Everyone has a different sense of humor. Some people like puns, while others enjoy satirical comedy. These people think that being a smart aleck is the funniest thing one can be. So here we have them showing us their unique sense of humor.
1) He’s Not Wrong
I’m sure this is not the answer they were looking for but it isn’t a wrong answer. The year 1895 did end in 1896, because that’s how time works. Kids who answer wrong on tests because it’s funny are all sorts of brave.

2) Oh No They Didn’t
This sign specifically asked people to not put cartons on the fridge door and someone did it anyway! Sure, they meant in the door but that’s not what they wrote so you can’t blame someone for taking advantage.

ebaum's World
3) Grammar Troll
It’s not a party online until the grammar troll rears his ugly head. In this case though, you can’t really blame them because this dude was asking for it. He was talking about this guy before he even commented.

4) Thanks For The Snack
Of course, the same person didn’t write both notes. Because the machine wrote the second note! But the machine was eating coins so it was kind of him to at least say thank you, he was hungry even though he’s full of human food.

5) Let Me Use The Kitchen
If someone told me to eat the ice cream, I’m going to eat it, as a favor to them. But when someone tells me to eat it in the freezer, I’m going to have to decline. I agree that it is too cold and cramped in there.

6) Quite Please Indeed
This is the perfect meme for this situation. I’m not sure if the person who printed the sign is bad at spelling or had a brain fart because that is not what they meant. That’s not what anyone would mean.

7) I Did Flush
The first person that did this did it as a joke, the rest of the people thought that’s what you were supposed to do. I just hope they weren’t all using the same pens because that’s disgusting in a bathroom.

Bored Panda
8) It Sure Is A Different Color
The reason they are different colors probably has to do with graffiti. However, the color will have to be redone because someone did their own graffiti over it. That’s not cool, man. Maybe this time, they’ll match the color.

9) Not Very Nice Katie
Katie, he was just trying to be sweet and clever and you had to go and break his heart. Sure, he went a little over the top in a way that made him look cocky, but at least he tried. She just tried harder.

Bored Panda
10) Imagine Being Drunk
Imagine walking out of this saloon and seeing this sign. You may freak out if you put it all together. Someone was putting this up and fell off their ladder? Oh no, you better go find them and see if they need help.

11) No Brain Surgent
I hope I never get a brain surgent because it sounds painful. But if I do get one, I guess I’ll be really good at changing the toilet paper roll. However horrible the first note was, the second was that much better.

12) That’s Just Funny
Maybe someone wanted the mystery books to be a mystery? This is a great idea. In fact, a whole book store where you only get keywords when buying books is a great idea. Then when you get home, you find out what you got.

13) Quite The Rebel
Not many people enjoy describing themselves, just like not many people enjoy icebreaker games. So this is a funny answer for someone who doesn’t want to answer the way they are supposed to.

14) Free Pencils, Come And Get Them
If you play your cards right, you can get an unlimited supply of free pencils, paper, and other small tokens. Open a business and sell them! It’s not the most honest business, but hey, at least you can leave thank you notes to those that provided.

15) Do It More!
This is inspiring. It’s technically vandalism but it’s the funniest vandalism I’ve seen. All it takes is a sharpie and a picture of Tom Hanks and you’re good to go. Please don’t actually do this, just admire the work already done.

16) Well, In A Way, It Is Ice
While hard water isn’t ice, ice is hard water, so you can understand the confusion if this is a legit answer. However, I highly doubt they were trying to do anything but be sarcastic because some students are like that.

17) She Made A Note
Siri is like the immature person in a fight that is tired of all of it. She made a note “of that” when she was fighting with her human. Most of the time, Siri wins arguments and I don’t see this as an exception.

18) Classic Line
Wow, could they use a more common pick-up line? Sure, they probably didn’t have that might time to think of one but they could have done better. But I guess anyone would get nervous when prompted like that.

19) Who Needs Oil?
As you can see, this is an electric Tesla, it does not use oil. The owner knows that people judge other car companies so he made fun of them himself before they had a chance to do it to him. Smart man, sarcastic man.

20) Now We Know
This is an age-old question. How much wood could a woodchuck chuck? Assuming that woodchucks can chuck wood, of course. Siri finally gave us an answer though it was not the one that we expected.

21) Welcome To America
Their parents told them to clean the bathroom like the Queen of England was visiting, so that’s what they did. They left tea, Doctor Who memorabilia, and Harry Potter books on the toilet. She would feel so welcome.

22) Who Was The Sarcastic One?
I’m not sure if this is the quote that she wanted or if the person putting the quotes in thought it would be funny to put what she said. I mean, everyone needs a quote under their photo, no matter how silly.

23) That’s Still An A+
Although they did get an F, they also got an A+ for creativity. But you can’t blame them for giving these answers because the questions were asking for it. It’s almost like the questions were designed that way.

24) I’d Take The $51
Nobody in their right mind would call the second number but you can’t blame someone for trying. If they really wanted the iPod, they would have put in a better reward. At least $60 and people would consider them.

