North Farmington High School listens to their student’s ideas and encourages creativity.
It all goes back to the Senior Class of 2015. when a group of students came up with the idea
These students wanted to be able to dress as different characters for their student ID and got permission from the school administrators to be able to do so.
The Rules
The School set some guidelines with safety being the top priority. The images that were going to be used couldn’t compromise the school environment.
Students must still be able to be identified on their ID.
Another criterion is the students must have been in good standing at the school for the previous three years.
Freshmen Look Forward to it
It has become so popular that the Freshmen look forward to this once they become seniors.
The Photos
Not only do the photos get used for the student ID cards they are also used in the student yearbooks
Students mostly focus on taking on the look of celebrities while others go for the cultural doppelganger fashion.
Some of the students dress up in a costume that supports representation. This is something that some in the minority groups really enjoy.
Then there are the random costumes where the focus is on doing something that nobody else is doing.
Id Cards Deliver a Message As Well
Along with the costume dressing, the seniors have posted some great Tweets.
Not hard to tell what this student thinks about school.
Is this student revealing a secret?
Tweets That Match The Image
It’s really impressive how some of the kids come up with the perfect tweet match the picture.
Some Amazing Reenactments
Some of the kids were really able to create a “look-alike” without skewing their identity.
Which Images Were Creating The Buzz
It is interesting to see which of the IDs were creating a lot of buzz on Twitter as the counts keep growing. Some of the identities got a lot of people talking about them fast.
School Traditions
It is important for schools to have traditions.
These traditions allow the kids to not only connect with their schools during their school years but create some great memories going forward.
Each class dresses up for spirit week
The principal and senior paint the rock that sits in front of the highschool on the eve of school starting each year.
Then it is painted again on the eve of the last day of school.
Outstanding Yearbook Photos
The yearbooks that most schools have are something that sticks around for many years to come.
For the parents of the school kids of today, they didn’t have an opportunity to express themselves like the North Farmington High School Kids. But some made up for this as pictures in their year books can testify to.
This is what you call freedom of expression
There is no doubt that the kids who came up with the idea for the North Farmington ID cards had a brilliant idea as these ID cards go viral every year.
A picture really is worth a thousand words!
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