In this crazy world, we are filled with so many inspirational quotes that are supposed to motivate us and give us hope.
But there are people who want the other kind. They want quotes to uninspire people.
What kind of quotes? Here are 35 to inspire you.
1. One after the other
Life is just one mistake after one mistake after one mistake. And then a major disaster happens. You can’t just get a break, can you?
2. Everyone has an opinion
You can listen to everyone’s opinions, or at least try to do that. But it still doesn’t mean all their opinions are listening to. Let’s hope they realize nobody’s actually listening to them.
3. Stay still
Can the world just stop spinning? For just one second. Come on. One second is all we ask for. So we can all breathe.
4. The introvert’s life
This is every introvert’s dialogue everywhere. They’ve had years and decades of practice when it comes to physical and social distancing.
5. One of those days
It’s one of those days, you know? Sometimes, it starts like any other Monday. But now, it’s the worst and the most extreme Monday in the history of history.
6. March 229
Nope, it’s not October. It’s still the 229th day of March. But who’s counting?
7. One big LOL
2020 bigger than 2019? Yeah, right. That’s a big LOL to everyone!
8. That six-pack though
Yup, everyone’s got them. There are just some people who have rock-hard abs. And there are some hidden by that soft, soft layer of fat. Do you agree?
9. Carbs = best friends
Don’t ever insult my best friends. They will always be there for me when everybody else has abandoned me. Carbs will never leave me.
10. What freedom looks like
Do you know what freedom feels like? This is exactly how to describe freedom for everyone.
11. To be or not to be
Sometimes, it’s a good decision. But a lot of times, we just wish we stayed in bed that day. Have you had days like that?
12. Climate change solution
All that physical distancing is good for the environment. So do it, if not for you, then for the environment.
13. The best way to eat
Do you know the best way to eat? This is the way. This is the only way.
14. Let’s make this clear
Being on time, never going to happen. So stop expecting some time miracle to happen. It won’t.
15. No such thing
And it looks like it won’t be easy to celebrate the next one. So why bother, right?
16. Can’t help it
Worrying only causes pain. That’s why they need to make even more inspirational posts!
17. When will this nightmare end?
You woke up from a nightmare to enter another nightmare. When will it end?
18. No small talk
Small talks are the worst. And they’re a complete waste of time. When will the 5% of great conversations become bigger?
19. Only one wish
They only have one wish their entire lives. When will it come true? Will it come true?
20. So much savings!
You’re saving so much on Halloween costumes, even the DIY ones. And all you need to do is just to come as yourself. Isn’t that great?
21. Don’t wake me up until Monday
Is it dinner yet? No? Then it’s not time to wake up.
22. Motivational selfie
See? Selfies do work. But you have to make sure you’re using the right quote. Otherwise, it’s just really selfie-sh.
23. Blood transfusion
Want something more effective running through your veins? Oh if this were only true!
24. It’s good to be a dog
Sometimes, life could be good if we were dogs. Wait, scratch that. Not sometimes, all the time.
25. How much will that gym cost?
Will there a be a lot of people? What kind of equipment will be in it? What kind of classes can they take?
26. The right period
Where you put the period matters. It. Matters.
27. Very frustrating
Trying to build the courage to say something is harder than they thought. But yes, this is about you.
28. Start the day right
First things first, no talking in the morning. Not even after that 3rd cup of coffee. Just ssshhhhh.
29. You’re too close
6 feet apart please. Stay away. Go to the other side of the room. Outside the room is even better.
30. The weight loss secret
It’s the most effective way of losing weight. It will never fail.
31. Decaf is poison
How anyone can drink decaf is so unbelievable. Decaf is poison. Stop drinking decaf!
32. Are you food?
If you’re not food, then just stop talking. Shhh. Go away.
33. Agreed?
We can’t agree on everything. Except for this one. So guess it’s not everything.
34. What is the right time?
There is no right time. The right time will be right when it’s right.
35. What to eat?
It’s always trying to figure out what to eat. So we end up eating the same thing every day because who needs all that trouble?