the shirt after figuring it out. And the company that makes them should probably stop selling them as soon as possible.
14) Built in stains
See they just stain your shirt for you so that when you inevitably get coffee poured on you it’ll just blend right in! It’s actually genius and just no one wants to admit it! I wonder if there was some coffee mishap in the factory and they just said “it’s high fasion now” and shipped it out?
15) A nice upside down heart
There’s no way this isn’t a joke shirt. I refuse to believe it! Or it was a misprint and the design was placed on it upside down? The nice blue lines simply aren’t enough to save this one… It’s just so clearly a scrotum on your long sleeve, dude. $30 is hopeful to say the least.
16) Symbolism?
Why is it always that spot when the patterns converge in the worst possible way? They would be such nice pants otherwise! I guess she’ll just have to tweak the design a bit and try again, because the design is too nice to give up! Vaginal flowers be damned! At least she didn’t figure this out in public!
While trying on a pair of wrap pants that I’m halfway through making, I noticed…a flower…on my vagina. Pattern placement problems are real.
byu/SewWhatIsThis infunny
17) Cameltoe slips
I have so many questions. What was the thought process behind this? I see no additional function thanks to the camel toe. I can’t imagine there’s any additional protection to your toes from the thin later of… Leather!? Yet more questions… At least if you put socks over them then it’ll look like you’ve recently come back from a trip to Japan? That’s… All I got.
never thought i’d see shoes that look like actual cameltoes, yet here we are…
byu/BushyEyes inCrappyDesign
18) Not so sneaky
I mean, the kids will definitely have no idea what the pandas are up to, but what shop even had this in stock!? Did they really not notice the overt imagery? Someone is sleeping on the job! Just imagine the conversation that must have followed when the parents were explaining to their child why she couldn’t have the fun panda sweater…
19) Do not criticize as this!
I neeeeed to know which language this was translated from and also how. I can’t even begin to decipher what they were trying to say. But there is one part that shall forever ring true and be immortialized in the threads of this shirt: Beautiful the bus train… Truer words have never been spoken.
20) Not the dress you want.
I can totally see this being done well! A nice brown can go quite nicely with a wedding dress, but… You do have to account for things being perceived in a certain way! And this is not what you want ruining your big day.
21) Distressed = found in a dumpster
No way! Half off of some Yeezy merchandise? That’s crazy, that stuff is thousands of dollars! In all seriousness, this clothing line is for the 1%ers of the world. It’s having so much money that you can pay $1000 for a torn up sweater and claim that it’s intended to be that way.
22) Loud display
Wow, these things are front and center, huh? The store felt oddly comfortable displaying these so prominently. Honestly they would be pretty sweet looking jeans if it weren’t for… Whatever they did to that poor denim… What did they use to stain it!? But it has funky pockets and some wicked studs, they made a huge mistake by going overboard with the brown.
23) Terrible everything
There is a lot wrong here. I don’t understand where cancer came into the picture? Why are we making light of it with a pineapple with sunglasses? And then… there’s the aloha. Aloha is used to both greet people and bid them farewell in Hawaii, so it’s already a pretty bad shirt. But aloha actually doesn’t mean hello OR goodbye. It means love and affection so… a bad shirt just got worse.
24) Literally
It doesn’t get much more direct than that title! Yes, this literally defeats the purpose of the visor. With no tint to the plastic, there’s absolutely zilch being done for your eyes or skin. It might actually be more damaging, if anything! Fashion is weird, man. Then again, I haven’t seen anyone wear a visor since Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas came out so maybe it’s just a novelty item?
25) Blow up
Yeah this should have probably been pretty obvious. But oh my GOODNESS is it ever hilarious! I would love to see what my face looks like blown up on a gym bag! It would be a great gift for people’s birthdays too!
26) Seriously?
The pants are honestly hilarious but… Again with this spot on leggings… It’s luckily not as bad as it could be! But I would love some more grumpy cat merchandise! Maybe not pants… But his face blown up on a gym bag? I’d buy that for sure.
27) Yikes Nikes
I believe at some point you just can’t see the forest through the trees. You’re too close to the picture to see the whole thing. I think these shoes are an example of that! Some poor fashion designers spent months looking at different shoes and then when they saw these… They simply couldn’t see the obvious. It’s the only explanation I can come up with.
28) This shouldn’t ever be a thing
Halloween is the only acceptable time to wear something like this. I don’t care if it’s a skirt, a shirt, a shoe, a hat, a bandana or a watch.
You will scare people if you wear this outside.
Seriously just… Use better judgement than this.

