One of the most important components of a home is its lawn. Aside from the fact that it is part of the home’s facade, it also serves as a status symbol that shows a family’s capacity to spend more just to have a beautiful exterior. Maintaining a lawn does not come cheap and for people to decide to get one must mean that they have excess money to allocate for the lawn related expenses.
The truth about grass lawns
Lawns are normally composed of grass that need to be trimmed from time to time to keep the area’s cleanliness and aesthetic appeal. To keep the lawn in best condition, there are quite a number of maintenance activities which, apparently, are not good for the environment.
Lawn maintenance does not only include mowing to keep optimum grass height, it also includes a lot of watering and placing chemicals that kill weed which are quite harmful for the environment. These chemicals can eventually mix with ground water and kill other natural organisms in the process.
Fertilizers are also used in keeping the grass green and lush. However, these fertilizers contain dangerous components that ultimately increase the amount of greenhouse gases in the planet. Even the electrical tools used to maintain a lawn uses fuels that only adds up to the pollution in the environment.
Why clover lawns are better
Clearly, having a grass lawn is not good at all for Mother Nature. If that’s the case, is there no hope in having a lush lawn since everything about it seems to be destructive to the environment? Fortunately, there is a way for us to still get a lush, green lawn without having to resorting to things that kill nature: getting a clover lawn instead.
If you think about it, having a clover lawn will still give you your desired green lawn without having to worry about being harsh to nature and to your budget. How? Here are 10 reasons why clover lawns are better than grass lawns:
1. Clover seeds are cheaper
You don’t have to worry about the price of clover seeds at all. They are cheap and will grow faster than you might expect! Aside from the seeds, maintaining a clover lawn is generally lower in cost because the natural characteristics of clover require little to no maintenance at all.
2. There is no need to fertilize
The great thing about clovers is that it requires zero fertilizer. It is a legume and therefore uses nitrogen in the air and makes it as its natural fertilizer. Can you imagine the cost you’re going to get rid of once you get a clover lawn that needs no fertilizer at all?
3. Clover leaves do not change color when animals urinate on them
The natural composition of clover make it resistant to the effects of pet urine. If grass turns yellow when your dog urinates on it, clover lawns won’t change even a bit and you can be sure that it will stay green despite your pets going all number on it all the time.
4. Clover flowers are pretty
Having the occasional sprinkle of white flowers in a clover lawn adds to the appeal of the landscape. It is not only picture perfect, it is also adds to the charm of your home.
5. Clover needs little to no mowing
Most clover plants don’t grow too tall. If you have white clover on your lawn, it will only reach up to eight inches of height which means you don’t need to mow your lawn frequently.
6. Clover doesn’t need pesticides
Clover fare well against insects which means there is no need for you to worry about having pests on your lawn ever. You can say good-bye to the harmful and expensive insecticides that you used to buy for your grass lawn.
7. Clover can grow in poor soil
Having poor quality soil in your lawn is not a problem at all if you choose to plant clover. They practically grow even the worst of soil. At times, they even get to grow on rocky areas!
8. Clover doesn’t require a lot of watering, even in summer
One of the best things about clover is that they are resistant to drought. They can keep their lush green color even if the weather gets hotter, just like in summer time. This only means that you don’t need to water them as frequently which also translates to lower water cost and water conservation.
9. Clover won’t require you to weed frequently
If there is one thing that you don’t have to worry about if you opt to have a clover lawn, that would have to be weeds! Clover actually kills weeds so you won’t have to get down and possibly break your back just to get the weeds out.
10. Clover feels great when walked on
The big plus of having a clover lawn? They feel great on your feet! Your family will surely love to walk barefoot on your nature-friendly clover lawn and you can even make this a regular bonding activity where everybody can just walk on the lawn without their shoes on, enjoying the relaxing effect of the lover leaves.
Choosing to have a clover lawn instead of a grass lawn might be a small step but it already makes a difference if you want to find a way to help in solving climate change. Getting clovers on your lawn does not only lessen your expenses, it also gives you that feeling of fulfillment knowing that you made your tiny corner of the Earth as nature-friendly as possible.
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