25) If You Love It So Much
To be real here, why do you have to date your own lunch if you’re the only one who is going to eat it? That’s the real question. But yes, I agree, no one wants to date their lunch, they’d probably rather date a human.

26) They Did It Again
I can see how it would be frustrating as a doctor to have your nameplate soiled like that every day. How are people supposed to take you seriously when that happens? He should just change his name and become a pediatrician.

27) He Ate Half Of It
This mom told her five-year-old to eat half of his hotdog. He did it. He ate half the dog and half the bun just like that. Not what she was expecting but how can she not accept it when he did it like that?

28) Sure, Let Me Advertise
I’m not sure if that weird graffiti underneath is an ad or not but they did politely accept the offer. Maybe they should call the number too though, just to be safe. Or just go ahead and encourage friends to hang their ads too.

29) He Could Chew On It
This is the most ironic one yet. This dog actually chewed a book about chewing. I’m pretty sure that whoever read the book didn’t get through it because they still don’t know how to make their dog stop.

30) Always Gonna Be Zero
This looks like an Office skit. How many days can Jim go without sarcasm? Probably none unless it’s Dwight’s birthday. Most offices probably have the same problem. But this one is a little out of hand.

31) They Obeyed
It was requested that no biked be locked to the stair railing so no one locked their bikes on the stair railing. However, nothing was said about the sign so I guess it was okay to lock bikes to the sign.

32) I See What You Did There
Even Netflix loves a good sarcastic joke. They put Groundhog Day on recommended over and over. If you don’t get the reference then please watch the movie so you do. It’s a classic that should not be ignored.

33) Only Land Lubbers
Perhaps sea creatures are okay since they do not fly. This fly did fly but he doesn’t fly anymore. He took a push pin to the wing so he’s no longer a flyer. Do ex-flyers count because if so, this is unacceptable!

34) Getting Friendzoned
This person left a friendly reminder to everyone but someone did not take it that way. They made a jab about dating all the cans he could but it never worked out for him. I mean, how do you go about asking a can on a date?

35) A Full Pan Of Brown Es
Everyone loves a brownie every once in a while. But when someone said they left you some brown E’s and you hear brownie, you can imagine the disappointment that you’d feel. That’s what happened here.

36) That One Guy
There’s always that one person at the house or at work that thinks they’re the mom of the group. Sometimes they are and this isn’t that bad if it is the mom. But if it isn’t then this response is perfect.

Passive Agressive Notes
37) This Is A Surprise
Wow! Knives are supposed to be sharp? I had no idea. This box cutter probably wasn’t trying to be funny, but that’s what happened. They have to put warnings on so people won’t sue them. Yeah, knives are sharp, dude.

38) Not Just The Floor
I have to guess that the walls, and everything else is wet too. Whoever did this has a good sense of humor, but now someone has to go get it when the floors outside the pool are wet. Bummer. No one ever thinks about that.

39) So Many Decisions
This would be funny even if there was no sign. Having a vending machine where all the buttons are the same is ridiculous. But when the machine makes fun of it, we understand that it’s a joke, not a mistake.

40) Wow, Today Only!
Not really, this is their deal every day. Some businesses believe that you get what you pay for. They have the goods and if you want them, you pay for them. Sometimes not having any promotions works out.

41) I’d Be A Little Exasperated
We all come to that point occasionally where we push and pull a door and it won’t budge. Oftentimes, it’s the wrong door, and that’s okay. But when the business encourages you to try when they know it’s the wrong door, that’s just frustrating…and hilarious.

42) They Done Did It
Why must people constantly break the rules for a laugh. They did not want jobs posted, especially Steve Jobs! He’s the jobbiest job of them all, isn’t he? Not to mention, we all get sad when we think about him.

43) They Found Some
Maybe they wanted the real Usher, but he wasn’t available, so someone surprised them with pictures. After this joke, I sure hope that the person who put these ushers here volunteered as an apology.

44) Maybe They Meant Colander
This smart aleck kid knew what his dad meant but he didn’t do it. Instead, he sent a picture of him doing what his dad told him to do. I’d like to see his dad’s next reply because it probably wasn’t pretty.

45) Hey, No Bills!
I can’t believe someone had the audacity to post all of these Bills on this fence even though the sign said not to. They must be the rebel that was in question earlier. Now all we can do is pick a favorite Bill.

46) Use Other Side
Ever had a mug like this? Check the bottom and see if your novelty mug has this writing on the back. Because some of them say “for best results, use other side,” which is hilarious because it’s true.

47) That Red Car Is Cheating
This car is obviously not “green” but it is definitely green, so I don’t think they can get in trouble for doing this. If caught, they’ll just get a warning but the sign says green vehicle so take it to court.

48) I Guess It’s Okay
Satin is nice but I wouldn’t say it rules. When you count in production costs, usablilty, and how easy it is to wash, I’d say cotton rules. It’s widespread! Everyone uses cotton, not everyone uses satin.

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