Accidents happen more often than you might think, yet itโs not often that we capture them on camera. However, these photographers snapped their shots at the exact right moment. The hilarious photos show 55 individuals who are completely unaware of the unfortunate things that are about to happen to them.
From drink spills in slow motion to birds stealing the hats right off of peopleโs heads, this list includes some of the craziest situations we could find. Although, if the images were taken just seconds prior, everything would have looked completely normal.

1. Tired Soldier
All of the soldiers were standing in perfect formation with stern and serious looks on their faces. That is all except for one of them. The exhausted man just couldnโt hold it in any longer, he had to yawn!

2. Flipped Motorcycle
Seconds from now, this guy is going to be in for a world of hurt. He realizes what is happening, but the whole weight of the situation has sunk in yet, literally, and figuratively speaking. Hopefully, his thick jeans help to protect him somewhat.

3. Aspiring Actor
The dog had no idea what was taking place on the television behind her. Nevertheless, she managed to make the exact same expression as the actor in the series at the exact same time. What do you think, was it a coincidence?

4. Making Friends
Snorkeling can be a whole lot of fun. However, there is always the risk that a giant manta ray will jump on you. Thatโs what these three women found out recently.

5. Safety Violation
You can probably run this situation over and over again dozens of times and nothing will happen. All it takes is one spark hitting the wrong part of the tanks though and the whole place goes up in flames. It makes us cringe just looking at it.

6. Exquisite Cheese
It turns out, some birds enjoy cheese just as much as humans do. The bird can be seen gazing at the cheese longingly. It is going to be so delicious when it finally takes a bite.

7. Surprise Pup
There is nothing quite like getting photobombed by a swimming dog. Itโs the last thing that you would expect to come paddling by while you are in a swimming pool. Vacations can be quite surprising like that.

8. Flying Cake
This dessert sure looks tasty. Itโs such a shame that she wonโt actually get to eat it. The restaurant might as well say goodbye to that nice white tablecloth too.

9. Catching A Plane
Some statues are simply larger than life. Although, itโs all a matter of perspective. From certain angles, planes can be plucked right out of the sky.

10. Dolphin Jump
This dolphin took a giant leap out of the pool of water. It was aiming for the second pool on the other side. Sadly though, it got stopped in midair by its talented Navy dolphin trainer. The man has incredible timing.

11. Incoming Wave
Being buried in the sand seemed like a great idea at first. Then the unthinkable happened. A rogue wave emerged from the ocean and headed straight for the beach.

12. Cat Hat
This cat really enjoys watching TV series. It likes to get as close as possible to the screen so that it can greet all of the characters for itself. It takes interactive entertainment to a whole new level.

13. Fish Kiss
Everything was going smoothly in the first picture. However, seconds later is when the hilarious accident happened. The slippery fish decided to swap out the fake-kiss for a real one.

14. Spilled Beverages
This is what it looks like when you walk straight into a glass door while carrying two giant drinks. Itโs not a pretty sight. However, it certainly is funny.

15. Furry Heart
Some perfect timing photos donโt involve fails at all. They are simply beautiful accidents. Thatโs what happened here when the photographer captured a surprise heart shape created by a loving cat.

16. Daring Jump
Back in the โ70s, this man took his uncleโs motorcycle out for a spin without asking. This was the photo that he captured of the ride, seconds before crashing and breaking his collarbone. As you can probably surmise from the angle of the jump, it wasnโt a very smooth landing for him.

17. Biking Gone Wrong
Here we have a similar fail on a pedal bike. Although, this one was taken after the accident was already in progress. The woman had already been separated from the bike at the time of the photo, courtesy of a random storm drain.

18. Window Collision
This bird was flying up to say hello and got a rude awakening. It turns out, there was a window between it and the person that it was trying to reach. Who would have guessed?

19. Taco Explosion
Imagine trying to eat a taco and an angry bee comes flying into the vehicle. Thatโs what happened here. Eating tacos while driving is hard enough as it is. Add a bee into the mix and itโs a recipe for disaster.

20. Big Splash
Two people in this photo realized that the wave was coming crashing in and took off running. A third person just stood there and waited. It was too late already to escape, so he figured that he might as well just embrace it.

21. Cat Man
Thereโs not much to see here, folks. Itโs just a creepy man with a cat body. Itโs completely normal and nothing out of the ordinary. We assure you.

22. Porsche Vs. Truck
The person driving the Porsche thought that they were pretty cool cruising around the streets like a maniac. However, the two trucks in front of them got the final word in the matter. They hit the driver with a giant plume of black exhaust as they pulled away.

23. Spill In Slow Motion
Weddings often involve a lot of drinking. Of course, when alcohol is added into the mix, things always get a little wild. You never know what is going to happen.

24. Last Minute Entrant
Here we have a cat that is all set for the big race. She is waiting in the starting position, just like all of the other competitors. Any second now, the whistle will blow and she will take off running.

25. Curious Monkey
Taking a selfie with a monkey can be quite unpredictable. Thatโs what this goofy photo proves. One minute, things were going fine, and the next, total chaos broke loose.

26. Fall In Progress
You have to be really careful while walking around the city in the winter. Sidewalks can get really icy. We recommend wearing boots, and if you are really accident prone, maybe even a helmet.

