If there was one place besides the doctor’s office that you’d want to be competent, it would be your restaurant. They need to be sanitary, should have their Servsafe’s updated, and want to be inviting as possible. However, that doesn’t always happen.
1) Servers Are Always Listening
Servers gossip more than country church ladies. They spend six to twelve hours a day at work, so they need something to talk about. That something is you, and you will be the butt of their jokes later.
2) Fake Grill Marks
A lot of restaurants don’t even have a grill, but they still serve steaks and chicken. We all know steak taste better with grill marks, and restaurants know that. So they have irons to make the marks.
3) Better Than A Car Salesman
Servers are more than just waiters. They are excellent salesmen. Or at least, it’s their job to be. They are required to offer you extra sides, dessert, and more.
4) There Is Order To The Menu
Restaurant menus are set up a certain way. The most expensive things are at the top right, as that’s where people’s eyes travel first. Underneath that is what looks like the “best value” and might be what you order.
5) Don’t Go Out Too Late
The restaurant staff hates it when you arrive just before closing. It’s so infuriating, that your service will be at its worst and the food won’t be fresh.
6) Tip Pools Are Common
Before leaving your tip, keep in mind that a lot of restaurants require their servers to share tips. Think about that before using it to rate your server. Maybe even ask about it!
7) Holidays are Expensive
Instead of taking Mom out on Mother’s Day, take her out the weekend before or the week after. Item prices are spiked for holidays since people will be eating out more.
6) Don’t Eat Fish On Sundays
This is common knowledge, but there are still those who don’t know it. Fresh fish isn’t delivered on Sunday. So if you want fish, try a weekend afternoon.
9) They Have To Say, “My Pleasure”
The people at Chick-Fil-A are trained to say,”my pleasure,” as a response to almost everything. It can be annoying to some people, but give them a break, at least while the manager is around.
10) Kindness Butterfly Effect
It may not be your responsibility to keep the staff happy, but it does a lot of good to stay positive. Treat your server with respect, and they will treat the cook with respective, giving you better service and better food.
11) Soda Fountains Are Often Moldy
Think twice before drinking out of the soda fountain. They rarely clean them. Try asking your server when the last time they were cleaned or take a napkin and wipe the inside of the nozzle as a test.
12) Check Your Receipt
People make mistakes. While the computer does the math, your server takes down what you order. Check your ticket before paying to make sure everything is correct.
13) They All Snack On Your Food
The cooks eat off the stovetop and your server probably grabbed a fry before turning towards the front of the house. They get hungry and food is right in front of them.
14) Someone Else’s Bread
Bread is often recycled. If someone leaves some of their bread “untouched” then they usually put it in the next basket. Ask for fresh bread, the worst they can do is lie.
15) The Bathroom Says Everything
The cleanliness of the bathroom says a lot about a restaurant. If the bathroom is in tiptop shape, there’s probably a good chance the kitchen is too. Check the bathroom before you order.
16) It’s All The Same Dough
Medium and Large pizzas almost always are the same size. At least, the dough is the same size. They just spread the large thinner while the medium is thicker.
17) The Wait Time Is A Joke
Wait times are usually put in place so customers aren’t constantly asking how long it should be. It’s usally set a little longer than it actually takes so you’ll be relieved when they call you.
18) If The Pitcher Touches Your Cup, Leave
Whatever happens at your table, happens at other tables too. If the server touches your cup with the pitcher, it happened everywhere else too. Pay attention.
19) Your Food Is Probably Frozen
Most restaurants, especially chains, use more frozen food than fresh food. You may think your steak came out of the fridge, but it was actually delivered frozen last week.
20) Intentionally Loud Music
The music in restaurants is always intentional. They play music that makes you feel pressured so you’ll order fast and impulsively. Try ignoring the music when you order.
21) Friendly Staff Is A Good Sign
If the staff is happy, it means the work environment is good. Which means, service is better, the food is better, and the kitchen is cleaner. Happy staff means happy customers.
22) Stop Asking What To Get
Your server can’t tell you what they would order. They can only tell you what is popular and what is limited. Instead of asking their opinion, as for the facts.
23) The Special Is Leftovers
Whatever the special happens to be is probably whatever is leftover from the day before. Steer clear of specials and pay attention to what food they are trying to get rid of.
24) Don’t Order Mispelled Items
If something is mispelled, it’s not a mistake. It’s a way for them to get out of selling “real food” and giving you substitutes. If it says “krab” it is probably imitation.
25) Regulars Get Priority
This is just business. If someone comes in after you and is served first, it might mean that they are a regular and are treated differently. Maybe it’s not fair, but that’s the way it is.
