Is there anything more precious that a happy pupper to brighten your mood? These dog pictures are the happiest dog images on the internet and they have gathered here today just to make you smile.
1) Little Monkey
This pretty girl’s name is Little Monkey and she’s here to monkey climb right into your heart. She’s such a happy girl that she can’t help but share her joy with you.

2) Carrying Him For Six Weeks
The poor husky broke his foot and now he can’t walk on it. Good thing his best buddy can carry him around until it heals. That’s going to be quite a workout.

3) Take Our Picture, Dad
Okay, so who gets to be Maverick? Let’s go with the one in the front because he’s the pilot and the one in the back looks far too happy to focus on driving.

4) It’s Party Time
Have you ever seen such a lit party? They look like they are having a blast. Retriever who has lots of pictures taken of him, Gruffy who thinks he’s told old for this party, and Wide-eyes who is scared he won’t get cake.

5) Hugs From Mummy
There’s nothing better than a hug from someone you love. This dog loves his mommy so much! She should feel so proud to have him for herself. Anyone else crying?

6) Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em Doggies
These new siblings just moved in together and they are best friends! They love wrestle and play. Can you feel the love they share in this incredibly cool cabin?

7) Are You My Mommy?
This fluffy girl now has a thirty chicks to take care of. She doesn’t mind. She’s not a mother herself so she’s more than happy to adopt a few fowls. Who wants dinner?

8) I’m Freeee
This must be what it feels like to be born. Look at the pure joy of freedom on this pup’s face. He’s just happy to be alive and is having the best time with all of his friends.

9) Best Friends Forever
I think we found something more precious than a happy pup. It’s a happy pup with his human child! The bond these two share will last a lifetime and bring wonderful memories to this child’s future.

10) Now That’s A Handsome Young Man
Look at how swell he looks posing for his picture! What a man! He looks so proud of himself and rightfully so. He hasn’t had an accident inside for two whole minutes!

11) Reunited And It Feels So Good
These siblings had been apart for some time. The moment they were reunited they were so ecstatic they couldn’t let go of each other. Now that’s what you call a good sibling relationship.

12) Come On Let’s Go And Play
These two are building a snowman that looks so much better than what most of us could make. Perhaps it has something to do with the tennis ball hat.

13) I’m Gonna Ride It All Night Long
These two are cruising the night away. Imagine having a safe neighborhood like this as a kid and a dog to ride along with you. This kid is blessed and is totally going places.

14) Is That A Kangaroo?
Nope! That may look like a kangaroo but it’s actually just a large dog. But he can probably run faster than a kangaroo. Look at that stature. That boy has nothing to worry about.

15) Let Me Give You A Little Boop
Now this guy may have been curious about his new pal at first but he soon learned that he had made a best friend. The two will go on many adventures together. Maybe the little guy will grow even taller than his friend.

16) Can We Play With Them?
I highly doubt that these dogs would hurt a fly, so let them play with these sweet kittens. Look at how the babies are just as curious as the dogs. Destined to be together.

17) Look At My Fort
This dog found himself the coolest box fort ever. He wants to show his whole family how proud he is and invited them in…as long as they know the secret password.

18) True Love Endures
This lovely couple proves that love still exists. They are having the perfect fairytale wedding with guests ranging from neighborhood cats to human mommies and daddies.

19) Just Doing My Job
It’s like no one ever does anything around here but this dog. He cooks, he cleans, and he irons Kevin’s work clothes. If only he got even a smidgen of appreciation, it would be more bearable.

20) Have No Fear
Now this pup can jump. When he gets older, maybe he’ll be in the shows, he has the body type and the beautiful features it takes to pass any round with flying colors.

21) Are We There Yet?
This dog looks like he needs a service dog for himself. He doesn’t look all that joyful but at least he’s getting lugged around in a Radio Flyer. Maybe he just needs a hug.

22) Her First Dance
After dancing with her new husband, this girl danced with his dog who welcomed her into the family with a cheeky grin. As long as he doesn’t make any dad jokes, then we’re good.

23) Young And In Love
Here is a couple that should be on the cover of magazines. Not only are the gorgeous, but you can feel the love radiating from the picture. This one will last forever.

24) The Place To Be
Can you think of a better place to fall asleep? Curled up with a litter of puppies seems like the best place to me. They’re soft, warm, and full of love to give and receive.

25) Where Can I Get One?
This dog is going to lead his team to victory. He’s the new pup in town known as the Maltipoo and he distracts the other team and cheers on his own. It’s a win-win.

