Girl dancing on Tik Tok captures moment intruder breaks into her home
What started out as a relaxing evening took a turn for the worst when an intruder barged into her home.
Jonathan Arrastia

Being in the privacy of one’s home, it’s easy to confide in that comfort and not worry about any potential dangers. However, sometimes our overconfidence can lead to our downfall if we’re not too careful.

A woman films herself dancing on TikTok when peril struck seemingly out of nowhere.

Hannah Viverette was dancing alone in the living room of her Hagerstown, Maryland apartment when suddenly a jagged noise interrupted her routine.

Hannah quickly startled as she noticed a human interloper trying to break through her patio door!

For Hannah, the evening was supposed to be filled with loud music and a good time releasing some stress and getting a good workout.

Not what happened at all.

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“Who are you?,” Viverette immediately questioned the intruder as he opened her 2nd story balcony door.

“Please get out” she demanded incessantly.

The now viral video made headlines this past Sunday night.

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Viverette describes the perpetrator as a man wearing a hooded sweatshirt with his hands in his pockets. At that moment, Viverette thought the man was going to come at her with a weapon.

To make matters worse, the man was eerily talking to himself like he was deranged!

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Hannah immediately retreated to her front door, where she knocked on the neighbor’s door for further support.

She was prepared to do anything to survive the harrowing encounter.

Finally, after a few tense moments of suspense, the man turned around and made his way out of the apartment the same way he came in.

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Phew! The young 25-year-old can let out a sigh of relief!

Viverette later reported the incident and said she had recognized the man from noticing him various times around her complex.

The man, 36 years of age, was identified by police as Angel Moises Rodriguez-Gomez who had allegedly asked Viverette if she was his friend with her response being, “No.” and his being, “Are you sure?”

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Hannah later posted the scary video on TikTok with the captions,

“That moment when you’re recording yourself dancing and your stalker climbs into your second story balcony to break in.”

It was truly a frightening scene for anyone to encounter.

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Hannah was smart to act quickly and defensively as she did.

Her stalker, Rodriguez-Gomez, was charged with third and fourth-degree burglary, second-degree assault, and malicious destruction of property.

While the smile victory should be celebrated, it was not enough as Rodriguez-Gomez posted bond for his release.

The fact that the assailant was out on the prowl again prompted Viverette to find another location to reside.

It’s not easy sleeping in the same place knowing you have a stalker who is running loose.

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“The only thing law-enforcement has been able to tell me is that a lot of it has to do with not wanting to house him due to COVID,” Viverette said in the WTTG interview.

“I just really don’t think it’s fair that he’s walking freely right now. And I have to watch my back at every angle.”

Indeed, it’s a tough situation for Hannah to be in. Home is where we’re supposed to feel safe and protected from the perils of the outside world. That’s why it’s very difficult to not feel violated in a very deep way after such a treacherous act is committed.

Did you know there are approximately 2.5 million burglaries per year?

Of which 66% of them are home break-ins? A report states that burglary occurs about every 13 seconds and according to the FBI, 65% of burglaries happen between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m.

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Hannah avoided being another statistic that fearful evening. Others may not be so fortunate.

It’s important to lock our doors and windows at all times to avoid bone-chilling scenarios such as these.

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