Passengers can’t stop laughing at flight attendant’s safety routine
I lost it at his "French face." The world needs more people like him. 😂🤣
Eduardo Gaskell

Must be fun being a flight attendant. Sure, there are the long hours away from loved ones plus the possibility of working the holidays but imagine all the traveling you can do.

And it can’t possibly be a boring job what with all the people you meet and all the places you get to see. All aspiring applicants only need to pass the strict training and application process.


Then the fun begins.

Check out this flight attendant who decided to demonstrate the pre-flight safety briefing as if he were a comic stand up. And it really works too!

Frequent travelers know the gig all too well. Flight attendants stand at designated spots before take off while instructions are played on speakers which the attendants demonstrate for all.


Seat belts, masks, and so on.

By the looks of him, he’s a veteran. The flight attendant just stands there looking all bored until he starts demonstrating the safety checks, getting the passengers chuckling in response.

His face though when he smiles.


He must be so popular for first time travelers with flight jitters.

The seat belt buckles seem alien to some (I suppose) so he hammers both ends with a rather bewildered expression on his face before he finally locks it into place with a comical grin on his face.


He’s a natural comedian alright. There’s a flow to his movements during the safety check, and not once does he stop and think of what to do. It’s a constant motion of hilarious gestures.

This man should get an Academy Award—-Brilliant—I would definitely want to be on one of his flights YES he should be given a raise for the sake of all humanity.” says a viewer.


And we can all agree that people like this guy just makes life a little more bearable.

The oxygen mask has him pretending like the band hits him on the back of his head. Wearing the apparatus doesn’t hide that mischievous look in his eyes though. And the passengers are loving it!


And then he switches to French.

The attendant spins around with a new expression on his face, demonstrating the safety checks once again but this time in a much more “refined” manner if you like.

Until he gives that classic French laugh we all know too well.


It’s funny alright but this viewer gets it,

people tend to zone out and ignore these safety demonstrations because “I’ve heard them a million times” but they might miss something new that has been added in thanks to some new safety feature. Doing it this way engages people, keeps them interested and makes them listen. And, more importantly, helps them remember it.”

And that is so true.


He’s got all the right expressions and all the right gestures for each specific moment.

This is how you make a job and everyone else’s experience totally unforgettable. Get this man a raise!

A captain of a major airline even gives his two cents worth:

i’m a captain with a major airline, and while this was entertaining, it was also quite effective because people were paying attention, that was inspiring. Awesome job there sir.

You’ll love this flight attendant’s safety demo! Hit play below!

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