You’ve definitely done at least one of the things on this list before — most likely, more than one. That much is certain. Although, we don’t blame you if you don’t want to admit to any of these behaviors out loud. It’s because they are both awkward and embarrassing to talk about.
From stalking a person on Facebook to checking out your poop in the toilet bowl after you’ve gone to the bathroom, everyone does these sorts of things from time to time. However, it’s pretty much forbidden to talk about them, lest you are willing to take the inevitable ridicule and mocking from your friends and family. If you’re guilty of some of the behaviors on this list, don’t worry, your secret is safe with us.
1. Turning down the music while driving through unfamiliar territory.
Everyone has done it before. For whatever reason, the music is very distracting. Yet, the hardest part about being lost is admitting to yourself and others that you are lost in the first place.
2. Having a mental breakdown if someone doesn’t text back within 5 minutes.
Some conversations just can’t wait. It’s especially true if you are exchanging messages with one of your crushes. If they take too long to respond, it can cause a lot of anxiety.
3. Being afraid to delete old photos on your phone.
“I NEED to delete pictures off my phone but I’m such a photo hoarder like I never know when this pic could come in handy I can’t delete that,” writes Twitter user
LifeOfAGirlxo. It’s hard to part with old memories, even though most of them aren’t actually worth keeping.
4. Picturing what would happen if you suddenly kissed the person you are conversing with.
What would they do? Would they reciprocate back? There are so many ways it could go wrong, however, everyone has thought about making a bold move like this from time to time.
5. Trying to hide your runny nose from others so they don’t know you’re sick.
“When I get a blocked nose I fully sit and think about times when my nose wasn’t blocked and how I took it for granted,” explains Twitter user
savagestxph. It’s easy to forget how awesome breathing normally is. When you get a stuffy nose and start dripping and sneezing everywhere in public, everyone thinks you’re diseased.
6. Farting around other people and praying they don’t smell it.
Sometimes, you just have to let one rip and there is nothing you can do about it. The worst is when you are on an airplane. Although, another bad time to have to fart is when you are sitting in a classroom or an office meeting.
7. Going down an Instagram rabbit hole and forgetting what you’re even doing.
It starts by looking at one of your friend’s profile. Next thing you know, you’re on their aunt’s cousin’s son’s profile checking out photos from a random Europe trip in 2007. And you don’t even know these people!
8. Feeling like you are an imposter in your workplace.
Everyone gets feelings like they aren’t up to scratch occasionally. It’s easy to get discouraged and constantly compare yourself to all of your other coworkers, wondering if you are really qualified for the position. However, most of the time, it’s all in your head.
9. Making plans with friends that you know you aren’t going to follow through on.
You are actually going to be sleeping or too tired to do anything when the time comes around to go out with them. However, you don’t have the heart to tell them in the moment. You just have to pretend to be all excited about the plans and then come up with a good excuse later.
10. Posting something on social media then deleting it when it only gets one like.
Putting up a picture on Facebook of your duck-face selfie seemed like a great idea at the time. However, it wasn’t as popular as you hoped it would be. If you delete it, maybe people won’t even remember that you ever posted it.
11. Leaving a store without buying anything and feeling guilty.
It’s best explained by this
Tumblr user: “That awkward moment when you leave a store but don’t buy anything, and you’re telling yourself, ‘act natural, you’re innocent.'” It’s especially awkward if it’s a small boutique store with employees who spend a lot of time assisting you.
12. Cringing when you remember something you did in the past.
Unfortunately, in the age of social media, many of our past mistakes last forever. Remember that time you got embarrassingly drunk at a party and fell in the pool? Yeah… that moment will be haunting you for the rest of your life.
13. Holding a TV remote sideways to try and get it to work.
You bend your arm into all sorts of ridiculous positions and point the remote at dozens of different angles to try and get the signal to connect. While doing so, you hope that no one notices how goofy you look.
14. Wondering if people you used to date or be friends with still think about you.
You’re thinking about them still. Maybe you are still on their mind as well. Although, there is no way of ever really knowing for sure unless you reach out and contact them. However, that’s never a good idea.
15. Listening to other stranger’s conversations and judging them.
It’s so tempting to eavesdrop on people. Especially when you are alone. You might even find yourself mentally giving them your opinions on what they are talking about.
16. Picturing yourself on stage singing songs that you are listening to.
Everyone fantasizes about being the star from time to time. It’s completely normal to dream of being a famous performer or a member of your favorite band. However, some things just aren’t meant to be.
17. Panicking when the cashier is serving the next customer and you’re still attempting to put your change away.
You might find yourself frantically shoving the bills in your wallet or purse to try and get out of the way. It’s a very awkward situation. The other people in line don’t want to wait any longer than they have to.
