Class clown, most unique, most likely to succeed… class awards are meant to be fun and lighthearted.
However, one Louisana teacher’s class awards have been called cruel.
The family of one student is saying this teacher was attempting to humiliate one of her first graders at Evangeline Elementary School. Teacher Jessica Bordlee likes to award her students for their academic achievements but also wanted to acknowledge their unique personalities.

She wanted to recognize her student, 7-year-old Hayden, for having the best attendance and making the honor roll three out of the four marking periods this year.
She also gave her students two “fun” awards.
One was voted on by the class and the other was another that the student selected themselves and felt best described their personality. Some of the fun awards were “most likely to be famous” or “most dramatic” and “best video gamer.”

Hayden chose the “class clown” award. His peers voted for him to have this award as well. The awards were handed out in front of his classmates and family member during a ceremony at the school.
“He’s bright and funny,” Bordlee said. “He has such a big personality.”
Bordlee also gave Hayden a certificate for “most talkative.” She says he’s always the first to raise his hand and answer a question. She even gave Hayden a red clown nose to wear.

She said Hayden was happy to wear the nose and receive his awards. But some of Hayden’s family members were not.
They called the awards inappropriate and shared their feelings with the local news and on social media platforms.
“When our children get certificates, we frame these. We keep these,” she said. “Who wants to frame something like that?” Shaneka Hayes, Hayden’s grandma told the Daily Advertiser.

Hayden’s great aunt, LaTosha Alexis agreed with Hayden’s grandmother.
“This had nothing to do with honoring the child,” she said.
She was disappointed that none of his academic achievements were highlighted in any of the two awards he received.

“Out of all the awesome & excellent things happening with my Great-Nephew academically she could have honored him in, she presented him with two certificates. The 1st is for class clown & the 2nd is for most talkative,” LaTosha wrote on Facebook.
“This is my sister Shaneka’s grandbaby (my nephew Hakeem son) and I’m told the room went silent when Jessica Bordlee announced the certificates she created for him. My great nephew went up to retrieve his certificates as everyone sat in silence and waited. To make matters worse, Jessica Bordlee called Hayden back up at the end of the ceremony and said, “Oh! Hayden, I forgot your red nose”

She says that the teacher “publicly humiliated my great nephew and family.” Chief Administration Officer for the Louisana Parish School Systems Joe Craig said school district officials were concerned about Bordlee’s behavior.
The district said they would consider disciplining her.
“I am appalled because she really went above & beyond to try and have her audience to join in with her to humiliate my great Nephew but the audience was too embarrassed themselves while witnessing such behavior from a woman in power of little children,” said Alexis. “She could have given him the most funny certificate and perhaps future motivational speaker. There need to be some action following her behavior.

Bordlee apologized to the family and said she never sought to disrespect or offend anyone.
“It was never my intention,” she said. “I’m so sorry their feelings were hurt. I”m not racist. It came from a good place.”
Some on social media suggested that the word “clown” may be perceived differently by certain cultures.

“Apparently in the African American culture, the word ‘clown’ has a negative connotation,” Bordlee, who is white, said. “I didn’t know that. I only thought about how I would feel if my child received the award. I’d be happy and proud of her.”
Superintendent Dr. Donald Aguillard told KLFY that Bordlee will face some level of discipline.
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