This woman is just aural pleasure thanks to her accent. The French are known for many things, and most are usually associated with beauty and romance for good reason. Let’s not forget their cuisine.
Learn what their nutritional secrets are . . . .
1. Fruits and vegetables
The saying “you are what you eat” is true. There’s something to be said about eating your greens and those delectable fruits. No wonder the fitness industry makes so much money. It’s not just the workouts, but the nutritional benefits too.
It’s always around 30% exercise and 70% diet. So be careful with what you toss in that grocery cart. Try to stay away from processed food, lots of sugar, and junk food. If you eat like a trash compactor, then you’ll look like one. Eat smart.
2. Opt for salads and soups more
The French eat smart. Salads and soups are a staple throughout the week. There are so many recipes for these, and you can even keep it seasonal to match the weather.
Mix in lean meat every once in awhile for your protein needs. You can love food by making better choices.
3. Take time to eat
The French take the time to prepare their meals, and once they sit at the table, it’s conversation after conversation as they eat. That means they really take their time finishing their meals.
Take the time to smell, taste, and chew your food. It’s a real pleasure to enjoy meals, that’s why the French say “Bon Appetit”.
4. Drink lots of water
It used to be 8 glasses a day, but get a feel for your body and how much water you actually need.
Drink a lot of water. If you get hungry between meals, drink a big glass to help settle your tummy. Water also keeps you hydrated and healthy, so don’t worry about going to the bathroom too often.
5. Don’t snack between meals
Regardless of your meal plans in a day, eating between meals just ruins your calorie count, especially if you go for chips or fast food coupled with a soda. It’s a quick way to gain weight.
And no, a cigarette instead of a snack isn’t an alternative to killing that hunger. Once again, drink water instead.
6. Go for a walk
Not everyone enjoys going to the gym or doing strenuous exercises at home. But what’s important is to make sure you get your body moving for a couple of hours.
Easiest, and most relaxing way to do so is to go out for a nice walk. Go to the park, a museum, or even the mall to get your blood flowing. Just avoid those food stalls while you’re at it.
7. Balance your food intake
Once again, it’s about eating smart so balance is the key. The French do enjoy gatherings around the table, small parties, and the like so anticipate the spread and eat light a few days before the party.
And watch out for those desserts. Do enjoy your food, but just remember to take your time, fast or walk after.
8. Google on fasting
Fasting gives your body time to rest from eating and to digest everything in your system. Works great before a day of heavy eating, or after a day of it. Even athletes fast from time to time.
Find the best time for you to fast. Take a few hours off from eating, and when the time comes to eat, take in a minimal amount.
9. Go to the loo
And she means regularly. What comes in has to come out, and if you can go twice a day, then that’s better. If you have trouble going, then try to eat more fruits and vegetables. If it really is a problem, then take a laxative, or go see a doctor.
10. Eat small portions
Big servings work up an appetite, and as a result, have you forking large amounts into your mouth. Serving in smaller portions helps if you don’t have the discipline to control yourself.
Do eat in smaller portions. Go for a salad, lean meat, and perhaps a soup or bread. And don’t go for seconds and thirds.
11. Enjoy a glass of red wine.
Now we’re talking! The French do love their red wine. We’re not saying you should drink every night and such, but do drink in moderation. Again, the key here is balance.
Good food goes with a good glass of wine since that helps settle your stomach and relax blood flow.
12. Monitor your weight
Do pull up a BMI photo and see what your ideal weight should be according to your height and even your age. Enjoy eating all the time. Just be sure to monitor your weight and your health to avoid future scares.
13. Don’t eat in front of a screen
Sitting in front of a TV or computer watching a movie or your favorite series is surely relaxing but when there’s food involved, you tend to lose track of how much you’re eating.
Not to mention snacks for such a time are usually limited to chips and fast food. It’s a hard habit to break but it’s one worth taking notice of.
14. Be happy and be patient
With everything said here, don’t forget that food and eating should be a pleasurable experience. Be happy and always have a great time especially with family and friends.
Be patient with yourself and don’t get upset if you eat too much or gain weight. It’s always a learning experience, and that makes you stronger in the end.
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