18. Slipping your hand underneath your shirt or down your pants while watching television.
It’s not done sexually. It’s just warm in there and feels very comfy and relaxing. However, it’s not something that you could ever do in public. It would attract a lot of stares.
19. Waiting awkwardly for someone in the store to move out of the way.
You don’t want to look like you are waiting for them to move, so you pretend like you aren’t. But seriously, how long does it take for someone to select a type of cheese? It can be infuriating.
20. Stalking someone on Facebook.
It may be someone you are interested in romantically, it may be someone you work with, or it may even be a distant family member. However, we’ve all definitely done this before. No one will admit to it though.
21. Ignoring the phone while you are browsing the web and don’t want to be interrupted.
Finishing watching the funny cat video is way more urgent than seeing who is calling. At least, it seems that way at the time. The caller may not see it that way though.
22. Talking to yourself out loud.
Most of us have an inner voice in our head that thinks about things. However, occasionally, that voice speaks out loud in real life. No, you’re not crazy, but if other people hear you, they might think you are.
23. Calculating how many hours of sleep you can still get while lying in bed.
“I can have exactly 6 hours, 21 minutes and 48 seconds of sleep if I fall asleep right now…” jokes Twitter user
FactsAboutBoys. Every time you look at the clock you start running the math again. Insomnia really stinks!
24. Checking out your poop in the toilet before flushing it.
It’s a pretty gross thing to do. However, curiosity gets the best of us sometimes. We just have to sneak a peek and see what it looks like.
25. Laying in bed wondering what you are doing with you life.
The last thing you want to want to do is to get up and go to school or work. You know you have to, but first, you sit there and stare at the wall blankly for twenty minutes. The bed is comfy and warm, while the world outside is full of tedious tasks that need to be completed.
26. Picking up your underwear with your feet and tossing it up in the air to grab it.
Sometimes we just don’t feel like bending over to pick up an article of clothing. Our feet are always right there ready to fling it upwards though. It can be a fun challenge.
27. Faking a laugh when you have no idea what the other person said.
You might have only heard a part of what they said or you might not have heard them at all. You pretend like you heard everything though and let out a big laugh. Hopefully, what they said was actually funny or else you will look pretty silly.
It’s not just kids that pick their noses. Many adults do it too. Stop lying to everyone. The odds are good that you are among the nose pickers as well!
29. Double checking simple math with a calculator.
You know in your head beyond a doubt that two plus two equals four. However, it doesn’t hurt to check by typing it into a calculator anyway, right? What if the rules of math have changed recently?
30. Having a crush on a professor, teacher, or instructor.
They are an authority figure. Within the context of the class, it can make them very attractive. Many of us remember a certain teacher or professor that we fancied more than the others, even though it is a little taboo to admit it.
31. Seeing a text come in, thinking about what to say, and then never saying anything.
It’s easy to forget to respond to a text message, even if you know exactly what you are going to say. Sometimes, we just never type it in and click submit. We end up leaving the other person hanging.
32. Refusing to throw away old clothes that you don’t wear anymore.
It’s so hard to part with our old clothes. The struggle is real. There is a one a million chance that we’ll ever wear some of the pieces again, but that doesn’t make it any easier to get rid of them.
33. Feeling very insecure at times.
It’s extremely common to feel that way. Most of us are too proud to admit it, but it’s very rare that someone would feel 100% confident, 100% of the time. It would pretty much make them the most confident person in the world.
34. Becoming an expert on health after doing one healthy thing.
The person is on a new diet or exercise program for one day and they are already praising its virtues like it is the best thing ever. We all know someone like this. That someone might even be you.
35. Playing with cooking utensils.
It’s so tempting to give tongs a couple of squeezes when you first pick them up. There is pretty much no reason to do so, but it’s hard to resist the impulse. The same goes for flipping a spatula up in the air and catching it.
36. Ever just say “F-It” and eat the paper too?
We’ve all been there, you just can’t get that last bit of paper off, but your mouth is watering for the candy. Surely our bodies digest it anyhow; right?
Please SHARE this with your friends and family.
You’ve definitely done at least one of the things on this list before — most likely, more than one. That much is certain. Although, we don’t blame you if you don’t want to admit to any of these behaviors out loud. It’s because they are both awkward and embarrassing to talk about.
From stalking a person on Facebook to checking out your poop in the toilet bowl after you’ve gone to the bathroom, everyone does these sorts of things from time to time. However, it’s pretty much forbidden to talk about them, lest you are willing to take the inevitable ridicule and mocking from your friends and family. If you’re guilty of some of the behaviors on this list, don’t worry, your secret is safe with us.