Lion King song starts to play, then groomsmen "walk" and perform hilarious wedding routine
This man is a keeper!
Kalli Sarkin

Some weddings are sweet and simple, while others are elaborate and elegant. Still, others are bold, toeing the line of what makes up the long-held tradition. All weddings, no matter how big or ornate, are unforgettable to those who are celebrating the union of their lives.

Some men are comfortable letting their fiancĂ©s do all the planning for the big day. Women are notorious for wanting every last detail to be absolutely perfect when they say their vows. While it’s popular for women to have a major say in the events of the day, some men just can’t help but take the opportunity to surprise their ladies.

Mark Sartor is one such man. He couldn’t just sit by and let his future wife take charge of everything. Mark wanted to do something to show his love for his lady in his own way. So he hatched a plan that would take MONTHS to complete.

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Mark invited his friends over and told them about his big idea. He wanted to come up with a special dance as a tribute to the wonderful woman whose life would soon be intertwined with his. With his friends on board, it was all coming together.

They practiced in secret, not giving the bride-to-be a hint about what was going to happen. It wasn’t until their wedding day that she watched it all unfold.

The ceremony was taking place as usual, until suddenly something changed. Music came on – and it was from Disney’s Lion King! The wife knew something was going on, but she had no idea what would happen next.

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The dance floor was empty, but the guests began to cheer as they figured out what was happening. Finally, the groom emerged. He was being carried by his friends ON A CHAIR into the center of the room, clapping and waving the whole way. His friends slowly lowered him onto the floor, then the music changed.

Now BeyoncĂ©’s “Single Ladies” was blasting from the speakers, and everyone in the audience was having a great time. The guys stood in a line and began to perform their own choreographed routine! They were having the time of their lives, and they had clearly worked super hard on their performance.

The bride sat in a chair that had been set at the head of the dance floor. The men danced around for her, showing that this was all for the one woman who could make their friend so happy.

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After a minute the music switched up again – and so did the crew. Four of the groom’s friends left the stage, wearing button-ups and bow ties, and four more joined wearing ties and sailor hats. This was one ELABORATE performance!

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This time the tune was “Candyman” by Christina Aguilera, and the dance routine was full of energy. The men just couldn’t stop smiling and they shimmied and shook. This surprise was definitely worth all the hard work Mark and his friends put into it.

The montage continued, featuring “Party Rock Anthem” by LMFAO, “Stop” by the Spice Girls, and PSY’s “Gangnam Style.” It was wild, fresh, and totally fun. The bride looked like she was having the time of her life throughout the whole performance.

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Mark was pretty proud of himself for organizing this whole routine. “I came up with this dance as a surprise for my beautiful wife with my mates,” Mark shared in his video caption. “We practiced every Wednesday night in my garage for 3 months prior to our wedding. We drank, we ate and we danced every week. My wife had no idea what we were up to, I told her a white lie that she actually believed. She believed I was in a ten-pin bowling team, her reaction is priceless!”

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Good work, Mark. The effort you have put into making sure this was the happiest day of your wife’s life shows just what an amazing husband you will be.

Do you have any special wedding stories? Let us know in the comments below!

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