Who needs straightforward pictures? These photos show us optical illusions, strange occurences, and manipulated conditions that will tease our minds and force us to look twice. Can you figure them out?
1) Three Horses
Believe it or not, this is three horses. The black one on the left, the chestnut one, and then the white one behind him. They look like one horse but it’s actually two!

2) No Cannonballs
This fake pool is super cool as long as there are people under it. However, if you are alone, you may be tempted to take a dive, whihc would end in disaster.

3) She Does Have a Head
While the lady in glasses is setting on someone else’s body, the lady in fur actually does have a head. It is behind the glass. Yep. That mirror is not strategically placed. Or is it?

4) What a Beautiful Painting
Not! This is actually a mirror. This artist believes that you can’t capture the beauty of nature in a painting, so he uses mirrors instead all over the world.

5) Supermodel Hair
The first picture makes this girl look like she has amazing, crazy hair. But she doesn’t. She is just standing in front of a tree that would look good on her head. She can pull off anything.

6) Bounded By Nature
More than likely, these trees were forced into an arranged marriage as saplings when somoene tied them together. Now, they grow together and will die together.

Acid Cow
7) Feathers in Your Coffee
This may amaze you and it may make you sick. Imagine pulling a wet owl out of your coffee. Ick! Although it does look amazing and those are stare into your soul.

8) The Name’s Allen
These Allen Wrenches of different sizes laying on the desk look 3D although the are really just laying there. Try it yourself, if you can come up with this many Allen Wrenches.

9) Til Death Do Us Part
This girl and this road look very strange together. It’s hard not to stare. Even down by her neck, somethign about the dirt seems strange. It’s safe to say this is a scene from a horror movie.

10) Did Somebody Say Chase?
This is a classic bit of comedy where the dog has human hands. But that doesn’t mean we don’t love it now just as much as we did 30 years ago.

11) Howdy, Partner
This shadow looks like a really friendly cowboy with a giant chin. So I guess this is what people drive in Texas. Does GMC stand for Gentleman Motor Cowboys?

12) How Many Hands He Have?
He only has one hand but it is worth that of a thousand. At first, you may not notice he’s a handyman. But then you look closely and you see he is lacking.

Acid Cow
13) How Clouds are Made
This statue is so perfectly aligned that we may now believe that angels like this blow the clouds out of their trumpets. It is a day of jubilee when the sky is blue!

14) Clifford!
This dog is actually quite tiny. But perspective means everything. It means that these girls look super tiny or this dog looks like he was given a lot of love and puppy chow.

15) Move Along
Can you beleive this guy is selling his family members? Imagine buying sausage from a guy that was one. Imagine seeing a guy with a sausage head! Ew.

16) Mr. Franco?
This couple looks so much like Seth Rogan and James Franco that they took a photo behind the case and you can’t even tell the difference. They could make a living with this natural talent.

17) Pop a Wheelie
Not sure if it’s more strange that this ferris wheel fits on his bike perfectly or that he just so happens to have one wheel off. Either way, it makes for the perfect oppurtunity.

18) Not Even Dangerous
This looks super dangerous, but it’s not. Look closeley at the dirt. That is a toy train set. The baby isn’t even a foot away from it. He is not a bad dad! That we know of.

19) Not Ducks Either
You may be convinced that these are ducks but look closer. Yep, those are mopeds and scooters that have been flooded. Now it’s a graveyard, but at least it’s not for ducks.

20) Hand, Foot, and Foot Disease
This woman does not have a foot instead of a hand. This is just a perfect picture by the creek. But the more you look at it, the more it looks like she has three feet.

21) Check Out Those Chompers
If this dog really had teeth like this, he wouldn’t be that close to that man’s face. Who are we kidding? We love our dogs, no matter how vicious they may be.

22) Not That Tall
This dude is tall but he isn’t that tall. His friends are just standing on the platform below. This is a handy photoshop-free illusion to fool your friends.

23) We Don’t Even Know
This is so confusing and nearly impossible to tell what is going on. That is, until you realize that those two women are wearing the same color of shirt. Now the world makes sense again.

24) This is Bull
Yep! This was seen at the dentist’s office. It was even worse because the dude who took the picture was high on drugs the dentist gave him so he was sure a water buffalo had visited him.

