Life is full of universal truths, that at times can also be downright hilarious. You know that moment when youโre shopping online, and the shipping makes you question everything youโre about to buy? Those are the kinds of truths weโre talking about. We tracked down 40 pictures that will have you laughing out loud, while also ringing true on so many levels. You might want to grab a bottle of water because these will have you deep-belly laughing so hard that choking on your laughter will be an instant possibility!
1. Birthdays begin at midnight.
When you wake up in the morning, it has already been your birthday for around eight hours or so. The likes and happy birthday messages are already flooding in. It can be pretty exciting.

2. Cats and dogs are viewed differently.
Dogs typically get referred to by their breed. You can probably name off dozens of different dog breeds. Cats, on the other hand, are all just cats.

3. Getting a strike while bowling is awesome.
It makes you feel completely invincible. At least, until the next frame when you manage to throw a gutter ball. Good things donโt last forever.

Memes Monkey
4. Little kids are like sponges.
Weโve all seen it. A toddler, running around before seeing an adult doing something funny and copying exactly what they do. The little girl in this picture saw her father hit his thumb instead of the nail, now she knows exactly what face to make for excruciating pain.

Everything Mom
5. Sunglasses with writing on them cost more.
If there is a little scribble in the top right-hand corner of the glasses, they are probably about twenty times the normal price of regular shades, if not more. Thatโs just how the business works. You pay big bucks for the designer label.

6. No one looks good when sitting in a salon chair.
There is something about the combination of fluorescent lighting and plastic capes that always makes a person feel very unattractive. It doesnโt help that you are often surrounded by a bunch of mirrors. Itโs hard not to stare while the stylist works.

7. The older you are, the nicer your signature is
It likely stems from the fact that writing in cursive used to be an important skill. Nowadays, they donโt even teach it in schools. No one even knows how to write anything without the use of a computer.

8. Seatbelts are only important in certain situations.
What other way is there to explain the fact that school buses donโt have seatbelts? If a child doesnโt wear a seatbelt in a car, the parents can get in big trouble. However, on a bus, the lack of seatbelts doesnโt concern anyone.

9. Getting a cold makes you appreciate being healthy.
You donโt really realize how awesome being healthy is until you get sick. Then itโs just a painful waiting game. Eventually, youโll get better, but it will be a slow process that will likely take longer than you would like.

10. Airplane mode on cellphones is not just for air travel.
It comes in handy more often than you would think. For example, when you know you are about to get bombarded with messages that you donโt want to respond to. Itโs like pausing time.

11. Fixing stuff always feels good.
No matter how small or big, fixing stuff just makes you feel good every time. Ask the little man in this meme, he is clearly satisfied after helping to fix this car. His body language says it all.

Everything Mom
12. Delivery drivers are some of the fastest runners.
Have you ever watched a UPS driver drop off a package? They take off sprinting as soon as they set the package down. Itโs almost as if getting to their next delivery is a matter of life and death.

13. Cartoons are not just for kids.
They are a sure-fire way to eliminate any chance of sleeping that night. There is a cool trick you can use to get some rest though. Just distract yourself with a TV show for kids afterward.

14. A couple of carefully placed graphics make all the difference.
If you want to make something look fancy, just put a fern or leaf image on each side of it. Other shapes work as well. For example, you can use stars or images of Roman columns and pillars.

15. Waiting on packages to arrive can be very painful.
It often feels like it takes an eternity for the item you ordered to arrive. Itโs especially frustrating when you are tracking the package and every day, they keep moving the date of delivery back. You simply canโt trust the post office.

16. A charged phone is a lifesaver when you are out alone.
It is like a little security blanket that you keep in your pocket. Whenever there is any downtime in life, an entertaining distraction is just a couple of swipes away. That is unless your battery dies.

17. Alcohol is surprisingly sketchy.
Drinking in real life isnโt as glamorous as they make it out to be in the commercials and movies. In fact, itโs much sloppier. It almost always ends up in a massive amount of regret the next day.

18. People who donโt respond to calls have no excuse.
When you know they are available and have their phone on them, it is so frustrating that they donโt answer. They just choose to ignore the call temporarily. It becomes a back and forth game of phone tag.

