Health Benefits Of Whiskey
A shot a day keeps the doctor away? I never knew that whiskey could be good for you, in moderation of course!
Erin Russell

Playwright George Bernard Shaw once called whiskey liquid sunshine. Whiskey (sometimes spelled whiskey) is an aged grain spirit commonly made from rye, corn, barley, or wheat. There are those who believe whiskey is the root of all evil—and there are those who believe it is the life of the party. When abused it can be horrible for you, but studies have shown that in moderation, whiskey has many beneficial effects. Read on to learn how whiskey can improve your health.

Heart Health Booster

Flickr user doctyper
Flickr user doctyper

Researchers found that those who regularly drink whiskey moderately are almost 50 percent less likely to have a heart attack or stroke. Whiskey is a natural blood thinner that promotes better blood flow from the heart to all the extremities. Drinking whiskey also helps regulate levels of good and bad cholesterol, which significantly improves overall heart health.

Blood Clot Thinner

The blood-thinning properties of whiskey also work to prevent excessive clotting. Blood clots in your vessels and arteries can lead to serious heart problems. With improved blood flow, there is less of a possibility that blood will coagulate and form clots.

Low-Carb No-Fat Beverage

Flickr user Mustafa Kurtuldu
Flickr user Mustafa Kurtuldu

Though we don’t recommend a whiskey diet, one or two servings of whiskey per day won’t pile on the pounds like some alcoholic beverages. Whiskey has zero fat content and is low in carbohydrates, so you can drink up without a guilty conscience.

Cold Relief

Hot toddies have been enjoyed for decades as a treatment for colds, sore throats, strep throat, and allergies. Hot toddies are composed of one shot of whiskey, around two teaspoons of lemon juice (preferably freshly squeezed), a tablespoon of local honey, and ¼ cup of boiling hot water. Whiskey works as a decongestant, dilating your blood vessels and allowing your system to fight the infection like a boss.

Dementia Prevention

Flickr user Simon Powell
Flickr user Simon Powell

Many would think the opposite, but when consumed in moderation, whiskey can actually improve cognitive function. Researchers report that moderate alcohol consumption can reduce chances of getting dementia and Alzheimer’s.

Diabetes Reducer

Whiskey has been shown to reduce the possibility of getting diabetes by up to 30-40 percent. Consuming two to three ounces of whiskey each day can greatly help your system balance glucose and insulin levels as well as helping the body defend against diabetes.

Immune System Strengthener

Flickr user Dominick
Flickr user Dominick

Researchers recently determined that whiskey contains vitamins and antioxidants that help the body defend against infections and illnesses, such as the cold, flu, and seasonal allergies. If you consume too much whiskey, you might find it has the opposite effect on your immune system. Alcohol is a diuretic. It dehydrates your body, which weakens your ability to fight off sicknesses.

Noah “Soggy” Sweat, a legislator and judge from Mississippi, said it best. In a speech about prohibition, he called whiskey “the devil’s brew, the poison scourge,” but also “the oil of conversation, the philosophic wine, the ale that is consumed when good fellows get together, that puts a song in their hearts and laughter on their lips, and the warm glow of contentment in their eyes.” Alcohol abuse is not healthy for anyone, and it can ruin lives, but alcohol consumed in moderation is—somewhat surprisingly—very healthy, not to mention a whole lot of fun.

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