26) Who Wouldn’t Be Happy?
This man tells a heartwarming tale. Who wouldn’t sit down in the middle of a restaurant to cuddle a Corgi? If you say you wouldn’t then you just don’t know love like this guy.

27) Reporting For Duty
She’s ready for training! Look at how excited this new recruit is for her first day on the job. Well, she likes to think she’s on the job but her time won’t come for quite a while.

28)I Can Haz Cheezburger?
You may be happy but are you dog that just found a cheeseburger happy. Does it make anyone else want to cookout with friends this summer? We can only hope!

29) The Floofiest Twins
These siblings are little bundles of joy. The picture was sent to a dude from their aunt. Now wouldn’t you like to randomly get pictures this instead of dumb selfies from friends?

30) Never Let Friendships Die
These two are obviously best pals. But they haven’t been that way for long. In fact, he has just been adopted and he couldn’t be happier about it. Now that’s what you call quick friends.

31) These My Babies, Don’t Touch Them
This mommy just have birth and she couldn’t be more proud. Who could blame her? Her pups are adorable but I’d watch it unless she knows you well.

32) Greatest Birthday Ever
This dog looks like he got into someone’s stash, but that’s okay. That’s just the face of a birthday boy who has been looking for to doggy cake for weeks now.

33) Good Little Horsey
Here we have the sweetest animalf friends. The farm dog and his trusty steed! They love and respect each other and their unique positions on the farm. It takes an village to run one.

34) When Your Kid Outgrows You
This kid has been besties with his dog since he could fit in his hands. Now, he’s bigger than he could have ever imagined and he still tries to hold him all the same.

35) Who Wouldn’t Smile?
Someone is excited to be holding a whole litter of puppies, but who wouldn’t be? She’s in an ideal position right now and you should be jealous of her. Everybody loves puppers.

36) Are You Kidding Me?
This dog’s face is such a mood. Like, really, Karen, you couldn’t have asked me if I had to go potty five minutes ago? I left it by the door for easy cleanup so you’re welcome.

37) What? We Wrestle
You may worry about this baby but he’s perfectly fine. See, he’s even giving the thumbs up so you know everything is a-okay. He doesn’t want anyone to stop the fun.

38) Oh There You Are, Peter
These siblings are having a blast in the snow. But it looks like one sibling is a little more rambunctious that the other. He just wants to play rough, and his brother needs snow shoes?

39) Oh Look, You’re Awake
I have a feeling that this dog woke his owner up and acted like nothing happened. But maybe it was time to walk, eat, or he just wanted to see his human’s beautiful eyes.

40) Scratch My Back, Will Ya?
This Husky looks lovable enough. He could use a good backscratch though. At his age, scratching doesn’t come as easy as it used to so he will use all the help he can get.

41) I Could Smell Ya Coming Off The Elevator
This Bloodhound works for Newport News Police Department and he’s the best they have. He’ll sniff out anything you ask and take you to Burger King on the way back.

42) The Ultimate Boop
This boop warms your heart, doesn’t it? Pit Bulls can be the best boopees. This one is quite adorable and loves having his owners friends over to play. The more boops the better.

43) Destined For Love
This dog’s name is Betty Boop and she was part of Sunny Saints St Bernard Rescue until her new owner rescued her. Don’t they make a lovely pair? Their love will last a lifetime.

44) Move Over, Lucy
Remember this scene in Charlie Brown? Do you think that this dog’s name is Lucy or is she just another therapist whose love can cure all wounds? If anyone can help, it’s a dog.

45) Spot The Photobomb
This dog was having a nice picture taken whenever he was photobombed by a charming, yet dastardly Husky who loves to play tricks on his friends. Who is the real star here?

46) What A Pretty Young Lad
This dog is so gorgeous that this recreation company will want to keep him. With blonde fur like that, he’ll have all the ladies in the palm of his paw in no time.

47) King Of The World!
Now this dog knows how to have a good time. He loves going boating with his owner and even replays all of his favorite scenes from movie night. Just look at that laugh.

48) He’s Lost His Limbs
Don’t worry, that mud is deep but everything is still intact. He loves playing in the mud and doesn’t understand why no one ever wants to play with him. Silly humans.

49) He’s Not A Warthog
This muddy buddy might be even cuter than the last. He looks like a real warthog and would make Pumbaa proud. Isn’t he just picture perfect surrounded by grass?

