Face swapping technology hasn’t been around all that long. But within the last decade, it started showing up as a feature on smartphones — or as a standalone app. Unsurprisingly, phone owners went crazy for it. Why wouldn’t they? It was the newest form of entertainment…and to be honest, it produced some pretty hilarious photos.
There’s a reason it’s so fun. Today, entire social media pages and even a subreddit are dedicated to the most hilarious face swaps people can imagine. While some of them are face swap fails, others are just a little too eerily perfect. Of course, it’s funny when you get the kids involved.
Here are 65 hilarious, ridiculous, and downright creepy times parents tried to face swap their baby.
1. What a beautiful child
You rarely get to see a cat’s face swapped with that of a child. I honestly can’t decide which one is funnier. Why don’t more people do this?
This was probably a very sweet picture originally. But now, it’s a hellish image of a toothless giant holding a tiny man.
3. Like uncle, like niece
This isn’t a baby you ever thought you’d see. I never imagined a baby could look like this. It’s just wrong.
4. Their expressions say it all
There’s something almost cartoonish about that tiny baby head with those compressed adult features. Her expression of horror needs no caption.
5. Well, that’s unsettling
This started as a picture of a dad wrestling with his baby. Now it looks like a large, baby-faced man holding a tiny cartoon villain.
Face swaps don’t always go as planned. In this case, the app mistook the front of the stove for a face and created a monster.
7. The pacifier is a nice touch
The best part about this is the pacifier was swapped to the dad’s mouth. Meanwhile, his face is under such a sweet baby hat.
8. I see the family resemblance
Sometimes, face swaps are a little too perfect. There’s something about those that send a shiver up your spine. Begone, creepy baby-man.
When it comes to face swap fails, the results are often hilarious. Just take this one where the app couldn’t quite find Dad’s face.
10. I want to stop playing now
Why did we invent the face swap app except to create new terrifying creatures? This tiny grandpa-baby is pretty creepy. And the cute snowsuit doesn’t help.
11. Okay, this is amazing
This turned out incredibly well. Both Dad and Baby are making a perfect face for the photo. The result deserves to be in the Face Swap Hall of Fame.
The next time you want to scare your kids, tell them there are creatures with the heads of grandmas and the bodies of babies. You bet they’ll be scared.
13. Ruining relationships
After one uncle put this photo on social media, he discovered the baby’s mom didn’t like him that much anymore. How could you do that to her baby?
14. It’s a pool toss face swap
This baby seems to have an unusually hairy chest for her age. It certainly strikes an interesting contrast with her little pink sunhat.
When one woman asked her husband to put together their Christmas card, she wasn’t overly impressed with the result. Personally, I’d send it to everyone I knew.
16. Cute guy, creepy baby
The dad seems to be sporting the Amish look of a long beard with no mustache. Meanwhile, the baby is overdue for a shave.
17. If you can’t say anything nice…
Have you ever seen someone’s new baby but you can’t honestly say, “Aw, they’re so cute”? Imagine what you would say to this baby’s parents.
Is it just me or does that baby look like a tiny Ellen DeGeneres with a mohawk? I checked the internet comments and it’s not just me.
19. Won’t somebody think of the children?
Seriously, people, this has to stop somewhere. There are only so many mustachioed toddlers I can look at before I have a breakdown.
20. I think that’s Nigel Thornberry
This little girl changed from an adorable toddler into Nigel Thornberry of The Wild Thornberry’s fame. Can’t you just hear her saying, “Smashing”?
21. How to ruin Santa forever
There’s an obvious story behind this one. Santa stole the little boy’s body and is gleefully running off with it. It’s the next level up from “Got your nose.”
I live for face swaps that go wrong. Here we have an unexpected third player whose presence changed Dad into The Mysterious Couch Man.
I can’t decide which of these two makes me more uncomfortable. The tiny grandma or the baby with an unusually mature haircut?
I’m pretty sure this baby could beat me up if he wanted to. He may even be involved in a Colombian drug ring.
What a sweet picture of a grandfather and grandson posing together. Well it was until someone decided to do a face swap that turned them into this.
This guy’s beard is so long that both of them kept a part of it. The result is a pretty interesting facial hair style for each.
27. Grandpa’s looking great
Some people maintain their youthful looks even into old age. This grandpa is one of them. That baby, on the other hand, needs some rejuvenating cream.
It’s amazing how unnerving an adult’s features can look on a baby’s face. I’m just so uncomfortable I don’t know where to look.
29. Nope, don’t like that
Interestingly enough, this little boy’s hair matches his dad’s mustache. It kind of tricks your brain for just a minute.
It’s not the baby’s face on the grandpa that looks so unsettling in this one. It’s that the baby now looks like a tiny gremlin.
31. Why is this so funny?
The baby with the happy smile and a mustache…it’s so funny and disturbing at the same time. For some reason, I just can’t stop laughing.
Here we see a giant baby giving a tiny man his dinner. I don’t know. There’s some mystical nonsense going on here.
