At the Stars On Ice tour at Orlando, Florida top figure skater Gracie Gold performed Frozen’s “Let It Go” in front of thousands of people.
She started her routine with the audience applauding her presence. Wearing a glittery blue green outfit, she blew away the audience with her flawless performance.

Known for her fast spins and strong jumps, she gave life to Queen Elsa’s song and made the little girls in the audience happy and in awe.

That season was super eventful for Gracie. She received the silver medal at the U.S. International Figure Skating Classic. She took the bronze medal overall at Skate Canada and finished fourth place at the NHK Trophy.
She also scored the highest-ever ladies’ score at the US Championships and also skated her way to her first senior national title.
She became part of the US national skating team and represented the country at the Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia. She won the bronze medal in the team event and fourth place in the singles event.
She also placed fifth place overall in the World Championships in Saitama, Japan.
At the end of it all, she ended her season with a cool, breath-taking performance on Stars On Ice in Orlando, Florida.

Born in Newton, Massachusetts on August 1995, Gracie first started skating at a friend’s party.
“I started skating when I just turned 8 years old and my best friend had his party at the local ice rink… we all hopped onto the ice for a public session,” Gracie recalled. “We were skating around, and there were ice skaters in the middle and they were jumping and they were spinning and they were having so much fun — and I was skating around the rink and I was amazed. I asked my mom to sign me up for learn-to-skate lessons and I’ve been skating ever since.”
Throughout her colorful and sometimes controversial skating life, 2014 was the most memorable year for her. It was the year that she became known globally in the skating and sports world. And it was all thanks to her memorable performance at the 2014 Winter Olympics.

She also came back to perform on Stars On Ice in before she took a break in 2017 to seek treatment for her battle with anxiety, depression, and eating disorder.
Gracie never thought she would have to face this problem one day. In fact, she had a problem understanding mental health issues.

“I’d hear someone say, ‘I’m so depressed,’ and I’d think, ‘Tough it out,’” Gracie said.
But her competitive nature and wanting to be the best led to Gracie developing a mental health problem.
And it became so bad because she didn’t have anyone to talk to.

She wanted to tell other people her problems but she couldn’t because they expected her to be perfect. The only ones who could really see what was behind her mask were her fellow athletes.
Focusing on her treatment during her hiatus, she was able to come back to the skating world in the 2018-2019 season.
She took it one step at a time and building herself up from “rock bottom.”

She had to prove to herself again that she could still skate.
“The expectation wasn’t to come here and set the world on fire. I just needed to compete,” Gracie said. “On-brand for my personality is to go to one of the hardest Grands Prix in Moscow to do it, not at some tiny competition. The goal was just to show up and try to be brave.”
She is now working her way up once again, on the way to the Winter Olympics 2022 in Beijing, China.

Watch Gracie’s heartfelt and magical performance below.
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