We’re all guilty of striking a pose now and then, especially if we’re on vacation and want to preserve some happy memories. But usually, we only share the good shots with the carefully planned photos.
It’s those awkward “in the moment” poses we don’t intend to make that are the real gems!
To see real life at its funniest, check out these 40 funny poses we’re all guilty of making.
1. Where’s The Bed Pose
This is what happens right after you turn off the lights and try to find your bed. You end up stumbling around your bedroom, hoping the first thing you run into is soft and inviting, and doesn’t stub your toe!

2. Shower’s Too Hot Pose
Ever jump into the shower without testing the water temperature first? Sometimes it’s so hot that you end up flinching forward while doing this weird Karate Kid move.

3. Excuse Me, Coming Through Pose
This is what happens when you’re sitting down at the movie theater and someone needs to get past you. You end up doing this gymnastic pose in your seat just so the person can get through!

4. No Need For Speed Pose
Have you ever been driving to work in the morning, going the speed limit like you’re supposed to, and you see all these crazy mad drivers whipping past you? This is your face when you roll up right behind them at the red light they’re all stuck at.

5. Washing A Spoon Pose
This is you, washing a spoon in the kitchen sink under a running faucet. When it’s turned right side up, all that water splashes right back into your face!

6. Ready And Waiting Pose
You’re all dressed up and ready to go, but you’re waiting for your friends to give you the “come outside “text. Since you don’t want to mess up your hair or outfit, you sit in one spot and don’t move, just like a good little kid.

7. Found Money In Your Pants Pose
What’s the first thing you do when you put on a pair of jeans you haven’t worn in a while? You stick your fingers in the pockets to see if you can find anything good!

8. Cooking Bacon Pose
Have you ever been hit in the face with a surprise pop of grease when frying up some bacon? It only takes one time getting bacon-burned before you start to strike this pose!

9. Wet Floor Pose
When you spot a puddle of water on the floor and you have socks on, what are you supposed to do? You could step over it like a normal person, or strike this hilarious pose!

10. Don’t Listen To Me Pose
Whenever you give advice to family and friends, you end it by saying they shouldn’t listen to you because you’re not the expert. That way, they can’ blame you if things go wrong!

11. Morning After Pose
Sometimes when you wake up with a hangover, everything’s a little bit fuzzy and you don’t remember what happened the night before. But then that one friend spills the beans on exactly what you did.

12. Still Have Time To Sleep Pose
Waking up is one of those things that’s just so hard for many of us to do. Sometimes you wake up in the middle of the night and look at the clock with dread, but then you realize you still have plenty of time to sleep!

13. Don’t Have To Go Out With You Pose
When a friend cancels plans on you at the last minute, you should probably be upset. This is what happens when you didn’t want to go out with them anyways!

14. Dropped Your Pencil In Class Pose
We’ve all done this in class! You drop your pencil and it rolls just out of reach. You don’t want to get up out of your seat and disturb the teacher, so you stretch out as far as you can and try to grab it with your foot!

15. Kissed On The Neck Pose
This is what you look like when someone kisses you on the neck. You tilt your head to the side and silently say, “yes, more of that please!”

16. Why Is My Food Is Still Cold Pose
You pop your food into the microwave, and it sounds like WW2 is happening in there. But, when you grab your burrito, it’s still cold in the middle.

17. Taking The Wrong Exit Pose
You’re following a friend in your car, and suddenly he veers around the corner and goes right. You’re still in the left lane when he says to follow him down that exit!

18. “First World Problems” Pose
Yep, first world problems are real. Calgon, take me away!
“When u got like 15 essays 4 assignments and 6 exams to study for and u just chill in bed contemplating ur whole life.”

19. Flipping Your Pillow To The Cool Side
Your face is hot so you flip the pillow over to the cool side and you can’ stop smiling at how heavenly it feels. Then, five minutes later, both sides of the pillow are warm.

20. What’s That Food I Smell Pose
This is what happens when the smell of something delicious wakes up you from a nap. You’re still wrapped in your comfy blanket when you stumble into the kitchen, still bleary eyed and looking for some food.

21. Bugged-Out Pose
When you see a bug that’s no longer alive, you grab a tissue so you can throw it away. But, when try to pick it up, it suddenly flies off without warning!

22. Home Alone Pose
No one else has to know that you’re making this pose. It’s just you and Cap’n Crunch, baby!
“When you’re home alone and finally get to be yourself.”

23. I’m Just A Girl Pose
It goes without saying that it’s mostly girls who like to strike poses. And these boys are showing us exactly how we do it!

24. Caught A Fish Pose
This looks pretty much like every single guy on the Fishing Channel. Smile, hold up the fish like this, and you’re the typical white person doing the “look at the fish I just caught” pose!

25. “I Swear It’s Me” Pose
When your ID photo is more than 10 years old, and you don’t look quite like you used to. This is you at the airport when security does a double take!

26. Don’t Make Me Repeat Myself Pose
No one likes having to say the same thing twice, especially if the person you’re talking to wasn’t paying attention. This is what happens when they ask you to repeat what you said.

27. When She Has An Attitude Pose
The pose you make when your girlfriend has an attitude tells you “goodnight” in the middle of the afternoon. Well, that leaves plenty of time to work on your “let’s make up” pose!

28. Running Out Of Poses, Pose
When you start running out of Instagram poses, be like the little girl from The Exorcist. Pretend you’re possessed and make your head to this!

29. Trying To Be Sexy Pose
This is what happens when Kate Winslet’s “draw me like a French girl” pose from Titanic fails. You’re trying to be sexy, but don’t want to fall into the water, so you end up doing something like this!

30. Co-Worker Blames You Pose
You’re minding your own business at work when your boss calls you and another coworker into the office. This is your face when they try to put all the blame on you!.

31. Wish You Had Your Phone Pose
Always have your phone on you. You never know when boredom might hit you.
“When you didn’t bring your phone into the bathroom because you thought you only had to pee.”

32. Gotta Get Up Pose
You’re curled up on the couch all nice and cozy, when someone comes into the room and leaves the door hanging wide open. It’s not pretty when you have to get up and close the door because they left it open!

33. Trying To Hold It In Pose
When you’re taking pictures outside, but then you realize you really need to go pee. You’re too shy to tell anyone, so you keep on posing like nothing’s going on.

34. Coworker Wants To Say Hello Pose
Sometimes you just don’t want to talk to that one coworker who never has anything interesting to say. This is how it looks when you’re mentally preparing for that coworker when they start heading your way.

35. It Wasn’t What I Thought Pose
Sometimes you think you’re going to fart, but then you realize it wasn’t what you thought. Like the saying goes, this stuff happens!

36. Hugged For Way Too Long Pose
This is what it feels like when someone you don’t really know hugs you for way too long. You’re trying to get away, but they just won’t take a hint and let go of you!

37. Dropped Your Phone In The Toilet Pose
It happens. You’re in the bathroom, you’ve got your phone in your hands, and then it suddenly slips through your fingers. Uh oh, it’s the dreaded “I dropped my phone in the toilet” pose!

38. Friend Getting Back With Ex Pose
Sometimes you wonder why your best friend thinks you want to hear this.
“When you’re listening to your best friend explain why they’re getting back together with their ex.”

39. Netflix Cancels Your Favorite Show Pose
This is what happens when Netflix cancels a show you haven’t finished binge watching. You end up becoming transfixed by something weird, like the caged candle on the table, just so you have something to stare at.

40. When You See A Snake Pose
When something crawls across your foot, of course you’re going to stop and take a closer look. This is what happens when you realize it’s a snake!

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