Siblings can be the best friends in the world and the worst friends in the world. But one thing rarely changes, they are your first friends. These pictures show what it’s like to have siblings, and let me tell you, they are entertaining.
1) It Is Her Birthday
It’s hard to make it through your birthday as a kid without a sibling trying to steal the spotlight from you. This sister took care of that by keeping her siblings from trying to blow out her birthday candle.
2) He Also “Flushed” It
This girl’s shoes arrived while she was at work so she asked her brother to take a picture of the. He did so and sent them to her as he attempted to burn them, flush them, and give them to the pets.
3) He Knows His Place
Just kidding. He actually told his siblings that he found out how to go to Hogwarts, and yes, they were very proud of him. The kid knows about the Ministry of Magic, that is enough to win him brownie points.
4) Better Than At A Restaurant
Peole who do this at restaurants are jerks. People who do it to their siblings are just brats. Since most siblings are brats at some point, it’s more acceptable. This brother got by with doing a dozen cups while no one was looking.
5) She’ll Never Escape
These siblings know how to make a game out of trapping their little sister. They built her a lego house and helped her into it. Their parents must be proud. There’s nothing else to see here so move along.
6) What Else Could They Do?
This seems mean, but those who have bratty younger siblings know that there aren’t that many options. If their parents won’t teach them how to play nice, then your only option is to detain them.
7) Miss Giraffe
This sister was nicknamed Giraffe because she had a rather long neck. She hates the name. But of course, that’s why her brother got her this shirt for her birthday. I’m gonna guess she’ll never wear it.
8) When She’s A Mathematician
This sister is better at math than any of us could ever hope to be. She uses this power to troll her brother who is an exceptionally sound sleeper. She did her homework on his back without waking him.
9) Switch It Up
For the first time ever, this brother got his sister a Christmas present. The present was batteries without a toy, but you know, the joke will last longer than the toy would have, so I’d call this a win.
10) Let The Games Begin
This brother and sister take turns hiding decorative skeletons around the house and yard. This time, things went a little further than expected when the brother hid it in his sister’s car. Looks like it’s been there a while.
11) Not Since They Were Kids
These brothers put the angel on the tree like this every year when they were kids. But something happened in between and they stopped. Well, this is the year they got back to it. Siblings never change.
12) He Lost A Bet
This brother lost a bet, and had to let his sister cut his hair. This is what she chose and he’s never regretted anything more. To be honest, it doesn’t look as bad as he thinks it does. If only she would have used a bowl.
13) The Question Is “Why Not?”
This brother loves to mail his sister potatoes. He has done so on multiple occasions. They never come in a box and always come with a bunch of stamps. Who even knew this was legal?
14) The Original Note Was Legit
When their mom left him a sandwich, his sister thought it would be a good idea to add an extension to the note left with it. Maybe she was jealous of her brother when she didn’t get a sandwich too.
15) Protect And Honor
This little brother is about to end his sister’s birthday party or he’s making sure no one else ruins it. It’s hard to tell but the look on his face says everything else. He’s determined in his decision. Whatever it may be.
16) Such An Artist
This is a sign that you belong to a prankster family. Every family of pranksters has done the spider on toilet paper prank at least once. In this case, it is next level because they actually did a good job drawing the spider.
17) He’s Cleaning It Up
The real battle hasn’t even started yet. This brother put all of this stuff on his sister’s bed. She said that he will be the one cleaning it up. But no one knows who will do it in the end until a parent is consulted.
18) That’s Good Advice
This sister put this sign on her bedroom door and it’s way better than the classic “Keep Out” sign that teenagers used to use. This one is just sarcastic enough to make you smile without sounding like a complete jerk.
19) Not Just Humans
It isn’t only humans that struggle with their siblings. These dogs have a lot of fun together but also try to drowned each other in the toilet. It’s sort of a love-hate situation and this side is love.
20) Best Part Of Waking Up
This brother put these pillows in front of his sister while she was sleeping so she would have a good view when she woke up. She probably had a heart attack too but it’s all in the name of comedy.
21) Every Sibling Does This
There’s a reason people with siblings lock their phones even when they’re at home. It’s because any good sibling hijacks them and changes the background to a dumb or scary picture, usually of themselves.
22) Next Time It’s Zip Ties
This is stage one. If he can get these ribbons down without help, we’ll move on to zip ties. His sister put this up while he was sleeping, which is impressive. He’ll probably end up scooting the bed away from the wall and crawling out.
23) She Wanted A Blanket
This sister said she wanted a blanket for Christmas. Her brother made that happen by getting her one with him all over it. Now she’ll always feel safe and secure with her brother so close at all times.
24) All For One And One For All
This is so adorable that it almost cancels out all the fights and pranks that are surely to come later in their life. Let’s all remember this and hope that we have similar memories with our siblings.
