Many young girls dream about their wedding day. It’s a day where all of her dreams come true and all of the people she loves and cherishes come together to celebrate her and her new beginning.
Truly, it’s one of the happiest days in anybody’s life, man or woman.

One of the best parts about weddings however, are the heartwarming photos and videos couples share. Seeing others surrounded by loved ones and having the times of their lives is sure to bring a smile to anybody’s face.
Although weddings can be plagued by the hard work put into them, the outcome tends to be magnificent.
Case and point, a wedding video shared on YouTube by a woman named Tamara Freeburn.

Freeburn, like many women, decided to share one of the most memorable moments of her big day with others. The quality of the video is sharp and recorded from various angles thus, purposely or not, entices the viewer to press play.
Many viewers did, in fact, do just that. Her video has generated over 2 million views since its debut in 2014.
But as high quality as the video is, there is something the viewers came to see specifically when clicking on the video.
Freeburn had a fun surprise in store for her wedding guests. She and her father decided to shake things up a bit for their father-daughter dance.

It isn’t a secret the emphasis put on this moment at weddings. Aside from the father giving his precious daughter away at the alter, this is another common gesture practiced across many generations and cultures. It’s a time when a father looks at his little girl for the woman that she is.

It’s emotional. For that realization can be difficult for both parents to face when it comes to letting your children start a life of their own.
Thus, as you can imagine, when Freeburn and her father dance to the appropriately titled, “I Loved Her First” by Elliott Park, their guests watch with faces full of joy.
Freeburn and her father dance for the entirety of the song before another tune starts up. It’s the reason those 2 million viewers clicked on the video in the first place.

She and her father jump into the full swing of none other than “Footloose.”
Now, if you don’t know the 80s classic film starring Kevin Bacon, we suggest you do your homework. It’s a high energy and fun time. The movie has spurred remakes, in both film and stage, as well as countless choreographed dance routines.

To start, the two clap in unison with the track before incorporating some footwork into the routine. The audience cheers and applaud as the pair continue to amp up the amount of energy in the routine.

The best part comes when the two pretend to play air guitars all while hopping on one foot, inching closer to their audience. Of course, the crowd loves it and cheers even louder.

The father and daughter seem to be having a blast shuffling their feet across the dance floor. Freeburn beams throughout the routine as she steals glances from her dance partner.
About four minutes in, the pair break out their own individual dance moves. But it isn’t long before they reunite and are back in sync. These two don’t miss a step! Clearly, having two left feet doesn’t run in this family.

The song ends with Freeburn in her father’s arms and the crowd cheering louder than before. The two take a bow as the announcer approaches and informs their guests that all of the choreography was done by “Tammy” herself.

Great footwork you two! It’s always nice watching parents having fun with their children no matter what age the children, or parents, are.
You can watch the video below!
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