19. Dealing with a mosquito bite is as easy as making an X.
You do a small X shape on the bite using your fingernail. Itโs a home remedy that works surprisingly well. It solves most of the itching for a while.

20. Desks keep getting smaller as you get older.
Itโs not just because you are getting bigger and growing. The desks actually change sizes. When you are in elementary school, you can spread your papers out all over the place. By the time you reach college, the desks donโt even have enough room to rest your elbows.

21. Not everyone has patience when it comes to watching content.
Weโve all checked the time on a video before to see when it ends. It happens when a buddy tries to show you something that they are interested in. However, you couldnโt care less about it.

22. The lifeguard has all of the power at water parks.
What they say goes. They can make you wait forever at the top of the slide in a ridiculous pose if they want. You have no control over the situation.

23. Itโs always best to make a single trip with grocery bags.
Even if you have to strain all of your muscles, itโs worth it to prove to yourself that you are able to do it. Plus, making two trips is not efficient. Thatโs just a fact.

24. Feeling rushed at checkout lanes is standard.
The cashiers often shove the receipt and money into your hand at the same time. It makes it very challenging to put things away quickly. Itโs especially true if there are coins involved.

25. Turning off lights in rooms can be freaky.
There is nothing more terrifying than being alone in the dark. Itโs surprising how many random noises you start to hear. They could be coming from anywhere, or anyoneโฆ

26. No one likes doing math.
There are very few people in the world who enjoy crunching numbers. For most of us, a calculator pretty much mandatory. Itโs necessary even for extremely simple calculations.

27. Greeting people you donโt really know is awkward.
You are walking down the street and a semi-familiar face appears. You donโt know whether to stop and say hello, do the head nod, or simply just ignore them and keep going. What is the correct solution?

28. There is no such thing as too much swag.
At least, that is what we used to think. According to this man though, the magic number of swag items to have is 41. Itโs a very specific figure.

29. Your own voice sounds really weird.
The way that other people hear your voice and the way it sounds to you are completely different. When you actually hear it out loud for once, itโs a huge shock to the system. It sounds like a stranger talking.

30. Kids can bring out the soft side in anyone.
It doesnโt matter if you are the worldโs biggest tough guy. If a kid wants to be goofy around you, you will play along. Itโs just human nature.

31. There is nothing more adorable than a dog on a slide.
Just check out the pug in this photo for proof. He is absolutely hilarious. Itโs obvious that he is not used to the slippery surface.

32. Not all of us are destined for great things.
There are many things that are within your control. However, there are also limitations as to how much you can improve your lot in life. For example, even if you sing every day for the rest of your life, youโll still never be as good as Beyonce.

33. Potato chip bags are very deceptive.
It looks like you are going to be getting tons of chips. However, the bags are mostly all air. This snack-sized bag only had eight tiny chips in it.

34. Seals and dogs are surprisingly similar.
Just look at some pictures of seals and dogs. Their bodies and mannerisms are more related than most would expect. Although, one of them definitely likes the water more than the other.

35. Nutella is perfect for any situation.
It is great for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. You canโt go wrong with a few scoops of Nutella or even the whole jar. It is all-natural and completely healthy, we swear.

36. Fedoras are no longer fashionable.
It doesnโt matter who you are, no one can pull off a fedora. They are a thing of the past. If you already own one, itโs best to leave it in the closet to collect more dust.

37. A lot of people use dogs to get likes on social media.
If you post a dog picture, itโs pretty much guaranteed to get some attention. Everyone loves dogs. They are one of the cutest types of animals.

38. Not all bread is edible.
If all that is left are the end pieces, you might as well throw them away. No one enjoys eating a slice of bread that is entirely crust. The animals in the area will appreciate it though.

39. Dinner goes better with entertainment.
Have you ever sat down with a fresh plate of food in front of you, but waited until you could get your video to load before you ate it? Itโs actually very common. It doesnโt matter how hungry you are, the entertainment needs to begin first.

40. Getting out of bed is the worst part of the day.
There is nothing worse than waking up and realizing that you have to get ready for work in a few minutes. Itโs a big let down. In a perfect world, we could simply sleep all day and forget about the alarms.

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