33. He’s been preparing for this moment
The moment this man found out his wife was pregnant, he prepared to do a face swap with the baby. Thankfully, the result was everything we hoped for.
This is another one of those face swaps that turned out so perfectly, it almost catches you off guard. Give it a moment and you’ll jump out of your skin.
I’m trying to figure out why the little girl’s features almost fit on her grandmother’s face. I guess we’ll just chalk it up to family resemblance.
I don’t know, I find this one kind of believable. No, no, hear me out. There’s an alternate reality where Santa is a baby with old people sitting on his knee.
37. That milk bubble isn’t cute anymore
It’s kind of cute when babies dribble milk from their mouths or blow milk bubbles. It’s less cute when it’s on a grown man.
38. Mamas, don’t pierce your babies
When you have a facial piercing, you end up with face swaps on a whole different level. Please don’t pierce your babies’ noses. I shouldn’t have to say that.
For some reason, the contrast of the heads and arms is super funny. Maybe it’s that Dad’s arms are so thin and the baby’s arms are so chubby.
40. This is straight from a horror movie
This face swap went completely wrong, I don’t even know where to start. Ultimately, it all comes down to the baby’s bib. It just made everything creepy.
41. I’m not feeling this one
Hasn’t anyone told this baby that having a goatee makes you look like a jerk? Keep up with the times, baby. Geez.
42. Christmas is canceled
Well, after seeing this photo, I don’t think I’ll ever celebrate Christmas again. Maybe this is how the Grinch started — with a creepy, creepy Santa photo.
Why am I mentally quoting the Tenth Doctor while I look at this photo? “Don’t blink. Don’t even blink. Blink and you’re dead.”
44. I hope it was his last attempt
This proud dad shared his photo with the caption: “My first attempt at a face swap.” I think we can all agree in this case, first should also be last.
That little milk drop is so cute on a baby but so horrifying on an adult. Let’s take this as a sign that we should all stop right now.
46. That’s a stylish baby
Somehow, these fit each other’s hairstyles perfectly. The result is two people who look very stylish, despite their strange faces.
47. How to turn your baby into a demon
Now, this is just plain wrong. This poor baby was all dolled up for her Christmas portrait and then they did this to her. The world is a terrible place.
Sleeping on the couch with your baby is strongly discouraged. Swapping faces with them is even more strongly discouraged.
I guess it’s easy to do a face swap when both the dad and baby are bald. It’s just one more way the two of them blend in.
50. Like father, like…wait a second
“Excuse me, Child Protective Services? I’d like to report a tweet from three years ago. I just can’t believe that anyone would do that.”
51. I can’t decide which is worse
The baby is enough to make you run and hide. But let’s face it — her face on her dad’s face with that little bit of drool is frightening.
52. Baby’s eyebrows are on fleek
It seems as though some face swaps have some unexpected benefits. This baby ended up with great eyebrows in just five seconds.
Sure, all kids dream about ordering their parents around, but this is a little extreme. It’s possible to grow up too fast.
54. *nervously glances for an escape route*
If I saw these two coming toward me in real life, I think I’d run the other way. I’m sure they look fine normally but these swapped faces are too much.
55. Please shave your baby
That’s a sentence I never thought I’d say. But that’s just the way it is: that baby needs to break out a razor.
Somehow the bib just makes this stranger. With his mom’s face on his tiny little head, he looks nothing like a “big boy.”
57. It almost appears natural until you look twice
This is seamless enough it could easily trick your brain — for a minute, at least. It’s the little girl that tips you off.
58. You make a hideous baby, sir
I’m sure this guy was a cute baby back in the day. But his adult face on a baby’s head is anything but sweet.
59. Well, that’s unfortunate
Face swaps can have some unintended consequences. There’s just no getting around that this little boy bears an unfortunate resemblance to a certain famous dictator.
Not only is this disturbing but the blurriness somehow makes it even worse. The result is plain horrifying.
These two almost have the same hairstyle, but that’s not fooling anyone. There’s just no getting around how wrong this is.
62. They managed to remain cute
These two managed to do the impossible — they did a face swap and still maintained their cuteness. It must be a record.
Oh, my word. I don’t even know where to start with this. Everything about it is disturbing. Please, just go to the next slide.
64. I’ll never be okay again
The look of horror on the baby’s face says it all. I feel the same way, baby.
65. Will this nightmare never end?
Have you ever seen a baby with a five o’clock shadow? Now you have. And you’ll never be able to forget it.
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Source: Bored Panda
Face swapping technology hasn’t been around all that long. But within the last decade, it started showing up as a feature on smartphones — or as a standalone app. Unsurprisingly, phone owners went crazy for it. Why wouldn’t they? It was the newest form of entertainment…and to be honest, it produced some pretty hilarious photos.
There’s a reason it’s so fun. Today, entire social media pages and even a subreddit are dedicated to the most hilarious face swaps people can imagine. While some of them are face swap fails, others are just a little too eerily perfect. Of course, it’s funny when you get the kids involved.
Here are 65 hilarious, ridiculous, and downright creepy times parents tried to face swap their baby.