Here’s the very 1st thing you should do when entering a hotel room
I can't believe I haven't been doing this. 😮
Jake Manning

Everyone loves to travel, but a vacation can quickly go sour if you’re not safe and take extra precautions.

This is especially true when entering a hotel room.

Nothing ruins the excitement of a trip more than the feeling of unease about where you’re staying.

Hotels are meant to be sanctuaries away from home, places where you can relax and unwind.

However, ensuring your safety in a new environment is paramount to truly enjoying your stay.


One crucial step should always be taken the moment you check into a hotel room.

This might seem like a small detail, but it can significantly impact your peace of mind and overall safety.

Before you start unpacking or collapsing on the bed after a long journey, a few minutes of vigilance can make all the difference.

It’s a simple habit that can help prevent any potential problems.


When arriving at a hotel room, especially after a long journey, it’s important to ensure the room is safe.

Fatigue from traveling can make us less alert, so taking a moment to check the room thoroughly can help you settle in more comfortably.

It’s better to be cautious than regretful later.

A little precaution can save you from unnecessary stress and worry.


Former flight attendant Nassim suggests using a piece of luggage to prop the door open while checking the room to ensure no one is hiding inside.

This simple tactic allows you to stay aware of your surroundings while you inspect the room.

By propping the door open, you have a clear escape route if anything seems amiss.

This tip can be particularly helpful when traveling alone.


It’s important to check the bathroom, under the bed, inside wardrobes, under tables, and behind curtains.

These are places where someone could easily hide and catching them off guard with a swift and thorough inspection is crucial.

It might feel excessive, but this habit ensures you don’t miss any potential threats.

Always trust your instincts and take the necessary precautions.


This precaution helps in case of an emergency, providing an easy escape.

With the door propped open and your luggage acting as a barrier, you have a head start if you need to leave the room quickly.

It’s a practical step that can give you peace of mind.

Ensuring a secure environment allows you to relax and enjoy your stay.


Check the room thoroughly: always inspect the room, including hidden areas like behind curtains and under the bed.

Even if it feels tedious, knowing that every corner of your room is secure will help you relax.

It’s a small effort for a significant gain in safety.

This practice becomes second nature with time and can greatly enhance your travel experience.


Other tips include keeping your luggage in the bathroom for added security and avoiding disclosing your room number aloud.

Placing your luggage in the bathroom can protect your belongings from potential intruders.

Being discreet about your room number can also prevent unwanted attention from strangers who might overhear.

These simple measures can make a big difference.


Nassim explained to Reader’s Digest:

“I would never, ever enter a room without doing that. I would place my bag by the door in case someone opened it from the outside, then it would make a noise.”

Simple actions can make a huge difference in ensuring your safety and security while traveling.

By taking these precautions, you can enjoy your travels with peace of mind, knowing you’ve done your part to ensure a safe and comfortable stay.

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Watch the video below for even more hotel safety tips!