25) How May We Assist?
This two-headed dog is, as expected, two dogs. Though they even freaked out their owner who thought they had magically merged one morning.

26) Never Unsee It
So, this is Australia. Australia is a dog head and a cat head. The cat is eating a little catnip. Now, you will never unsee this, no matter how many times you look at Australia on a map.

27) Not So Gory
This isn’t as gory as you think. Though it looks like this woman is hysterical as far as her open would goes, it’s actually just her brown leather purse.

28) Who Goes There?
Okay, so this is another confusing duo. This man and his dog are laying in bed and it’s a little hard to tell who is who at times. Although, they are so cute that we don’t even care!

29) That’s Quite An Arm
This arm belongs to this woman. But the dude behind her does look like he’s slinking his arm around her. But looks can be deceiving, now can’t they?

30) Only One Towel
This Sharpay is so adorable that he looks like a crumpled towel or blanket sitting on top of this rolled sweater. Isn’t he just delightful? Now this is one of those happy surprises.

31) What Kind of Animal?
Is this a bull? Elephant? Hippo? Rhino? It’s hard to tell. But in actuality. It is an elephant and a bull merged. Probably has a deep and touching meaning too. But all we can think is, “what the heck?”

32) Whatever Floats Your Boat
This water is so clear that it looks like this boat is floating above the water. Of course, it is not. But it gives us a peek into the future when they can.

33) Considered a Centaur?
What is a half woman, half zebra called? Is it a centaur? Or something new? Maybe there’s a long forgotten Greek tell that speaks of this woman.

Kick Vick
34) Who Even Knows What to Think?
Another confusing shot. Is this gorilla wearing the same outfit as this guy or are there more layers to this illusion than we could ever know?

Kick Vick
35) Another Piece of Greece
So first we had a half-zebra woman and now we have this half-dog woman. I guess that is pretty cool. It helps that she’s the perfect heighth for this to work out.

36) Nutella is Back in Style
This zebra looks so good in that Nutella hair that they now we think they should all wear it. Why is ths zebra even here on this list? Ask him. He’s fabulous.

37) There is No Water
This one is nearly impossible to believe. But legend is, there is no water in this picture. There’s simply a convrete wall next to the road. Yeah, still not seeing it.

38) Cat is Out of the Bag
This guy’s cat is always getting up on the table and stringing out his mail. Wait a second, that’s not a cat! Which means, he is just a messy individual!

39) Pulling a Kobe
This may look like Kobe Bryant with white hair, but it’s actually. Wait…is that what this is? Man, he is aging faster than any of us anticipated. Still so talented though.

40) It’s a Pair of Bananas
Or just a pear and a banana. That’s right. This pear is showing this banana up and winning the prize for the biggest banana. Because he identifies as one.

41) Someone is Getting Abducted
There’s a really good chance that someone got abducted by aliens that day. And I have to say that they need a better disguise for their spaceship because that is textbook.

42) Purposeful Illision
This illusion was created in Paris for pictures and passerbys. While it appears that peopleare on top of a globe, thare are simply walking a strange path.

43) Shiny, Shiny
For most people, at first glance, her legs look super shiny. But they are actually just painted a little bit. A strange illusion but an effective one that has now been quoted many times.

44) Nice Jeans
This is great advertisement if you are selling jeans. Wear them yourself or at least pretend you are. The girl is actually wearing a skirt but it was a good effort.

45) Gnome in the Bathroom
This little gnome seems to be hiding somewhere in this bathroom but he is nowhere to be seen. All that is visible is his shadow. Perhaps he himself is invisible.

46) An Averaged Sized Man
Another time where sizes just didn’t add up. But if you look closely, you’ll see a slack line that this boy is standing on to make it appear as if he is larger than his mates.

47) He’s Wearing Tennies
It truly looks like this man is wearning socks and sandals. Adidas maybe? But he isn’t. He’s wearing tennis shoes that look just like sandals. Now that’s a bold fashion choice.

48) iPhone Micro
Her phone isn’t exactly super tiny. It’s actually on the floor beneath the glass table. But this must have confused some people. Especially if they were drunk!

49) In the Name of Love
Here’s something that makes you really think about life. All stop signs are usually in all upper case letters. But this one is a strange little rebel making his own way.

