Lots of us have family members that we look a lot alike. From the moment we are born, we’re compared with our relatives to see who we take after more. Sometimes it’s not our parents, but an extended family member.
For example, my brother looks just like my father’s brother.
But his likeness to my uncle is NOTHING like the photos you are about to see. The resemblances below are just beyond uncanny. You’ll think you’re looking at photos of the same person.
You’ll think you’re looking at photos of the same person. But you’re not… it’s their kin!
1.) Father and Son/Son and Grandson
This one is a double whammy. All he needs are those glasses and it would be the same photo. Even their haircut is similar!

2.) Father/Daughter
Did he take his eyebrows and give them to his daughter?

3.) Two Friends/Their Sons
This is too cute. The guy on the left even has his dad’s teeth! These guys must all be in some kind of mustache club.

4.) Mother/Daughter
These two are wearing the same exact dress… I wonder if the chair is the same.

5.) Father/Son
Does facial hair ever go out of style?

6.) Great-Grandmother/Great-Granddaughter
These two have the same looks and spirit in this photo taken 87 years apart.

7.) Great-Great-Grandfather/Great-Great-Grandson
This is a photo from 1917 and 1995 but those faces look exactly the same.

8.) Mom/Son
All he needs is long hair and he would be his mom.

9.) Dad/Son
I guess he didn’t pass his mustache down to his son.

10.) Grandfather/Grandson
Both are 21-years-old in these photos. They look like twins!

11.) Dad and Son/Son and Cat
He only kind of looks like the cat.

12.) Grandmother/Granddaughter
They even have the same hair!

13.) Father/Son
These two have the SAME EXACT face!

14.) Mother/Daughter
These two photos were taken 20 years apart!

15.) Daughter With Her Mother’s Photo
Good thing that hair went out of style!

16.) Mother and Firstborn/Daughter and Firstborn
The only thing that’s off is the photo quality otherwise these photos would be identical.

17.) Grandfather/Grandson
The angle of the grandson’s face is a little different, but these two look so much alike.

18.) Mom/Daughter
Their yearbook photos at the same age. Unreal!

19.) Father/Son
How is this not the same person?!?!

20.) Mother/Son
Like mother like son!

21.) Eleventh Generation Descendant/Abraham Lincoln

Some things never change!
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