In the late 1990s, reality television exploded with a bang. Successful series like Big Brother and Survivor highlighted the genre, launching reality television into the popular, mainstream realm. Since those early days, we’ve now been blessed with a variety of reality television options— but still, people can’t get enough of watching talent competitions on TV.
We recently went over a ton of vocal auditions to select five of the very best ones. Each audition is different in terms of genre, but they all have one thing in common: they’re downright incredible.
1) Harvey Gardner Auditions With Heartbreaking Song About Grandmother’s Battle With Alzheimer’s
When Harvey sits at the piano and sings his song, he beautifully captures the love a child has for their grandmother and the grief that comes when Alzheimer’s starts taking them away. Sadly, Harvey’s grandmother passed just a few days before his audition aired. The teen told the media, “We had such a great relationship and that’s something great to remember.”
2) Cristina Ramos Stuns The World With Unbelievable Opera-Rock Audition
Cristina and the judges looked confused, but confusion quickly turned to awe when Christina whipped off her gown to reveal an edgy, black corset and black ripped jeans. The 37-year-old’s voice is impeccable and it’s so amazing to see an opera singer partake in the rock genre.
Judge Edurne Garcia Almagro’s jaw hangs throughout the entire performance. When the crowd starts chanting “Golden Buzzer”, the stunned judge had no choice but to comply.
3) Biscuit Factory Worker Belts Out Breathtaking Rendition Of Adele’s “Hiding My Heart Away”
The witty, 22-year-old chats with the judges before unleashing a giant voice in a breathtaking rendition of “Hiding My Heart Away”. Adele is known for her vocal skills and Craig’s selection is not the easiest song. Still, the pleasant 22-year-old blows everyone away and ultimately progressed up to week 7 of the series before being eliminated.
4) Female Prison Officer Gives Passionate Audition— Later, Wins Entire Competition
In the video, the 36-year-old gives a stunning audition, performing Beyonce’s song “Listen”. The judges were floored by the prison officer’s performance and Bailey ultimately went on to win her season’s cycle. In an interesting twist, after winning the season, Bailey got the opportunity to support Beyonce in a few UK shows during the superstar’s 2014 tour.
5) Teen Duo Wows World With Pop-Opera Audition Viewed More Than 100 Million Times
The duo’s audition has been viewed over 100 million times, but sadly, they did not manage to win the competition, coming in second place. Still, their dreams were not for naught. Charlotte and Jason were offered a £1million record deal by Simon Cowell and have since separated to create solo albums for Sony Classical.
These auditions were incredible. Which one is your favorite, and are there any that we forgot? We’d love to hear your thoughts, so be sure to let us know in the comments!
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