26) Be Wary Of A Big Menu
A big menu means that none of the items are specialties, and most of it isn’t fresh. A smaller menu means the cooks know how to cook the food well and that they keep it fresh daily.
27) Skip The Garnish
Garnishes, especially on drinks, are the least sanitary food in the kitchen. They are kept on the countertop to make it easy all day long, gathering bacteria.
28) It Could Be The Cook’s Fault
People are quick to get mad at their server, but there’s a 50% chance that if your order is wrong or taking too long, it is because of the cook. Try to use logic when eating out.
29) Salad Isn’t Healthy
Just because it’s called salad, doesn’t mean that it’s healthy. More often than not, the salad is piled with dressing, oils, croutons, and other things that make it as unhealthy as anything else.
30) It Shouldn’t Smell Like Fish
If you walk into a seafood restaurant and it smells like fish, walk away. The restaurant should smell like the sea if anything. Fresh fish doesn’t smell strongly of fish, old fish does.
31) Carpet Is Bad
Carpet is not sanitary and should never be in a place that serves food. You wouldn’t put it in your kitchen as it’s a host for bacteria, germs, and moisture.
32) The Ice Machine Is Never Cleaned
While the soda machine is cleaned every few months, the ice machine is left alone. While ice doesn’t carry a lot of bacteria if untouched, it does carry enough to make a difference after a year.
33) Condiments Carry Bacteria
Those tableside condiments are never cleaned either. Every customer touches them and no one even cares. If you want cleaner condiments, try asking for some from the kitchen in a bowl.
34) Tea Is a Huge Hassle
Servers hate it when you ask for tea. They are the ones that have to make it, not the cooks. They need to heat water, let it set, and take up a lot of time that could be used for something else.
35) They Microwave A Lot
There’s a good chance that your food was cooked in the microwave. Even steaks! They cook them in their commercial microwaves and then use their grill mark iron to fool you.
36) Check The Salt
Salt is a good indicator of how clean the restaurant is. If there is caked on salt on the bottom or in the lid, then they don’t keep a very tidy place. It should all be loose.
37) It Might Be Decaf
Carrying around caffeinated coffee and decaf is such a hassle. A lot of the time, it doesn’t matter what you order, you’ll get decaf. They can’t do it the other way around or they’ll get sued.
38) They Should Allow Subs
If a restaurant says no substitutes, it’s not so you won’t offend the chef. It’s because their food is frozen or made the day before and cannot be substituted. Fresh food is easily subbed.
39) Buffets Are Unsanitary
You may never eat at a buffet again if you actually think about all the people who walk through, touching your food. There may be people coughing or sneezing too!
40) Thursdays Are The Freshest
The beginning of the week is used to use up weekend food. Most restaurants get deliveries on Wednesdays or Thursdays for the weekend, your best bet for fresh food.
41) Skip The Second Least Expensive Wine
The least expensive wine is there primarily so you can see that the second least expensive wine isn’t that bad. People don’t like to look like cheapskates, so they get the second least expensive. The most likely to be marked up.
42) Burrito Bowls Give You More Food
While a burrito is stuffed with a small amount of food, a burrito bowl is made to look appealing. Ask for extra tortillas and make your own burrito with the burrito bowl.
43) The Kitchen Is Hectic
While the front of the house is supposed to be in order and calm, the back is anything but. The cooks will yell, swear, and tell each other off. Think low-budget Gordan Ramsey.
44) The Maple Isn’t Real
Most of the time, unless it says “real maple” then it’s actually high fructose corn syrup and maple flavoring. Ask beforehand if the maple is 100% real or if it’s make with corn syrup.
45) Don’t Lie About Allergies
If you don’t like your food or want it done a certain way, no one is going to balk. Just be kind and honest and your server will probably appreciate it. If not, go ahead and speak to the manager, Karen.
46) Kids Are Served More Sugar
While kids do tend to be drawn to sugary foods, restaurants don’t help with this. They usually serve higher carb foods to kids. Their chicken nuggets have more sugar than your chicken tenders.
47) Three And A Half Minutes
At McDonald’s, they have three and a half minutes to make your food at the drive thru. If they don’t make it in time, their manager gives them a chewing out.
48) Plastic Trays Aren’t Washed Good
With all of those grooves, it would be hard for anyone to wash those trays. But at fast food chains, sometimes, they aren’t washed at all, simply taken from the top of the trash cans.
49) From Concentrate
Most orange juice, lemonade, and fruity drinks are not make from scratch. More often than not, they are made from concentrate, kept frozen until time to serve.
50) Box Up Your Own Food
Not only do servers not to a good job of boxing your food, but it takes time out of someone else’s service. Ask for a box and box it up yourself to help everyone. Even yourself.
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