Men Save Goat Hanging From Phone Line
These men had to think quickly if they wanted to save the goat.
Cedric Jackson

When these men saw a goat hanging from a power line, they knew they had to do whatever they could to help.

A group of men from Sykourio, near Larissa, Greece, came across a goat hanging from a power line. It had somehow gotten its horns caught on the cables and was just dangling there. You can see just how dire its situation was at 0:04 in the video of its rescue. Instead of just leaving it to starve, this group of men got creative to save the goat’s life.

In a combined effort between at least six men with creative minds, some ropes, and a pair of ladders, they managed to get the goat down.

Greek Reporter
Greek Reporter

By 0:28, you can see them starting to put their plan into action.

One man is standing on the hill that the goat most likely jumped off before his predicament, putting him at about the same height as the goat but at least several meters to the side.

The man on the hill holds onto the end of a rope that is tied to a long ladder. Three men standing on the roof of a vehicle on the other side of the goat support the ladder. With the help of a fourth, they manage to point it up closer to the goat.

At this point, you can hear the goat’s confusion and worry as it emits a bleat at 0:38.

In an amazingly executed and complicated maneuver, the men manage to hook the top rung of the ladder underneath the goat’s front arms while the man with the rope adds extra support from another direction. Working together, they manage to make some progress, but the goat is still attached to the wire – and bleating.

When the ladder falls at 1:08, the men don’t give up.

Instead, they try another method. Their previous efforts had moved the goat so it was above a point higher up the hill. At this new position, they are able to lean the ladder against the hill with some extra support, and one man climbs it.

YouTube Screenshot
YouTube Screenshot

At 1:28, the man on the ladder ties a rope around the closest goat hoof. He then tosses the rope to the man on the hill, who slowly and carefully pulls the goat along the power lines even closer to the peak of the hill. Essentially, this puts the goat closer to the ground.

Of course, the men have no way of explaining their plan to the goat, so it kicks and bleats. Finally, at 2:28, the goat is close enough to the ground on the hill for two men to grab. They carefully lift and unhook the goat.

At 2:58, the poor animal finally gets its feet on the ground again.

YouTube Screenshot
YouTube Screenshot

Near the end of the video, at 3:19, we can see the goat crossing the road and going off, most likely thankful for the help the men gave it.

Luckily for the goat and the men, this was a phone line, not a power line. This made the rescue operation much safer, as there was no risk of electrocution.

Hopefully, the goat won’t find itself in trouble again anytime soon.

Of course, the question remains, how did the goat get itself in this predicament in the first place?

Most likely, the goat’s natural climbing abilities got the best of him. Several comments on the YouTube video sum up the likely scenario. B Ann Solis commented:

“Goats are climbers. The goat probably climbed high enough to get horns caught in the line and then slid. My husband’s family has a goat farm and goats can get themselves into trouble.”

Stories like this, when humans go above and beyond to help an animal in need, will always be close to the heart.

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