There are more small towns in the US than there are cities. So why does it seem so strange for someone to talk about their life in said small town? Because life there is strange, desolate – and you wouldn’t trade it for the world!
1) Field Trips Were Local, And Literal
When your class went on a field trip, it meant you went to your teacher’s backyard. Sometimes, you’d get lucky and go to a farm you’d never been to or you’d just see your cousins again.

2) Fall Meant Bonfires And Hayrides
When autumn hit, you gathered around the biggest bonfire that whoever was in charge could make. You then got the coldest you’ve ever gotten on a hayride through some field.

3) You Had Friends In 4-H
If you weren’t in FFA or 4-H, then you had friends who were. They saw it as college for their future careers and enjoyed it with a passion. We are farmers!

Lesley L
4) New Kids Intrigued You
Since new kids were so rare, you hoped and prayed the one that arrived was cool and hopefully good looking. If they were, then everyone in the school wanted to date them.

Story And Planning
5) The Power Was In And Out
About every other weekend, especially in the winter, you were without power. You may or may not call the electric company, because someone probably already called you to let you know.

6) Your Siblings Had The Same Books
Books, teachers, lunch specials! Everything you had, your older sibling had too. You probably even took the exact same tests with the exact same answers.

7) Sporting Events Were Headlined
Whenever your school played any game at all, it was usually in the paper and everyone “oohed” and “awwed” over whoever was in the picture. Everyone knew about it.

8) School Games Meant Long Drives
Whenever you didn’t get to play your game at your school, there was at least a 45-minute drive to the opposing school. If you were lucky! Sometimes it lasted a couple of hours.

9) Dances Were In The Gym
If your school couldn’t afford the Elk’s Lodge, then you had your dances at the school. You found it funny when someone talked about renting a place for their school dance in the city.

10) Your First Dates Were Fast Food Dates
The only place to take a teen date is Dairy Queen or Sonic if you don’t want ot get out of the car. If you are lucky, there is a local theater playing at least two movies.

11) You Were Related To Everyone
When it comes to prospective girlfriends/boyfriends, you have to ask your parents about them first. There’s a good chance that you are related, which is a no-go to most people.

12) Olive Garden Was The Special Date Place
If you want to take your date someplace special, like pre-prom perhaps, then you go to Olive Garden. It’s an hour or two away but so worth it when you want to impress her.

13) You’ve Gotten Stuck In Tractor Traffic
Getting stuck behind a combine or tractor is a legit excuse for being late to work or school. It’s very common and you probably know the guy in the tractor anyway.

14) Cops Are Involved
You have at least one relative that is a cop, but that doesn’t mean you get off easy. You probably get a good talking to whether or not you get a ticket. And they are definitely calling your mom.

15) You Hated Seeing Teachers Outside Of School
Most people probably don’t have to worry about their teachers popping up everywhere. But in small towns, you will see them no matter where you go. And it’s awkward.

16) You Always Saw Your Ex At The Store
It wasn’t just the teachers that it felt like stalked you, it was your exes too. You better have left on good terms or else the entire store will feel the tension when you two meet.

17) Shopping Took An Extra Couple Of Hours
If you wanted new school clothes, you probably had to travel an hour or two to the nearest mall. No one wants Walmart clothes, that’s what everyone else is wearing.

Google Maps
18) You Stick To The Curfew
There is a curfew for minors and you were afraid of what would happen if you failed to respect it. So, you most definitely tried to be at someone’s house before 10pm.

19) You Chilled In Parking Lots
Whenever you did have adults with you to keep the cops from checking in, you were hanging out at Walmart parking lot. That was the cool thing to do, especially on a pickup bed.

20) There Was No Off-Campus Lunch
When you heard other teens talking about going to Panera for lunch, you wondered what tehy meant. At your school, no one left during lunch, even senior year!

Jose Kevo
21) Your Coach Also Taught A Class
You weren’t sure if your teacher was your coach or your coach was your teacher. But you did know that they were one in the same. That would explain why they were a horrible PE teacher.

22) County Fairs Were All The Rage
You looked forward to the county fair just as much as everyone else did. It gave you something to do and you got to hang out with friends somewhere that wasn’t Walmart.

23) Hunting Season Canceled School
Whether it was deer season or turkey season, school was not only optional, but it was canceled so the teachers could hunt. It sounds like a joke, but that’s just the way it was.

24) You Talk To “Strangers”
Although the stranger swore they knew your mother, you always felt awkward talking to them. They knew everything about your life and asked how each family member was doing by name.

25) Weekends Were Spent Cruising
When you didn’t want to sit around in parking lots, you spent your weekend cruising around dirt roads with loud music and a case of soda. Or at least that’s what you told your parents.

26) Stores Close Early
Stores kept their own hours, and that usually meant they closed at 10pm. You were lucky if Taco Bell was open till midnight or 2am, which would explain why it was so busy.

27) You Were Treated Like A Preteen
Whatever the kids in the cities were doing, you were doing too, just five to ten years later than they were. Yeah, aging is different in small towns and that’s okay.

28) Restaurants Don’t Deliver
Domino’s might have delivery but then again, who had a Domino’s in their town? Pizza Hut was more than enough and it was dine-in only for years.

29) The Parking Lot Was Full Of Pickup Trucks
There was a reason most of the cars at school weren’t cars at all. Small towns usually require off-road driving and four wheel drive. Ask a Midwest winter about that.

30) There Are Three Job Options
When looking for your first job, the options are slim. You can work in fast food, try for the feed store, or get paid cash at less than minimum wage at some private business.

31) You Sold World’s Finest Chocolate Bars
Either you or your sibling was forced to sell candy bars and probably tried their best to sell more than anyone else. But it was always abotu who had the richest friends and family.

32) Gossip Travels Fast
The grapevine is faster than the internet and always will be. It may be because the vine is full of people who know each other and are always wanting to get the upper hand.

33) Your Parents And Teachers Had A History
Your teachers went to school with your parents, which was pretty awkward. There was probably even one teacher that dated one of your parents and you hated it when they would meet.

Alan Levine/flickr
34) City Folk Just Don’t Get It
You’ve seen the Farmer’s Only commercial and you agree. When new people move in, they act like they are special and everyone hates it. That’s why you talk about them behind their back.

35) Vices Are Meant To Be Kept Hidden
Your parents may have drank or smoked weed, but no one else knew about it. Drinking was shameful and only the low lifes did it openly. Keep your vices in the closet.

36) Local Sports Were Political
You rooted for your school and cursed all other schools. Things got intense and there were fist fights at least once a year over a high school sports game.

37) You’ve Hit A Cow
Driving to school was a sport because you had to watch out for deer and cows. You knew whose cow it was so you called them when it happened to let them know their gate was open.

38) The Bus Didn’t Take Your Route
There was a bus that took other kids to school, but a lot of the kids had to drive to the bus stop or all the way to school. There was country life in small town life.

39) You Know Everyone
If there is someone you don’t know, you know them because they are the person that you don’t know. You know everyone else’s middle name and street address.

40) Churches…Churches Everywhere
There are a lot of banks in small towns, but there are even more churches. It seems like each family has their own church. That’s not creepy at all.

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