29) Test with tag
The shirt really isn’t too bad until most of the people are covered with the runner’s tag. So if you’re designing a shirt for a run, I’d recommend designing the shirt around the tag. That way you avoid little mishaps like this where all your runners suddenly have tiny boobs for the entire race!
30) Uno reverse
I love this one but it’s 100% intentional. What happens when the horses want to play polo? This is some bizarro-world version of Lolo Palph Rauren where they slightly skirt copywrite law by switching the logo. But there’s serious love and effort put into that design, so respect is given where respect is due!

31) Perv here
In case you ever want to advertise how much of a pervert you are, this company has you covered! We’ve seen a lot of these mess ups today, and yet they keep on giving! This is one of the less egregious examples, but seriously how was this allowed to be produced? Maybe the internet just has a dirtier mind than your average corporate executive? Nahhhh!
32) Accidental fascism
Probably would have been smarter to stick with an actual gator for this shirt! Although then I guess you run the risk of having nazi gators on your shirt? Still no! Those gators can’t lift their arms above their shoulders anyway, you’re safe! It can’t be easy designing a shirt while looking for all the ways someone might distort the message. How many different ways are you meant to fold it!?
33) Not the shirt’s fault
I can’t blame the producer for this one! This is the kind of shirt you pair with a cardigan ONCE before realising you can never wear an open sweater with the shirt again. It does make for a hilarious mishap though, we’re glad hubby was close by to capture this moment of pure comedy!
34) Galaxy brain
What was already a pretty hilarious Putin shirt was only made infinitely better with the addition of boobs! It went from some hilarious look he gave to a Crowley-esque portrayal of his massive brain which must clearly harbor all of his intellect! The model is clearly loving the effect as well, just look at that smile!

35) Emoji skirt
I realise this probably doesn’t need to be said but I’ll say it anyway for any of the confused boys out there: Punching booties will not make you any friends. In fact, you could get slapped with sexual assault charges! So definitely do not punch any butts in an attempt to be hilarious. Even if you see this skirt. There will be no laughs from anyone above the age of fourteen.

36) L e n g t h
Why indeed, random Redditor? Fashion is getting crazy, but it’s a symptom of throwing darts at a board. You never know what will take off and become a crazy, new trend! Honestly, Supreme is huge now and they just throw their logo on whatever. They had no idea they were going to become a multi-million dollar company!
37) Never bothered me anyway
This is about par for the course for a lot of these patterned masks. Doesn’t soften the blow at all, but still, this should be expected. Can’t exactly return the masks right now anyway, so may as well embrace it and let yourself look hilarious! If you really wanted, you could always make this your emergency mask that you keep in your car or something!
38) Oof
How did this happen? Is this what we are considering tie dye nowadays? It looks an awful lot like an intern spilled some bleach on the product and they simply tried to salvage it to be sellable. Do I even need to point out how bad this looks and why you could absolutely never wear it in public?
39) Out of fabric, please replace
This has to be one of the most hilariously half-assed attempts to create something out of nothing I have ever seen. You KNOW they ran out of fabric as they were making the shirt and the folks at Lacoste simply saw an opportunity to see if something would sell! You never know, maybe Jason Sudeikis will come in and make the style popular?
40) That is clearly a burrito
I’m pretty sure this one is intentional. Me thinks the design team was having some fun with some fresh new stoner designs? Beyond the shirt being green, this is exactly the kind of thing Cheech and Chong would find funny! Tacos and pizza have long been the holy combo for stoners the world over, who knows why? Intentional or not, it makes for a hilarious shirt!

Do you see what I mean? These are impossible to take your eyes off of! Part of me hopes that I would alert these people to what their clothing looked like, but I think I know I would be no better than most of the folks on the internet and I would probably just take a picture to share with friends or rake in that sweet, sweet karma. It’s crazy how many fashion fails there are across the internet! It just seems to be such a constant that someone will be wearing something to make you scratch your head! With 8 billion people in the world, I guess it only makes sense that there’s some new muck up or another every day. We hope you enjoyed these fabulous fashion feaux-pas, now you need to go out and hunt for some of your own!
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