Have you ever heard the term “mommy fatigue?” In case you haven’t, it is the kind of exhaustion that can result from becoming a mom. And, no, it’s not just a human thing.
Animal moms, too, get in over their heads from time to time.
And human moms are not the only ones who have to deal with naughty offspring. Animal moms, too, can get overwhelmed by their little ones’ behavior.
Want to see what we mean? Check out these 20 animal moms that had a rough day. No doubt you can relate if you’re a mom yourself!
1. Going on a trip
If you thought that only human moms have to carry their babies and a ton of other stuff when they go on a trip, this will prove you wrong.
She’s not only a life preserver, but everywhere you look there’s a baby clinging to her!
2. Bite your head off
If you are a mom, then you know that you can practically do nothing without being followed around the house. It seems that this is the case for tortoises, too.
3. Exhausted
This poor mama pup is TIRED!
4. “Wake up!”
5. “Stand still for a second”
We know how difficult it is for a toddler to stand still and let you clean their hands or face.
The same goes for primates as well. But this one looks like it got a talking to and is now afraid to misbehave.
6. Asking a favor
How cute is this baby’s face and how obvious is it wants something from mom?
And mom knows – that’s why she’s got her eyes closed in the hopes it all goes away.
7. “Please, help!”
This overtired mom’s look is telling of how busy her day has been so far. And it definitely sounds familiar.
8. Not an octapus
Although this could have been an octopus on land, it’s just a cat feeding her kittens. The look on her face though, says it all!
9. “Pretty please?”
Kids are hilarious when they try to ask a favor. This photo proves that baby animals are no less funny when they do the same thing!
Look at mom’s valiant attempt to ignore the nuisance. That’s talent!
10. “Mooom, wait!”
How many times have you tried to leave the room unsuccessfully because your little one kept pulling your leg or clothes? Well, guess what – animal moms face the same problems!
11. They are the cutest
Isn’t this baby rhino the cutest? His mom must feel so blessed to have him around!
12. Shocked
This new mama had no idea what her new role would be like. She doesn’t look excited!
13. Quality time
This mommy and her little one are spending some quality time together. Guess who’s enjoying it more.
14. “Stop following me around!”
This possum doesn’t look very happy with having her babies following her around all the time. We are sure she could use some alone time.
15. “So over this”
The look on this cat’s face is so indicative of how she’s currently feeling. We bet she hadn’t had any quiet moments that day.
16. “Love you, mom”
Isn’t it the cutest when your kid suddenly stops whatever they’re doing only to come and say “I love you”? This elephant mom’s heart just melted.
17. “Let me play with your head”
Everything is new for kids so they want to explore it. One of those interesting items to explore is mom’s head, apparently.
18. “Mom, are you listening to me?”
Kids always have interesting stories to tell.
In fact, they are so excited about them that they repeat them several times a day.
This mom looks like she’s heard this one before.
19. “Close your eyes!”
Isn’t it the cutest – and scariest – when kids ask you to close your eyes because they have a surprise for you?
No idea what this mom is about to see, but we feel her.
20. “Let me hug you!”
As cute as this hug is, we can feel this mom’s fatigue
All she wanted was a moment of doing nothing. Well, not today, ma’am.
No matter what kids – or cubs and kittens in this case – do, no matter how annoying their behavior can get at times, the bond they have with their mom is the most powerful.
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