50) This Is The One
When you find the one, you know it’s the one. The moment this guy spotted this dog, the two made a connection that could not be severed. We all deserve a dog like that.

51) Pumped Up Kicks
This dog loves his new sneakers, and he does look fly in them. Whoever said that dogs couldn’t pull of shoes is crazy because this dog never looked better.

52) I Wanna See Me
This is what a dog looks like when he wants to see if you took a picture of him. Like a little kid who just figured out how a camera works, he wants to know if you did it right.

53) Splish Splash, And Knock Please!
Knock before you enter if you hear the shower running! Oh my gosh, you caught him with his shower cap on and everything. This isn’t what it looks like…no wait, it is.

54) You Have Been Anointed
The dog’s name is Sly the Golden Boy and he is being honored by Christian. He’s always been the smallest in the pack but now he is king, so take that, boys.

55) Keeping Him Company
This man is Sgt Eric Hunter who was severly wounded after stepping on an IED in Afghanistan. This dog helped him train to become stronger and acted as his emotional support.

56) Did We Win?
This dog is happy to be out and about, but even happier to be at a gam rooting for his favorite team. He doesn’t know who that is yet but it sure does sound like fun.

57) Listen To The Story
If this isn’t a dream job then I don’t know what is. Reading to a litter of puppies and giving them treats all day. They really are “Good Dogs” just like the book suggests.

58) Only Because I Like You
This cat may harass her brother but it’s all in good fun. We all know whoever is bigger has to put up with more. But in the end, he could stop her whenever he wanted to.

59) I Wuv You, Mummy
The truth is, she wanted some of her owner’s boyfriend’s chocolate he had. But of course, he only gets dog treats because chocolate is toxic to pups like this.

60) Bad To The Bone
Now here’s a pug with an attitude. Her name is Jenny and she loves to ride her bike. She may not be able to reach the pedals, but that won’t stop her from traveling the world.

61) Likely Animal Friends
You may say that it’s strange for cats and dogs to be friends, but it’s becoming so common that we should end the segregation altogether. Let these to be the poster pets for friendship.

62) Nothing Like A Good Companion
This grandpa loves his Shih Tzu. They have been best friends for years now and always offer each other company, whether playing outside or watching Wheel of Fortune.

63) Who Is The Teddy?
Which one is real? Or is this a trick and they are both plushies? This dog is so adorable that he could pass off as a stuffed animal. Now that right there is puppy goals!

64) I Think He Was Missed
This guy had just spent his time in Afghanistan and when he returned home, his dog was so happy to see him that he could hardly contain himself. Now that is touching.

65) He’ll Grow Into It
One day, this German Shepherd will take on his first case. But until then, he has to train to fit into his K-9 Unit harness. He’s going to make his mommy so proud!

66) I Do Wants The Treat
Imagine a dog being this big to you and hugging him all the same. This guy has to scrunch way down so he won’t be taller than his brother. He loves it when he gives him treats!

67) The Best Kind Of Smuggling
If you’re going to smuggle something into the hospital, it better be fast food or your pet. His girl was sick in the hospital and he just had to visit her to cheer her up.

68) Feels Like Home
This Husky was feeling homesick so his owners brought him to a place that would feel natural to him. A freezer, as cold as Alaska and as comfy as an iceberg.

69) That’s My Baby, I Must Protect
Look at that longing face. He wants his new friend to be old enough to go and play. But until then, he vows to honor and protect him at all costs.

70) I’ll Take Care Of Each And Every One
Here’s yet another sweet mama dog that found chickies to take care of. It’s amazing how gentle these large dogs are with the tiny chickies that just hatched!

71) Are You Proud Of Him?
Now this dog is a hero. He’s a double amputee who hasn’t lost his spirit. He still loves playing with noodles he finds on his walks. I think he wants to play fetch with it too!

72) True Art To Be Appreciated
Now would you look at this guy and his likeness. If you can afford one of these paintings, then get one because we need more pictures like this in the world.

73) I Goez Ousside
Someone got a little dirty while playing outside. But that’s okay, he loves bathtime and he had so much fun that nothing could ruin his day now. Just don’t take him to the vet.

74) Three Dogs And A Hooman
Now this dude has got it made. He brings along his three dogs, all geared up in goggles and bandanas, wherever he goes. This is who I aspire to be when I get older.

75) Service Dogs Deserve Love
This service dog is taking his family to Disney World. He was doing such a good job when he happened upon Mickey Mouse. Look at those ears at tell me he’s not a huge fan.

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