50) Nice Do
This girl does not have s super sick bun on top of her head. That is actually a man standing behind her. But that is one cool head of hair, even if it’s his and not hers as we first expected.

51) Where is the Phone?
This phone is so reflective that it hides itself like a chameleon. The only thing saving it from getting completely lost is the silver edge. Dang you, Android!

52) Just Five Bald Men
Here we have five bald men heading out on an adventure. Oh wait, did you know you can get seats the exact same color as your skin so you look like you have friends?

53) It’s a Clear Photo
This is a clear photo but the flowers made it look like they are just loading into this game we call life. Gamers know what I mean and photographers understand real reason.

54) Not Barstools
Again, this is not what it looks like. These are 100% not barstools and instead are espresso martinis. Look again and you’ll see the truth. You’re welcome.

55) That It Is
These shadows correctly labeled this dog and for some reason that just makes me smile. He is a dog and probably a good one at that.

56) Anyone Know About This Portal?
This strange portal seems to take you straight through the water. Is one side a different year as well? Is it the future or the past? Where is this? Because we need to try it out!

57) Don’t Worry
This dog is all in one piece, he just happens to enjoy sitting next to a log that is the same width as he is. So it does look like he’s been cut in half, but not to worry, he’s perfectly furry and fine.

58) The Ring the World Needs
This ring looks like any ordinary engagement ring until you see that shadow. He’s back and he isn’t played by Robert Pattinson this time. He’s played by…a diamond?

59) Like Man, Like Dog
It is said that dogs often look like their owners and in this case, we agree. You can’t even tell where one ends and the other begins. We call this a successful relationship.

60) Nice Eye Shadow, Demon
Okay, so she’s just a normal teenage girl who happened to blink and look down whenever this photo was taken. But with those amazing arches for brows and glowing lids, you can see how one would be confused.

61) Perfectly Balanced
This drop cord fits so perfectly in this crack on the pavement that it’s as if it was made for it. How satisfying is this to look at and wish that we had cracks for our cords too?

62) Not His Arm
Again, that is not a body part. That is a neck pillow which is much comfier than an arm on a long flight. It’s just a coincidence that he’s wearing the same color of shirt that her pillow is.

63) Three People
More than a handful of people have made diagrams as to what is going on here. It’s simpler than it looks but it does take a lot of looking to figure it out.

64) Kaboom
This amethyst geode with calcite looks just like an explosion. Even the reflection looks like one. You just can’t stop staring at it and making action noises in your head.

65) Strong as an Ox
This guy isn’t as strong as he appears. Though he does know how to make a horse jump really high. Seems dangerous but it’s all part of his job. Which is not lifting horses.

66) What Do We Have Here?
There’s a lot to see here. One fluffster whose tongue is in the midst of the perfect doggy kiss and another how is very jealous that he isn’t getting any love at the moment.

67) Tanked
If you watch Animal Planet, you’ve probably seen a show called Tanked where these guys build the coolest fishtanks. Someone needs to join their crew because thsi TV tank is amazing.

68) Benjamin Button
This one will make you look more than twice. That old man baby is something else. While it’s ture that it’s just his dad or grandpa holding him, it sure does look strange.

69) You Want to Look Twice
Now this is just cool. If you can’t have a Lambo yourself, then just paint one on the side of your van. It’s cheap and you can impress the ladies while still having room for shopping bags.

70) The Circle of Life
This fallen tree knows what’s up. He died so that four others could live. He gave his life for many. If only all trees could learn from this hero.

71) Iron Woman
Or is it The Iron Nun? Either way, who wouldn’t be totally freaked out. This is a wonderful prank for anyone with a black ironing board and should be replicated often.

72) Do You See What Eye See?
This may look like a pretty, yet creepy landscape with a red sun setting. But it’s actually just a high definition macro of someone’s eye. Yeah, yours looks like this too.

73) The Look on His Face
No one, including the driver, knows how in the world this happened. You can tell he is flabbergasted. He probably won’t even be charged because we really can just blame magic or aliens.

Acid Cow
74) She Needs a Doctor, Not a Gym
Whatever this girl’s legs are doing is 110% unnatural. From the look on her face, she worked out a little too hard and has broken both of her ankles.

75) It’s Gonna Be Great
This shadow looks a lot like the current President of the United States. Who knew that a purple towel held so much magic? It is projecting political figures on the wall! Who is next?

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