27. Bird Sighting
Some animals like being photographed and some donโt. This bird belongs to the group that doesnโt like being caught on camera. The bird looks almost offended by the fact that someone would accidentally take a picture of him.

28. Disappearing Sandwich
This man jokingly picked up a giant sandwich to pretend like he was going to eat the whole thing. He didnโt get very far though. One misstep later and he was left salvaging the scraps off the ground.

29. Surprise Waterfall
Taking a group picture isnโt easy. Itโs so hard to make sure that everyone has their eyes open and is smiling at the same time. Not to mention, at any second, water could come pouring down out of nowhere.

30. Dog Illusion
This is exactly how the old-school video games used to work. However, this is the real-life version using dogs. The character disappears off one end of the screen and suddenly emerges on the other.

31. Catch & Release
Posing with a recently caught fish is no easy task. Thatโs what this man found out when he tried to hold onto the slippery swimmer. His big catch quickly ended up right back in the water where it started.

32. Rescue Attempt
As a photographer, there is nothing worse than losing an expensive camera. You have to do anything you can to save the equipment, including diving after it while another photographer laughs as they photograph you looking ridiculous.

33. Rollercoaster Takeoff
Rollercoasters are already scary enough. Looking at this photo though, you would think that it accidentally launched into space. Luckily, itโs just an illusion due to a perfectly placed contrail off on the distance.

34. Turkey Thief
If you have a dog in the family, you have to be very careful when preparing fancy feasts. Dogs get hungry too, just like people. If you turn your back for a second, they can totally ruin the holidays.

35. Tumbling Down
Riding horses is inherently risky. However, it doesnโt even compare to jumping horses over gates. Occasionally, you have to be prepared to take a big fall.

36. Watering Oneself
This little gardener did his best to water the plants. There was just one problem โ the watering can was too heavy for him. Lifting it up at the right angle proved to be a massive challenge.

37. Fake Land
โMy dog thought a patch of brush in the river was solid land. It wasnโt,โ explains the owner. The poor pup stepped down onto the supposed brush, and seconds later, emerged from the water soaking wet.

38. Exciting Race
We donโt want to see the aftermath of this flipped race car. All we know is that it canโt be good. Cars are definitely not designed to be driven upside-down.

39. Trick Dog
If it looks like a dog, it must smell like a dog too, right? Thatโs what this goofy pup thought. He had to get up close and investigate for himself, just to be certain.

40. Family Photo
This father and son intended on taking a nice picture on the beach together. However, what the dad didnโt realize was that he was accidentally making a heart around a stranger in the background โ a stranger, that was not his wife.

41. Big Hit
A dream of many baseball fans is to catch a baseball at a game. A bat, on the other hand, is not something that you want to come flying at you. There is no glove big enough to catch a flying bat.

42. Hawk Selfie
Is this a human taking a selfie or a hawk? We arenโt entirely sure. The reflection makes it seem as though it is some sort of weird combination of the two of them.

43. Game Over
Jenga is a game that almost everyone has played before. Itโs a classic. However, anyone who has played it also knows that whatever gets built up, must eventually come crumbling down.

44. Dropped Drink
The guys at this party realized what was happening. However, it was way too late to stop it. The drink was already spilling, and sadly, the girl underneath the drink was completely clueless.

45. Mischievous Cat
Cats are great climbers. Although, they are also pretty clumsy too. They like to rub their fur against things, or in other words, they like to knock things over.

46. Face Collision
A brief moment of celebration after a player hit a home run quickly turned into a moment of intense pain. The fan was so distracted clapping that he forgot to dodge the incoming baseball. It hit him square in the eye.

47. Tennis Ball Impact
If you are playing catch, itโs important to be paying attention too. Itโs no time for taking photographs. If you do, you might end up getting more than you bargained for in your shot.

48. Serious Workout
The dinner guests were all really excited to watch the flamenco dancer perform. What they never could have predicted though was how much he would sweat during the dance. Every time he spun around, the audience got soaked.

49. Levitation Skills
At first glance, you might think there is nothing unusual going on. It just looks like a dog walking. Upon closer inspection though, youโll see that none of the dogโs four feet are even on the ground.

50. Crazy Landing
This bird was coming in hot, so hot in fact, that it interfered with its ability to land. In the photo, it is seconds away from slipping on the birdseed and tumbling off the ledge. Luckily, though, all it has to do is flap its wings again and loop around for a second attempt.

51. Unexpected Football
These two brothers were just trying to take a nice photo together. However, some mean person decided to toss a football at them. One brother had great reflexes and dodged it. The other brother though, not so muchโฆ

52. Tailgating Fun
This is what it looks like when tailgating goes wrong. One of the other tailgaters tossed a beer to his friend. Although, he forgot to make sure that his friend was actually paying attention.

53. Fallen Cheerleader
The college cheer squad featured in this image took a trip down to the beach to practice their moves. The keyword here is practice. It definitely wasnโt a perfect formation, thatโs for sure.

54. Startling Vibrations
This photo was a huge failure. It turns out, right as it was being taken, the person received a call and the phone began to vibrate. It added some nice wavy designs to the scenery.

55. Embarrassing Fall
Sitting on a fence is a pretty standard thing to do. Although, itโs not a great idea for those of us who have poor balance. Thatโs what these women found out the hard way.

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