25) She Owed Him $1000
This sister owed her brother $1000. To thank him for the loan, she got it all in dollar coins and hid it in a treasure chest that was mapped out for him to find. Some people never grow up and that’s amazing this time.
26) Well, Maybe He Does
When this brother came home form college, he found out that his sister made him a cake to celebrate his return. The cake had a rather high key message for him that only a sister can get by with.
27) The Biggest Mistake
This sister asked her brother to save the newspaper from the day that she got married. This is what he found. Sure, there were probably other options but this one had the best headline.
28) Not An Only Child Anymore
This is the exact moment this sister found out she wasn’t an only child anymore. The next thing she did was probably lock herself in her room, reorganize her toys, create an escape route out the window.
29) He’s A Natural
This is the proper response to your brother coming out of the bathroom. You sit and wait for your attack, whatever it may be. This kid was lucky because usually, all you get is a rubber band.
30) There’s Plenty Left
This sister purposely left a line of ice cream on the end of the box so that everyone would think that there was plenty left. Then they open it and are disappointed. Why this sparks joy is a mystery.
31) Stage One
This may be an amateur prank but at least it’s cute. She put googly eyes on everything she could find and left them for her brother to find. If only we could all stop at this level of pranking.
32) Youngest Sibling Problems
This is what happens when you’re the youngest sibling. You have to deal with being incapacitated most of the time. So what are you going to do? You’re going to roll with it and enjoy it. Because the alternative is worse.
33) Good Brothers
These brothers will be great protectors of their sister’s honor when she’s older. They look pretty fierce for kids, just imagine when they are adults! I wouldn’t want to be the guy who messes with her.
34) Maybe It’s The Truth
This guy just returned from the Air Force and his brother greeted him with this sign. He didn’t come home from rehab, he was actually serving our country but the other people at the airport didn’t know that.
35) A Harmless Prank
The best pranks are the pranks of inconvenience. This brother wrapped all of his sister’s shoes in foil and tape. So if she wants to wear one, she has to unwrap it all and find the pair she’s looking for.
36) Uncle Of The Year
This brother is babysitting his nephew for the first time and sent his sister this picture. Of course, he’s a responsible adult so he wore a helmet when he took the baby on a joyride through town.
38) They Are Not Real
Or at least, I hope they’re not real. It’s bad enough to find a cockroach on the floor, let alone a dozen of them in your bed. This brother must really love his sister if he’s going through all of this trouble to freak her out.
38) The Ultimate Prank
To be honest, this is mean because everyone has a fear of something or someone hiding under their bed. To cover your hands and wear a scary mask makes it even more horrifying. She will never recover from this.
39) He Bought It Himself
There are five kids in this house. One of them bought a fridge locker to keep others away from his snacks. If he leaves it too long, they will find a way in even if they have to split the candy bar.
40) Greetings, Brother
This is the best way to greet your new sibling. Never let them see your reaction. If she keeps wearing this every time she sees him then he’ll think it’s her face and then her real face will scare him. That’s the long con.
41) Anything Can Happen
This looks about right. Older siblings love to do experiments with their younger siblings and of course the younger ones are always in the more dangerous situation. It’s only natural because they never seem to mind.
42) Don’t Let The Ice Cream Melt
This brother got tired of the freezer being left open so he went full Mom on his siblings and left this note. He wanted to make sure everything stayed fresh because money does not grow on trees.
43) Guess Who Won
These two love playing Candyland. Generally, the older brother wins. But this time, this three-year-old finally beat her brother and boy, did he have a fit. As you can see, she had a heyday with it.
44) It’s Not All Bad
As horrible as siblings can be to one another, know that they always love each other. This brother and sister spent a week apart and this was their reaction when they were finally reunited.
45) Classic Dictionary Joke
This prank is a classic. Either reprogram your sibling’s keyboard or just change their dictionary to auto-correct strangely. If you make sure that when they say, “mom” that it’s changed to a curse word, it’s a good start.
46) She Saved Him Some Of Everything
When this brother had to work on Thanskgiving, he asked his sister to save him some of everything. So she did. Everything they had, she saved him a bite of…or maybe a little less. At least it’s funny.
47) It’s Not What It Looks Like
This girl is vegan. Whenever she came home drunk, her brother thought it would be funny to pose her with a very not-vegan burger and take pictures. Surely, he posted it all over social media. PETA is ashamed.
48) So Much Work For A Laugh
This sister changed all of the photos of her sister in the house to a picture of a sloth. That is a funny one that doesn’t cause much harm as long as she didn’t destroy the original copies. Then it gets serious.
49) Just Enough For One
It was a hot day outside when this brother offered his sister some watermelon. Of course, she was excited though wary since her brother loves playing jokes on her. It wasn’t hard to spot the prank here.
50) The War Continues
These siblings painted their brother’s room pink while he was gone. Why? Beacause they have a prank war going on and this was the next step. At least they didn’t put up any wallpaper.
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