Gas station always puts up hilarious signs and locals can’t hold back the laughs
Not only are they funny, but they're downright clever too.
Jenny Brown

No matter who you are or even what business you are in, it’s good to laugh.

The management team at the Wallingford Chevron gas station in Seattle, Washington, knows this and helps people get in a chuckle with their often hilarious reader board signs.

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Facebook - Wallingford Sign

The owner of the gas station, Jim Bernard, said that the famous Wallingford Sign began in 2005 when he and the manager just decided to do something silly and fun.

Instead of encouraging people to visit their station, they started just posting funny comments, puns, and other messages to make people laugh.

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Facebook - Wallingford Sign

Impacts the community in a “happy way”


The manager of the Chevron station, Cassandra, says the signs impact the community in a “happy way.”

Drivers see so many advertisements along their travels that a funny sign can be a welcome change of pace.

Kinda like the gem below…

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Signs that make you laugh and signs that make you think

Most of the signs the Chevron station puts up are funny but some of them make you think too.

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Facebook - Wallingford Sign

For instance, the below sign really makes you wonder what our dogs think about us.

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Facebook - Wallingford Sign

I mean, dogs must have some sort of name for us, right?

Or perhaps if they are not associating us with a word, we are a scent or an image to them.


Who are we to dogs? I need to know this now!

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Facebook - Wallingford Sign

We’re sorry naps!

Other signs also help us put things in perspective. For instance, as children none of us ever enjoyed naps.


We would complain whenever a parent or guardian tried to make us take on.

However, to adults, naps are awesome! Doesn’t that make you regret how you treated naps earlier in your life?

(FYI, the writer of this article is literally considering having a nap right now. They will probably finish writing this first but then it’s nap city, baby!)

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Cannibals are people too

Just because cannibals eat people doesn’t mean that they aren’t people too.


Far too often our society is slow to be inclusive of the cannibal population simply because they murder and eat people. Shameful!

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Tradition is peer pressure from the dead

The above sign really makes you wonder what event or incident preceded it.

Was Cassandra, the Chevron manager, made to take part in an elaborate wedding party recently?

What custom or tradition is she reacting to with this sign?

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Facebook - Wallingford Sign

Possible mistakes you can make at the beach

There are lots of mistakes you can potentially make at the beach.

Some of us have made more of them than others. Chasing after a dog named “Shark” at a beach is probably not going to earn you too many new friends.

Naming your dog “Help, I’m drowning right now, please rescue me” is also not advised.

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Facebook - Wallingford Sign

Well, not everyone

Let’s think about this for a second. The song “Kung Fu Fighting” featuring the line, “Everyone was Kung Fu fighting” was released in 1974.

The world population at the time was almost 4 billion, half of what it is today but that’s a story for another time.

4 billion people all Kung Fu fighting at the same time would be logistically quite difficult.

A more realistic lyric for the song would probably be, “A lot of people were Kung Fu fighting but certainly not all the people.”

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Facebook - Wallingford Sign

Watch the video below to find out more about these hilarious signs – and be sure to share them to brighten someone else’s day!

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