Disturbing Footage Captures 'Ghost' At High School, Quickly Garners 12.5 Million Views
I don't usually believe in the supernatural, but I have no idea how this could have been a prank.
Ryan Aliapoulios

With Halloween coming up, we’re all on the lookout for any unusual or paranormal activity.

Though most of us have likely not seen any ghosts or apparitions ourselves, most of us have probably heard rumors or stories of supernatural happenings in their lifetime. These topics inform all kinds of movies and stories we tell, particularly throughout the month of October. It is rare that someone captures compelling evidence of the supernatural.

Still, that’s exactly what one school in Ireland is claiming to have done.

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The school in question is Deer Park C.B.S in Cork City, Ireland.

Everything began when security cameras picked up some unusual footage in one of the locker rooms. It was October 1st just past 3:00 am and the school was entirely empty. Still, security cameras rolled on to capture anything that might be happening after hours. First, a door in the background of the school swings open.

But then things get more intense.

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After that, one of the lockers starts moving and bangs dramatically all on its own. Then, one of the other smaller locker doors flings open and spills papers! Some faint footstep-like sounds can be heard, though nobody is visible on the monitor.

As a finale, a small wet floor sign on the ground flings over on itself—as if it were kicked.

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YouTube Screenshot

Needless to say, the disturbing footage has made a real impression on the internet.

The YouTube video was uploaded by Deer Park C.B.S. themselves and has since gotten more than 12-and-a-half million views. The school’s administration has already given statements that what occurred was not staged to their knowledge. “If it’s a prank we don’t know how it was done,” said the school principal, Aaron Wolfe, to reporters at UNILAD. “Motion sensors were set off at this time, that’s how it was caught.” Murphy
Source: Murphy

Deer Park C.B.S. is reportedly one of the oldest schools in Cork City—and is also apparently no stranger to haunted activity.

According to the caretaker who has worked at the school for more than 30 years, these kind of occurrences are commonplace. Other incidents include hearing mysterious trumpet songs being played in the middle of the night, mysterious crying in the toilet cubicles and flickering lights throughout the building.

It’s the ghost footage, however, that is getting this little school so much attention!

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After watching the video, do you think this is real?

Though the clip is very realistic, it’s also well-staged and relatively well-lit. But if it were fake, how would it be faked so convincingly? Tell us what you think in the comments below!

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