Family spots peculiar ‘log’ in ocean only to realize it desperately needs help
Without hesitation, they sprang into action.
Jake Manning

A day on the water typically means basking in the sun and enjoying endless fun, but for one family from Kailua, Hawaii, an unexpected adventure awaited them.

While cruising off the coast of Oahu, the family encountered something out of the ordinary, transforming their day into a rescue mission.

The serene ocean setting quickly shifted as they realized they were about to embark on an unforgettable experience.


June Mellor and her son were aboard their boat, reveling in the serene beauty of the ocean.

Their excursion began delightfully, spotting some turtles gliding gracefully through the water.

The family cherished these moments, watching the turtles in awe and snapping a few pictures to capture the experience.

However, their peaceful outing soon took a turn.


Amid their turtle-watching, they noticed a blackish-brown object floating in the distance.

It appeared to be about 2-3 feet long, and their initial assumption was that it was a log drifting in the ocean currents.

However, curiosity got the better of them, and they decided to take a closer look.

Little did they know, this small decision would lead them to an extraordinary discovery.


As they approached, the object began to move.

To their astonishment, they realized it wasn’t a log at all, but a pig struggling in the water.

The family was bewildered by the sight, trying to comprehend how a pig had ended up so far from shore.

“We were stunned,” Mellor told The Dodo. “We wondered where it had come from and how long it had been out there in the water. One thing’s for sure, we knew we had to help.”


Determined to save the pig, June’s husband and son sprang into action.

They grabbed a rope and attempted to catch the distressed animal.

It was a challenging task that took about 45 minutes of patient maneuvering and teamwork.

The pig, clearly fatigued, made the rescue effort even more pressing.

Their dedication to the rescue showed their commitment to animal welfare.


Finally, they succeeded in getting the pig onto their 19-foot Boston Whaler boat.

They named the pig Miracle, a fitting name given the extraordinary circumstances.

Once on the boat, Miracle collapsed, utterly exhausted from its ordeal.

The family felt a wave of relief and compassion, eager to nurse the pig back to health.


The family continued their planned day, stopping at the sandbars to relax and rejuvenate.

They tried offering Miracle water and tangerines, but the pig showed no interest, likely too worn out to eat or drink.

Despite this, they stayed vigilant, ensuring Miracle was comfortable and safe.


As the day drew to a close, they headed back to shore, knowing it was time to release Miracle back into the wild.

They found a wooded area near the beach and set the pig free.

To their delight, Miracle quickly recovered, scampering into the woods with newfound energy.

The family watched with joy, knowing their efforts had made a difference.


The Mellors felt immense gratitude for the opportunity to rescue Miracle and give the pig a second chance at life.

They never considered keeping the pig as a pet, content with knowing they had helped an animal in need.

The experience left them with a profound sense of fulfillment and a story they would cherish forever.

Watch the video below to see footage of the incredible rescue mission!

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