Five-month-old baby Julius lives in LA with his adoring parents. The couple, still basking in the glow of new parenthood, could hardly wait to introduce their bundle of joy to his grandparents.
And of course his grandparents were excited to meet him too!
He got on his first flight and was well behaved for the entire five hours. A future globe-trotter!

After the long journey, the family finally arrived at the house. But little Julius was tired! So he went to sleep on his grandparent’s bed.

As he woke up, it was time for grandpa to come in and say hello.
Is there anything sweeter than a new baby experiencing something for the first time? And there’s nothing stronger than a family bond.

It was love at first sight.
Little Julius giggled as grandpa rubbed his belly gently and made silly faces at him. Julius could barely take his eyes off Grandpa, looking back at a face that would soon become familiar.

These two already look like they’re getting along swimmingly. But grandparent’s bond with their grandchild isn’t like their relationship with a parent.
Grandparents get to take on a totally different role than they did with their own children.
They get to spoil them!

It’s rare that they have to enforce rules, scold them, or take too much responsibility for their upbringing. They get to play and give gifts – it’s easy to be the good guy!

But unsurprisingly, a grandparent’s relationship with with their grandchild isn’t a given.
It relies on a few key things, including proximity and how often they see each other.
Living across the country, more than two thousand miles, from one another will definitely make it a little more difficult for these two to build a strong bond and really get to know each other.
But you can see the love that exists here even after meeting each other for just a few minutes!

According to Very Well Family:
Research also shows that the middle generation is of vital importance in determining closeness. When grandparents and their adult children are close, closeness with grandchildren comes naturally and easily.
But it’s very clear that it’s important to Julius’ parents that he get to know his grandparents. Or they wouldn’t have flown all this way!
And it must be nice for the parents to get some quality time with their parents as well.

By a baby’s second month in the world, they can recognize the faces of their parents or primary care-givers.
They can even recognize themselves in the mirror… buy they don’t actually realize it’s themselves! They think it’s just another random baby. Sort of like an very very cute imaginary friend, if you will.

But month three, they can start recognizing other faces and familiar objects.
And since Grandpa probably has some similar physical characteristics to little Julius and at least one of his parents, he will find the face familiar more quickly.
After some play time, including got your nose! and this little piggy on the toes, Julius was beaming. Grandpa even shakes his teeny tiny little hand and saying “pleased to meet you sir”, and my heart melted a little bit.
“He’s somethin’ else.”

Julius loves playing with his Grandpa!
You can tell these two are going to be thick as thieves.

Watch the adorable video below to see the once-in-a-lifetime moment when baby meets his grandpa for the first time.
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