Reading what the stars say about you, or other people, is always fun. Much like ancient times, people back then would read the skies to give insight on a situation or those involved.
And it’s not just strengths, finances, or power. The stars seem to know what each sign is afraid of.
So confront that fear and see what you can do about it as you read on about what makes people under their signs tick and tremble.
Aries are a very argumentative sign. Those born under Aries lash out when angry, plus they really hate losing fights. But what they actually fear most is losing the people they care about.
Aries, being a sociable sign, is afraid of losing friends and families. Which does tend to happen when tempers get in the way of reason.
A Taurus seems to be allergic to change. They can’t stand instability, specifically financial instability. A Taurus is security orientated, perfectly happy with their comfortable routine. They need to be supported by airtight finances so financial instability can be terrifying for them.
Geminis are often unpredictable, with their opinions changing by the day. They also have a tendency for fickleness or flightiness. Decision making is not a Gemini’s strongest suit.
Making and sticking to a decision can be scary for Geminis. That means they’d have to stick to something, and they’re not into that.
Cancers enjoy their creature comforts and are content with friends and family at home. Throw them into a new situation without the comfortable shell of their home and they’ll be terrified.
They cannot stand the thought of losing that familiar, protective home environment they thrive in.
Leos are brave and confident, so ironically, they are afraid of being forgotten or even going unnoticed. Leos love social situations, surrounded by people and the spotlight.
Their worst fear is being forgotten. They cannot be denied the glory and adulation from social situations, an audience, or even a friend.
Virgos hate disorder. It’s all about organization and even the messiest of them live in a sort of organized chaos that only they can understand. Virgos like to micro-manage, hence why disorganization can throw them off.
Order is the key so upset that aspect and you’ll see their most negative qualities.
Libras love having people around. They are smart, caring, and loving folks who flourish in social situations. That’s why it terrifies them to be alone. Libras need to have someone around, whether romantically or platonically. They need loved ones around them since the thought of being alone is frightening.
Scorpios are pretty intense, possessive lovers. As a result, they can be pretty closed off and even cold towards prospective romantic partners. They take awhile to open up, meaning intimacy can cause them to flee, or even acting out in deranged ways.
Intimacy terrifies them but once they become comfortable with you, then you might be the one horrified at the real Scorpio.
Sagittarius are often curious, wanting to explore and quench that inquisitive nature. Confine them though and they’ll feel suffocated and restricted. That confinement could mean giving way to what the crowd wants, being enclosed in a small space, or having their choices taken away.
It is the inability to be free that strikes fear in a Sagittarius.
Capricorns are ambitious and incredibly determined meaning they’ll work to get to the top. Thank the motivation of failure. Or the fear of failing to be specific. A lack of success terrifies Capricorns since they just want to succeed in everything.
Admitting defeat is scary for a Capricorn.
An Aquarius won’t go with the flow, refusing to be confined within an institution that takes away their ability to form their own opinions and thoughts. Being confined by a rigid set of rules keeps an Aquarius up at night. It both terrifies and angers them.
Pisces are creative, and that’s great, until they start acting like they live in a fantasy world. Responsibilities bring them back to reality and that’s a scary thing for a Pisces.
They prefer to go at their own pace, ignoring responsibilities since it scares them are scary and won’t allow them to reside in their comfortable day dreams and fantasies.
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Reading what the stars say about you, or other people, is always fun. Much like ancient times, people back then would read the skies to give insight on a situation or those involved.
And it’s not just strengths, finances, or power. The stars seem to know what each sign is afraid of.
So confront that fear and see what you can do about it as you read on about what makes people under their signs tick and tremble.