Grandma sells table online for $30 but quickly notices something is fishy
Sandra thought she was going to make a few extra bucks. Little did she know, a stranger had other plans.
Jake Manning

Sandra Pond thought she was making a simple sale when she posted a side table online for $30.

Within moments, she received a message from a potential buyer who claimed to be out of town.

The buyer offered to secure the purchase with an e-transfer, which seemed like a straightforward solution.

Sandra provided her email for the transfer, setting off a chain of events that would highlight the importance of vigilance in the face of online scams.


The e-transfer notification Sandra received appeared legitimate, complete with the Interac symbol and professional formatting.

It directed her to a link where she could select her bank.

As she clicked through, the page began to load, displaying a message that instructed her not to refresh.

This seemingly standard security measure was actually a cleverly disguised trap.


As the page continued to load endlessly, Sandra’s unease grew.

She waited, hoping it was just a slow connection, but the persistent loading screen began to raise alarm bells.

Trusting her instincts, she decided to check her email for any updates.

There, she found a message from her bank, urging her to change her password immediately.

This was the first concrete sign that something was amiss.

Unsplash - Goran Ivos
Unsplash - Goran Ivos

Reacting swiftly, Sandra logged out of the suspicious page and contacted her bank using the number on her debit card.

This precaution ensured she was speaking directly to her bank and not the scammer.

The bank representative confirmed her fears: her account had been targeted, and there was suspicious activity underway.

The bank quickly locked her account to prevent further damage.

Unsplash - Arjun Phlox
Unsplash - Arjun Phlox

Determined to resolve the issue, Sandra visited her bank in person.

The staff there confirmed that the e-transfer notification was part of a sophisticated scam.

The scammer had attempted to exploit her account’s daily transfer limit, trying to move $1,000 from each of her three accounts.

This added up to the $3,000 daily limit for Interac transfers.

Fortunately, the bank’s timely intervention stopped the transfers and retrieved her money.

Unsplash - Jason Dent
Unsplash - Jason Dent

Sandra’s quick thinking and prompt action prevented a significant financial loss.

The bank advised her to regularly check her accounts and be cautious of similar scams in the future.

They emphasized the importance of being vigilant and acting quickly if something seems off.

Sandra realized how close she had come to losing thousands of dollars and was grateful for the outcome.


Sandra noted how convincing the scam email had been.

The use of the Interac symbol and professional language made it look authentic, which could easily deceive someone less wary.

Determined to warn others, she messaged the scammer back, informing them they had failed to steal her money.

It was a small victory, but a significant one, showing that she was not easily fooled.


Sandra shared her story in an interview, hoping to educate others about the dangers of online scams.

The video quickly gained traction, amassing nearly a million views within days.

Viewers were captivated by her story and grateful for the warning.

One viewer aptly commented,

“Thankfully she had the sense to realize something wasn’t quite right and acted on that feeling immediately.”


Sandra’s ordeal serves as a stark reminder of the potential dangers lurking in online transactions.

Her experience underscores the need for vigilance and prompt action when something feels off.

By sharing her story, she has not only protected herself but also helped others recognize and avoid similar scams.

The overwhelming response to her video shows that her message is reaching a wide audience, raising awareness and promoting safer online practices.

Be sure to watch Sandra’s eye-opening interview in the video below!

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