Most people believe that they are either a dog person or a cat person. These two type of people judge each other for their choice of pets. While there are reasons not to get a dog, there may be more reasons not to get a cat, according to these pictures.
1) They’ll Flash The Neighbors
Cats have no shame. They have no problem spreading them and letting the whole world see their natural body. Sometimes it’s in the middle of the yard and sometimes it’s sitting on your face.
2) They Take All The Good Lunchmeat
If your cat is smart enough, it will find a way into the fridge and eat every last piece of cold cuts that you have. Planning a nice dinner of cheese and meats? Looks like you’re stuck with cheese.
3) The Worst Alarm Clock
Cats don’t believe in waiting for you to get up. If they do, it’s because they want to get into trouble without you stopping them. Otherwise, they’ll pull your blankets until you finally get up.
4) It’s Always Their Cake
Dogs would totally eat your cake if they could, but they just aren’t as good at climbing or jumping as cats are. That’s why this is one of the worst things about cats. They’ll even lie and say they were stopping it from falling.
5) They Steal Your Husband
Cats also don’t believe in sharing. If they are cuddling with someone, it’s a show of dominance. That is their human and you are not allowed to touch him. So much for Netflix and Chill.
6) Protect Your Cords
Cats love playing with cords and wires. So, if you have a cat, you have to keep all of your cords away. With dogs, you can put them out of reach, but with cats you pretty much can’t have nice things anymore.
7) They’re As Arrogant As They Come
Cats are way too proud of everything they do, be it sweet or malicious. They enjoy knocking things off desks just as much as they enjoy cuddling with you or going in the litterbox for the first time.
8) They Are Spoiled Brats
Cats have an air about them that oozes royal blood. They may have been worshipped in ancient times, and they just don’t realize they no longer rule the world. Or is it us they doesn’t understand?
9) You Can’t Get On Your Computer
Cats love to sit on laptops and keyboards. Probably because it’s warm and separated from the desk. So if you are a gamer or if you spend a lot of time online, forget about it. It is now the cat’s PC.
10) They Blame The Dog
Look at this picture. You probably automatically blame the dog because he looks guilty and because he’s a dog. Cats don’t feel guilt so they just chill after their crimes. In reality, the cat is the criminal here.
11) They Make Huge Messes
Again, the worst part about cat messes is that they feel no remorse, so they’ll do it over and over again. If you’re not pleased, then who cares? It was a good time so why not do it again tomorrow?
12) They Have Bad Attitudes
There’s nothing scarier than a cat’s death stare. No matter how small or fluffy the cat is, when he gives you this look, you know that you have to submit to his will. So adorable, yet so fierce.
13) You No Longer Sleep Alone
If you don’t like sharing your bed, then forget getting a cat. They will claim the bed as their own and will think about letting you join them. There will be hairballs, a little bit of pee, and a lot of fluff.
14) No More Counter Space
For some reason, cats love countertops. They think they belong there. It gives them a good view of the world and brings them to your level, where they belong. Good luck getting them to stay down.
15) What Did I Just Say?
Seriously, this is a huge problem. Not only can you not use your counters, but you can’t use your microwave, you can’t use your stove because you don’t want to leave it hot and burn them.
16) They Don’t Respect Your Babies
Some even say they eat children, but that’s probably just to scare us, right? Cats don’t know the meaning of the word boundary when it comes to your stuff or your family’s. And they can get anywhere they want to.
17) They Eat When They Want
You can try hiding their food from them, but they’re not dumb dogs. They will find it, they will spill it, and they will eat what they want of it. Then ask you to fill their bowl so they can not eat it.
18) They Pee Everywhere
The worst thing about cat pee is that they like to do it where no one will see it. You will smell it and eventually find the messes in the most inconvenient places. The same goes for their feces.
19) No Personal Space
While a cat’s personal space is important to him, yours is of no value. They choose when it’s cuddle time and when you better leave them alone. It can be at the most inopportune times too.
20) You Can’t Keep Plants
This may not be important to some people, but to others it’s devastating. Cats hate and love house plants. Meaning, they knock every single one over and then play in the dirt before leaving it for you to clean up.
21) They Check Your E-mails
Is it on purpose? That may be debatable, but the fact that they do it is not. They stomp along your keyboard and send nonsense replies and look over your shoulder to invade your privacy.
22) If They Let You Sit Down
This cat won’t even let his owner use his own computer chair. What is it about cats that causes us to let them do whatever they want? Is it the fluff? The cuteness? The death stare? Hypnosis?
23) Clean Laundry?
Cats love sitting in a basket of laundry, preferably clean. They get all sorts of stuff on it and won’t allow you to keep your laundry clean for long. Better put it in the closet where they can’t get it. Oh wait.
24) Took Weeks To Get That Puzzle Done
If you’re one of those people that likes to leave a puzzle out for days while you put it together, you can no longer do that. The pieces will be strung all over the house in seconds after you leave.
25) They Demand The Spotlight
Cats are an oxymoron themselves. They act like they want to skulk to the background but actually demand your attention if it’s on something else. They are little princesses that need to be pampered.
26) They Worry You
Cats get stuck easily and worry you dreadfully. You worry about their safety and your sanity. Will they be okay or do they need rescued? You will have grey hairs by the time you’re thirty.
27) They Ruin Your Plans
This cat took that thumbtack and made this guy lose his plans. But worse than that, he also put that tack in his shoe which could have caused him an accident. They have such heinous plans.
28) Say Goodbye To Christmas Lights
Cats love Christmas tree lights. But they are so dangerous to them. They will chew on them and electrocute themselves. Haven’t you ever seen National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation? Poor fried pussycat.
29) The Bathroom Is Occupied
If you need to use the bathroom, then you might want to go to the neigbhor’s. Cats love to sit on the throne and will sometimes refuse to get off. You can’t even shut the bathroom door because they will find a way in.
30) They Want To Kill You
Ask any cat owner and they will tell you that they are pretty sure that their cat wants to kill them. Sounds like a joke but no matter how much they love their cat, they always know that their burning holes in the back of their owner’s head.
31) They’re Alcoholics
You think I’m joking but have you seen this guy? He passed out drunk last night after mixing too many cocktails that shouldn’t have been mixed. They all need rehab but will forever refuse to go.
32) Their Hide-and-Seek Is Terrifying
You think hiding in the trash can is scary but it’s nowhere near as scary as when they hide in plain site. You think you know they aren’t there then their glowing eyes freak you out. That is, if they don’t pounce on you first.
33) Curtains Are A Thing Of The Past
Cats believe curtains are for climbing and tearing. If you love your curtains, you won’t for long because they will be down in the floor in shreds. Especially those beautiful sheer ones you love.
34) You Don’t Getr Bathroom Privacy
It doesn’t really matter how low or high your door is on your bathroom, cats can find a way in. It’s a mystery as to how but they do it. So no, even the bathroom is no safe haven from cats.
35) They Never Cease To Frighten You
Cats can find their way into the strangest situations. They can squeeze through small cracks and hide from you, waiting for their moment to give you a heart attack. Imagine opening your trash can and seeing this.
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